Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 460 Disappointed Fenrir

Although the current timeline has become more and more different from the one in his memory, it has even begun to develop in a direction that no one knows about.

But no one knows whether Thanos, the mad titan, will directly play the idea of ​​space gems after Odin's death.

In order to prevent Sol from becoming a real loner, Rogge specially instructed him.

"Be careful of Thanos?"

However, Sol did not understand what Rogge meant at all.

Although Asgard is a cosmos-level civilization, it is different from the civilizations of the Kree Empire and Xandar. Asgard belongs to the kind of existence that does not like to deal with the outside world.

Aside from the Nine Realms, Asgard doesn't care about what's going on in the universe.

"Yes, watch out for Thanos!

"If you meet him, remember to contact me immediately, don't be brave!"

Because of his own reasons, the current Sol is weaker than the one in Rogge's memory.

According to the original timeline, now Thor should have completely awakened the power of thunder, instead of still foolishly thinking that he can only control lightning through Thor's hammer.

What's more, even the truly awakened Sol is still a long way from Thanos.

Without relying on foreign objects, after the awakening, Thor is still inferior to the unarmed Thanos.

The comparison is cruel, but it's true.

"Ok, I know!"

Sol did not continue to ask. Having known Rogge for so long, he knew that there were many unknown secrets in Rogge.

Since Rogge didn't take the initiative to mention it, he wouldn't ask for it somehow.

After instructing Thor, Rogge took the giant wolf Fenrir into the Rainbow Bridge and left Asgard.

Although Asgard rarely deals with cosmic civilizations outside the Nine Realms, the news of the death of Odin, the father of the gods, will soon spread throughout the universe.

At that time, it is uncertain how many ambitious guys will be eyeing Asgard.

Although he has a good relationship with Thor, it is impossible for Rogge to protect Asgard in place of Thor.

Protecting Asgard is the duty of the king of Asgard, and it is also Thor's first test after inheriting the throne.

Hulk and Tony went directly back to the Avengers headquarters in suburban New York through the Rainbow Bridge, while Roger took Fenrir back to the Konoha headquarters in Washington.

When Fenrir, who was four or five meters high at the shoulders and more than ten meters long, stepped out of the beam of light transmitted by the Rainbow Bridge, a harsh alarm sounded in Konoha headquarters.

But the alarm sounded just a few seconds before it was turned off by Hinata.

Because Rogge also walked out of the Rainbow Bridge.

Although Fenrir was larger, he walked out of the Rainbow Bridge earlier than Roger.

the reason is simple!

When it knew that it was going to the earth, it became like a husky going to the wild, and entered a state of exhilaration.

Even in the fully automatic teleportation beam like Rainbow Bridge, it couldn't help but run forward a certain distance, trying to reach the earth earlier.

However, when it actually walked out of the teleportation beam, its excitement disappeared immediately.

In Fenrir's memory, Earth was a land full of food.

However, the scene in front of him was completely different from what he remembered.

No grassland, no forest, no food.

There was an unpleasant smell in the air.

"What are you doing, let's go!"

Looking at Fenrir who was motionless, Rogge turned his head and urged.


After letting out a soft whimper in disappointment, Fenrir followed Rogge listlessly with his head down.

Although Fenrir doesn't seem to be a creature on Earth, since it is a pet brought back by Rogge, the people of Konoha are not surprised.

In the hearts of everyone in Konoha, Rogge is not only a powerful pronoun, but also a mysterious pronoun.

Even if he said one day that he was a god from ancient times, or an alien from another planet, they wouldn't think he was joking.

Because of her size, there is no room suitable for Fenrir in Konoha.

Therefore, Rogge took Fenrir directly to a fighter hangar at Konoha headquarters.

"You live here temporarily, and I'll let someone remodel the environment later to make it fit your taste a little bit.

"In Konoha headquarters, you can go wherever you can.

"In addition, I will ask Hinata to introduce you to the people in Konoha headquarters. That guy called hatred is your psychic beast senior. If you don't understand anything, you can..."

Having said this, Roger reacted.

Although Fenrir could hear them, they could not understand Fenrir's wolf language.

"Well, I will try to make you speak as much as possible, so that you can communicate with them in the future."

"Remember, you can't leave Konoha headquarters without my permission, understand?"

After Rogge finished speaking, Fenrir nodded weakly, and then lay down on the concrete floor of the hangar.

Seeing Fenrir's disappointed look, Roger also sighed helplessly.

Having Fenrir live in a hangar was indeed inappropriate.

But this is also impossible.

Although the psychic technique can ignore the distance to a certain extent, it can directly channel the psychic beast to the side of the caster.

But psychics are not omnipotent, and it is impossible to really ignore the distance and channel psychic beasts anywhere.

Keeping Fenrir in Asgard would be basically the same as abandoning it altogether.

Although it has not been rigorously calculated, the limit distance of spiritism should be almost the distance of a planet.

As long as it is on the same planet, no matter how psychic it is, it will not fail.

But as long as this distance is exceeded, the probability of failure increases dramatically.

"Don't be so listless. After people outside know that you are my wolf, as long as you don't enter the city where humans live, you can go anywhere you want!"

Touching Fenrir's huge wolf head, Rogge comforted him.

After comforting Fenrir, Rogge performed quantum teleportation and returned to his office.

Introducing Konoha's people to Fenrir doesn't require him to do it himself, Hinata will naturally arrange everything.

"Hinata, project Dr. Connors' recent research report."

As soon as the voice fell, a virtual display screen was displayed in front of Rogge, which recorded the latest research progress of Dr. Connors.

Before he left Earth, Dr. Connors had begun research on the Super Skrulls.

Counting the time, more than half a month has passed.

Roger frowned after going through Dr. Connors' recent research report in detail.

Although Dr. Connors is the most proficient in the field of biology in Konoha, it is a pity that he is still a long way from super geniuses like Tony and Banner.

Even with the living bodies of three Super Skrulls, the progress of Dr. Connors is still not optimistic.

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