Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 462 God Lord Doom and the Fantastic Four (8K)

If you have the opportunity, be sure to go to meet this "magic and technology double cultivation" Lord Doom for a while.

No less than Iron Man's high-tech armor, the magic level that can compete with Doctor Strange.

It would be a pity if such a hero did not see each other.

If Rogge remembered correctly, Lord Doom had a similar experience to himself.

Doctor Doom Victor von Doum, is one of the few people on earth who fought against the lord of hell Mephisto and came back alive.

Moreover, in terms of the number of fights with Mephisto, the lord of hell, Lord Doom is much more than Rogge.

Lord Doom's mother, Cynthia, was a gypsy witch who prayed to the underworld lord Mephisto for strength in order to rebel against King Vladimir who ruled Latovonia at the time.

As a result, it was no different from the previous supplicants. The mother of Divine Lord Doum was deceived by Mephisto, and her soul was imprisoned in hell, becoming Mephisto's plaything.

After overthrowing the old king's rule, Lord Doom summoned Mephisto and accepted Mephisto's bet.

Every year, Mephisto gives Lord Doom a chance to fight for his mother's freedom.

Winning, his mother's soul was freed and ascended to heaven.

If he loses, the people of Latovonia will despise him.

Every time he loses, his people treat him with more contempt.

If he loses too many times, Doom will become the most useless fool in Latvian history.

Lord Doom made the town where his mother Cynthia died as the new capital of Latovonia.

When the blizzard came, he would come to the deepest dungeon in Latovonia to fight for the freedom of his mother Cynthia.

In Rogge's memory, Lord Doom finally united with Doctor Strange and successfully deceived Mephisto, allowing his mother to be redeemed and ascended to heaven.

However, this is only the memory before his transmigration. As for whether this future will develop like this, he is not sure now.

After all, his legendary junior brother, Doctor Strange, has not yet gone to Kama Taj, let alone inherit the title of the Supreme Master of the Ancient One.

Although Lord Doom is a villain, to be honest, Rogge still appreciates him.

Apart from deceiving the U.S. military once, he didn't do anything wrong. (Note 1)

From the perspective of the Latvian people, he could even be regarded as a generation of monarchs who liberated Latvinia.

Rogge doesn't quite know what other people think of God Lord Doom.

However, from his point of view, he very much appreciates the behavior of the Lord Doom who did not hesitate to fight against the lord of hell Mephisto in order to save the soul of his mother.

After temporarily letting go of his admiration for Lord Doom, he opened the information that the intelligence department had long collected.

Although Lord Doum basically does not leave Latovonia very much now, Rogge has not forgotten to let the intelligence department collect his information.

After browsing the information collected by the intelligence department, he found that the life experience of Lord Doom was basically not much different from what he remembered.

Born in Latvinia, his mother was a gypsy witch and his father was a doctor.

While rebelling against the old king's rule, some of his gizmos caught the attention of the American military, which brought him to the United States.

During his days in the United States, he received a professional scientific education and invented many new weapons for the military.

It was also during this period that Lord Doom met Mr. Fantastic Reed, who was also studying in the academy.

In the end, he was expelled from the school because of an experimental accident, and he was also disfigured.

Although the military didn't mind the little accident he made, he had no plans to continue to stay in the United States, destroyed all the inventions he left to the military, and quietly left the United States.

The information on the God of Dumu in the United States is the most complete. It even records which dormitory he lived in at the time and which girl he almost had a super-friendship relationship with.

However, the detailed records stop there.

What follows is some scattered information.

For example, after the disfigurement, the Lord Doum returned to Latovonia at an unknown time, and then relied on the destruction robot and magic he invented to overthrow the old king's rule.

At the end of the intelligence, there is the internal structure and programming algorithm of the destruction robot that the intelligence department deliberately collected.

Although Konoha's intelligence department is not weak, it is not strong enough to inquire about top-secret information of other countries at will.

The reason why they were able to obtain these materials for destroying the robot is purely because the Lord Doom regarded these materials as a compulsory subject for Latvian high school students and the content of their graduation exams.

According to the information collected by the intelligence department, this is a decision made by the God of Doum in order to raise the next generation's awareness of danger in times of peace, and to improve the Latvian citizens' ability to protect themselves and fight back in times of national disaster. (Note 2)

I have to say that this approach of Lord Doom is very personal.

But Rogge appreciates his approach.

What is a hero, that's it!

If it wasn't for the lack of a chance, Rogge really wanted to have a drink with this Lord Doom.


Time passed by day by day, because Rogge had just finished executing Sol's entrustment, so Rogge didn't have much interest in going out to hang out these few days, and stayed at Konoha headquarters to digest the reward he just got.

In addition to the 350 Ninja Coins rewarded by the commission, he now has 660 unconsumed Ninja Coins.

Although there are a lot of them, but now he doesn't have anything in particular that he wants to exchange, so he didn't exchange any new ninjutsu or blood for himself.

In the past few days, his main thoughts have been on the eternal fire.

Like Hellfire, Eternal Fire is a supernatural special fire.

In terms of energy level, Eternal Fire is slightly higher than Hell.

However, unlike Hellfire, which can be perfectly matched with humans, Eternal Fire does not fit well with humans.

The Eternal Fire is the most powerful treasure of the flame giant Surtur, and when combined with his crown, can allow him to grow to a terrifying level that destroys Asgard with a single sword.

Although Rogge has obtained the eternal fire that Surtur dreams of getting back, but now there is an embarrassing problem in front of him.

He is not the flame giant Surtur, and he can't be a perfect fit with the eternal fire.

It's not difficult for him to simply use Eternal Fire.

But if it is simply used, it is undoubtedly a great waste of eternal fire.

As a "financially minded" ninja, he has absolutely no tolerance for such wasteful behavior.

After earnestly studying for three days and confirming that he could not maximize the power of the eternal fire with his own abilities, he remembered his cheap teacher.

Supreme Mage Ancient One!

There is no one of the strongest mage on earth.

Even if the scope is expanded to the entire universe, the Supreme Mage Gu Yi is one of the strongest peak existences in the field of magic.

At this time, Rogge once again understood why those fellow travelers were keen to take an old grandfather with them.

If you have difficulty, find a teacher!

As he said, Rogge used quantum teleportation to come to Fenrir's "new home" and wake it up while it was taking a nap.

"Get up and go see my teacher with me!"

Before Fenrir was completely awake, he opened the portal to Kama Taj, and then drove the confused Fenrir into the portal.

If you just go to see the ancient one, Rogge can go there alone.

In order to prevent Fenrir from being attacked by Kama Taj's mages as monsters from another world in the future, it is necessary for him to introduce Fenrir to Kama Taj's people in advance.

Although most of the mages in Kama Taj are unlikely to be Fenrir's opponents, the process of going through is still to go.

At least after doing so, the people at Kama Taj knew that Fenrir was his wolf, enjoying his protection.

Of course, if something happened to Fenrir, he would take full responsibility.

It is very irresponsible to only enjoy the pleasure brought by pets and not be responsible for their behavior.

Before crossing, he was extremely disgusted with those irresponsible "shit shoveling officers"!

Just like when he returned to Konoha headquarters, when Fenrir appeared at Kama Taj, it immediately put Kama Taj on alert.

But when they saw Rogge riding on Fenrir's back, the mages quickly calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

"You stay here and don't go anywhere. If someone wants to come and touch you, you should bear it first."

After speaking, Rogge left Fenrir alone in the square and quickly disappeared in front of him.

Not long after, he came to the familiar reception hall and saw Gu Yi who was still making tea.

I don't know if it was his own illusion. When he saw Gu Yi again, he felt that there was something different about his cheap teacher.

But what exactly is different, he can't tell, it's just a pure intuition.


Rogge said respectfully, and then sat on the futon opposite Gu.

"Life and death are one of the fundamental laws of the world.

"It's not a good habit to bring a dead life back to the world."

Gu Yi's tone was as calm as ever, but Rogge could hear that she was implying that her approach was a bit over the line.

"Just this time, there won't be another time."

After taking the honey tea handed over by Gu Yi, Rogge explained silently.

"Tell me, what happened when you came here this time?"

After taking a sip of the freshly brewed honey tea, Gu Yicai spoke again.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want to ask the teacher if you have any information about the eternal fire."

As soon as the words fell, Rogge summoned a small cluster of eternal fire to his right hand, showing the eternal fire in front of Gu Yi.

After he summoned the eternal fire, Gu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he picked up the folding fan on the table with his left hand, and forcibly guided the eternal fire burning in his right hand onto the folding fan.

Does this work too?

Although he watched Gu Yi use the folding fan to draw the eternal fire away from his hand, Rogge didn't feel anything different.

He couldn't even see what kind of tactics Gu Yi used.

Seniors are seniors!

It's mysterious and unpredictable.

Rogge sighed silently in his heart, and then patiently waited for Gu Yi's answer.

"The last time I saw the eternal fire was in Odin's treasury. In the blink of an eye, it was a different person."

Gu Yi, who has always been calm, showed a rare expression of regret.

"This is the treasure of the flame giant Surtur, you should be very clear about this.

"Looking at your appearance, you should want to know how to fully exert the power of eternal fire."

Gu glanced at Rogge before continuing: "The eternal fire is a treasure bound to Surtur's soul. No one can use the power of the eternal fire to the limit except him. No, neither can I.

"To a certain extent, you can understand Eternal Fire as Surtur's exclusive weapon.

"Although the eternal fire cannot be brought into play to the level of Surtur, it is not impossible to make the most of its power."

Having said that, Gu Yi paused for a while, and let the eternal flame on the folding fan fly back to Rogge.

"In scientific terms, you can think of Eternal Fire as 'controlled nuclear fusion', the so-called artificial sun.

"However, when using this artificial sun, you need to prepare the corresponding instruments in advance.

"For example, Surtur's Twilight Sword.

"Of course, if you just want to find more ways to use it, there are quite a few corresponding books in the library, you can borrow them."

After speaking, Gu Yi stopped talking and tasted the honey tea in front of him seriously.

"Thank you teacher, I will visit you next time."

Rogge did not continue to disturb Gu Yi, left the reception hall and returned to the square outside.

"I'm going to be here for a while, do you want to go back to headquarters, or do you want to stay here with me."

In a short time, he is not going to leave Kama Taj.

At least he will not leave until the Eternal Fire is initially integrated into the existing combat power system.


"Okay, I see. I'll tell the people here, you can go outside to play, but only if you don't hurt people, can you do it?"


Fenrir answered excitedly, and tried to lick Roger with his tongue.

But before it had time to stick out its tongue, Rogge disappeared in front of it.

After speaking to the mage in charge of dealing with otherworldly creatures, he returned to Fenrir and opened the portal to the Himalayas.

He didn't need his orders, when the portal opened, Fenrir ran in like a runaway husky.

Looking at Fenrir who looked like a mad dog, Roger sighed helplessly.

While he was talking to Gu Yi, Fenrir saw the Himalayas in the distance, and he couldn't hold back his longing for nature.

Out of respect for Fenrir and for his mental health, Roger agreed to Fenrir's small request.

As for whether Fenrir's appearance would arouse the outside world's attention to the magical creatures in the Himalayas, he did not take it to heart.

He has already considered that if Fenrir is discovered by the outside world, he will announce the existence of Fenrir on the grounds that he has captured prehistoric mysterious creatures.

If not found, it's even simpler.

It is said that Fenrir is a new breed of pet dog that Konoha has recently improved.

Meek and faithful, warm and friendly, smart and alert, they are the most loyal and reliable friends of people in the future.

As for whether people will believe this, it is not difficult for Konoha to have a good reputation among people.

After releasing Fenrir, Rogge came to the room where he lived and put on Kama Taj's standard mage robe.

Even if he changed the mage robe or not, other mage knew that he was a student of Gu Yi.

But, do as the Romans do!

Since you plan to study at Kama Taj for a period of time, it is best to follow the customs of Kama Taj.

This has nothing to do with power status, it is purely a matter of respect.

In this way, Rogge once again started his learning journey in Kama Taj.

Unlike the last time, last time he was taught by Gu Yi himself, but this time, he can only teach himself.


Extraterrestrial space, private research space station.

"The cosmic storm is accelerating, and it will be here in minutes, not hours!"

Reed Richards, who was wearing a light blue uniform, said nervously to Susan Stone next to him.

"We have less than 6 minutes left!"

After checking the latest observation data, the blonde Susan said anxiously.


After getting the latest data, Reed scolded and ran quickly towards the other side of the space station.

"Ben, come in right now!"

Running to the observation room, Reed used the communicator he carried with him to contact Ben, who was working outside the space station.

"I'm only halfway done, top student."

Ben, who was wearing a spacesuit, turned to look at the observation room and replied with a smile.

"Ben, come back now!"

Reed said again.

Ben could hear Reed's anxiety. After working with Reed for so many years, it was the first time he heard Reed's anxious tone.

Although he didn't know what happened, Ben decided to follow Reid's reminder and return to the space station.

However, the moment he turned around, he saw a cosmic vision he had never seen before.

In the orange-red cosmic storm, energy beams like golden lightning flashed.

This cosmic storm, which is even more gorgeous than the aurora, is rapidly approaching the space station at a terrifying speed.

"Brothers, I can't go back!"

Ben said with a wry smile in a tone of resignation.

"Ben, jump over, this is the only way!"

At this point, Susan's brother Johnny gave his own advice.

At the same time, Susan in the main control room ignored the reminders of other staff and ran to the observation room.

However, she did not expect that just as she ran out of the door of the main control room, the staff inside activated the protective cover to completely isolate the main control room.

From the point of view of safe operation procedures, there is nothing wrong with what these workers do.

But at this time, their choice is a little bit inhumane.

Susan ignored the gradually closing protective cover and continued to run towards the observation room.

Reed and Ben, Susan's classmates and friends.

And it was her brother Johnny who really prompted her to risk her way to the observation room.

As a sister, she can't do nothing when her brother is in danger.

When Susan rushed to the observation room, Ben, wearing a heavy space suit, also made the craziest jump in his life so far.

At the moment Ben took off, the cosmic storm caused by the coronal solar wind came to the space station and rushed over their bodies like waves.

Ben in outer space, Reed and Johnny in the observation room, and Susan in the runway were all completely swallowed by the cosmic storm at this moment.


Rogge's boring learning process in Kama Taj lasted for more than half a month.

When he read dozens of magic books five or six centimeters thick, he finally ended this boring magic learning journey.

The more he learns magical theories that are completely different from technological civilization, the more he admires the Lord Doom.

Compared with the mainstream scientific and technological civilization on earth, magic explains the existence of this world from another angle.

The collision of two different civilizations has brought about subversive changes in understanding.

Even with the magic foundation laid by Gu Yi and the ninjutsu theories he mastered, the study of these magic theories still gave him a headache.

After saying goodbye to Koichi, Roger returned to the Konoha headquarters in Washington alone.

Although he did not bring Fenrir back, he was not worried that Fenrir would disappear.

With spiritism, there is no possibility of Fenrir disappearing.

After returning to his room to take a comfortable bath and enjoy a comfortable afternoon nap, he came to his office again.

During the time he was studying magic, Hinata moved all the research projects on androids in the "Konoha Technology Laboratory" to the Hidden Village of Konoha on the planet Tatooine.

In order to complete the research as soon as possible, Hinata even transmitted his main program and changed his position with No. 2 in Konoha Hidden Village.

Now, it is Hinata No. 2 who is in charge of Konoha headquarters.

"Number two, is there any recent news about mysterious creatures in the Himalayas?"


As soon as the words fell, No. 2 projected the relevant news in front of Rogge.

Although the Himalayas are sparsely visited, many mountaineers and aborigines have discovered the traces of Fenrir.

In addition to the pictures taken by these mountaineers and the aborigines, Fenrir's trace was also discovered by reporters from some news channels.

"A giant wild wolf appeared in the Himalayas, suspected to be a prehistoric ancient creature!"

"Prehistoric giants appear! Top biologists gather in the Himalayas!"

"The magic wolf in myth? The view of a researcher of Norse mythology."

"Signs of doomsday! The countdown to the destruction of human civilization!"


Different from the previous news of unknown creatures, these recently published news, without exception, have taken clearly visible photos.

One of the most intuitive pictures is that Fenrir came to a photographer and ate the photographer's transportation, a workhorse that had just come of age.

The image of Fenrir opening his bloody mouth and quickly devouring the workhorse was completely captured by the photographer, allowing audiences all over the world to understand a fact they should have known for a long time.

Wild wolves are dangerous!

The huge wild wolf in the wild is even more dangerous!

"Number two, prepare a press conference in the name of Konoha, and the content of the release includes the following three points.

"First, Konoha captured this prehistoric giant wolf out of public safety concerns.

"Second, after communication, this giant wolf named Fenrir expressed his willingness to join the Konoha Intelligence Bureau.

"Thirdly, Konoha agreed to the application of the giant wolf Fenrir, and reached a consensus on friendly cooperation to jointly maintain world security."

Although this is a completely unreasonable statement, and it can even be regarded as very fooling, but Rogge doesn't care about it at all.

He just needed a chance to announce Fenrir publicly, whether the others believed it or not was their problem.

If they have any dissatisfaction, they can ask Fenrir Ben Wolf in person.

However, he estimated that no one would dare to do so, and Fenrir would definitely ignore them.

"Okay, the press conference is scheduled for one o'clock tomorrow afternoon, at the headquarters square."

Number two responded quickly.

"Reed Richards and the others have not returned to Earth. If they do, send them an invitation letter from Konoha and invite them to come to Konoha."

After the Fenrir matter was settled, Roger turned his attention back to Reed.

"A week ago, the space station Reed Richards was on was hit by a cosmic storm, and research was forced to abort.

"They are currently being quarantined in hospital to check for radiation from the cosmic storm.

"The test results are normal, they can be discharged tomorrow, here is their physical examination report."

After speaking, No. 2 projected the inspection report of the four Reeds.

"Send them an invitation letter first, and arrange a special team to pick them up by the way. I hope to see the four of them after the press conference."

Rogge didn't even look at the inspection report given by No. 2.

Since Reed and the others suffered a cosmic storm, their fate was also doomed.

Fantastic Four!

Whether they like it or not, this is the rest of their lives.

As for why the hospital's inspection report shows normal, the reason is also very simple.

Because the radiation effects of cosmic storms have not yet begun, they are now in the final stages of normal human beings.

After a while, they can completely say goodbye to their normal human identities.

The next afternoon, the press conference about Fenrir was held on time, and Rogge also channeled Fenrir, who was having fun in the Himalayas, back in advance.

He did not attend the press conference, but gave the task to Frank the Punisher.

Just as he guessed, when Frank uttered the excuse he casually made up yesterday, all the reporters present showed the expression of "what are you kidding".

Although they knew this was an excuse to fool people, they wisely chose to shut up after seeing Fenrir lying beside Frank.

The press conference ended smoothly according to the established process, and Fenrir also officially became a Konoha agent with a legal system.

Not long after the press conference, Rogge met the future Fantastic Four in the conference room.

Just as he remembered, what appeared to be a researcher at first sight was Reed Richards, the future Mister Fantastic.

The strong man with the bald head is Ben Graeme, a former Marine Corps pilot, now a NASA astronaut, the future Stone Man.

The youngest and most handsome, is Johnny Stone, a rebellious, do-it-yourself mechanic and racing driver, the future Human Torch.

As for the last one, it's the future Invisible Woman, Susan Stone.

Like her younger brother Johnny, Susan has a good appearance, a good face, a bumpy figure, and an amazing professionalism.

"Hello, first meeting, I'm Rogge, the current director of Konoha Intelligence Bureau!"

After seeing the four of Reed coming in, Rogge, who was sitting on the sofa, took the initiative to stand up and introduce himself.

"Hello, my name is Reed!"

Reed introduced himself with a puzzled look on his face, and then shook hands with Roger.

After the beginning of Reed, the remaining three people also introduced themselves.

"Just sit down, you don't have to be so nervous, I'm not a bad person.

"Everyone who knows me knows that I am a very kind person."

Rogge said with a smile, then sat on the sofa opposite the four of them.

However, his explanation did not ease the tension of the four Reed, but made them even more cramped.

This can't blame the four Reeds for being too nervous. After all, Rogge's image in the outside world has been a little too overbearing.

Coupled with his identity as a superhero, the four Reed, who are ordinary people, can't help but feel a pressure and tension that seems to come from biological instinct.

"The four of you are professionals in your respective fields. This time I invite you to come here, I hope you can join Konoha and help Konoha better maintain world peace."

Rogge did not tell them about the Super Skrulls, but directly invited the four of them to join Konoha.

"Mr. Rogge, I'm sorry, we all have our own research, and it may not be convenient to join Konoha."

After more than ten seconds of silence, Reed cautiously expressed his opinion.

"I don't object to your own research, but what I want to say is that adding Konoha will make it easier for you to carry out your own research."

"Whether it's equipment, funds, or personnel, Konoha can provide everything you need!

"If the information I got is correct, Reed, your Baxter House fourth installment is about to be overdue."

Normally, a genius scientist is unlikely to be short of money.

Especially in a capitalist society like the United States.

However, not every genius scientist survives the initial primitive accumulation phase.

The more high-end the research project, the larger the resources required.

Technology requires economic support.

"Can we really get everything we need?"

It was not Reed who spoke, but the youngest Johnny.

"Yes, everything! Including your little hobbies, Konoha can satisfy you!"

Among the four of Reed, Johnny is definitely the most tempting one.

Greed for money, lascivious, go his own way, pursue hedonism!

"I'll join!"

After getting Rogge's affirmative reply, Johnny agreed without thinking.

"Wise decision, you are welcome to join!"

With Johnny's good start, the rest becomes much easier.

Johnny joined, and Susan naturally joined.

As for Reed and Ben, after thinking carefully for a few minutes, they finally agreed to Rogge's invitation.

The future Fantastic Four is now Konoha.

PS: Thank you for the reward of the starting point coins that are immortal and immortal, thank you for your support~~

Note 1: The setting of the God of Doom used here is the setting in the origin comics, not the setting in the movie "Fantastic Four". The Doum in the movie is not worthy of the name of God of Doom at all...

Note 2: This is also the original setting in the origin comics. It is a part of the personality of the Lord of Doom, not made up by the apprentice...

Finally, let me say a little news. The editor in charge suddenly contacted me this afternoon and let me explode for a while...

So from today until the end of the month, at least 8K updates are guaranteed every day, and there will be occasional 1W updates for a few days...

At the end of the last month of 2020, I solemnly ask for a monthly pass, please everyone...

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