Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 473: The Next Crazy Plan

"Crazy? You call that crazy?"

Rogge moved his left hand, which had not been fully recovered, and turned around and asked in doubt.

"You... Forget it, I will arrange for someone to deliver the magic materials you want."

Looking at the indifferent Rogge, Doom felt for the first time that he never seemed to really see through his thoughts.

Ever since he knew of Rogge's existence, Doom has always thought that Rogge is a person who can only act according to his own mood.

But now, he felt that he had guessed wrong.

Rogge is simply not a man of his own accord, he is a lunatic who walks between madness and calmness.

When he is calm, he can persuade others only by his eloquence, and he is as meticulous as he can see through the inner thoughts of others.

And when he became crazy, he was a lunatic who didn't even care about the lord of hell.

These two completely different personalities appeared on him at the same time, making it extremely difficult for him to guess.

Even if you get along with him day and night, you may not be able to guess his true thoughts.

Doom doesn't worry about his opponent's thoughtfulness, nor does he worry about his opponent's madness.

But he didn't want his opponent to be someone who jumped between cool and crazy.

Being an opponent with such a person is a very troublesome thing.

Especially when this person still has decent strength, it will make people even more confused about how to start.

After destroying the portal to hell, Doom took Rogge back to the original meeting room, waiting for the guards to deliver the reward Rogge needed.

"When are you going to hell next time?"

While waiting, Doom asked a question that he was quite curious about.

Although Doom returned to Earth first, he also heard the last conversations between Rogge and Mephisto, so he took the initiative to provoke this topic. .

"I'm not sure yet. If it's fast, it might be gone in a few months. If it's slow, it may take ten or eight years."

Rogge replied silently, and carefully checked his physical condition.

On the one hand, he didn't want to leave any dark wounds on his body.

On the other hand, it is to check whether Mephisto has secretly left a mark on his body or is behind him.

Dealing with hell demons, especially with Mephisto, the hell lord, can't be too careful.

"Can I ask, why are you still going?

"You have seen Mephisto's strength. It is not a very wise thing to be an enemy of him in hell."

Doom wondered why Roger had to go to hell.

Hell is not a tourist destination, let alone that there is such a powerful existence as Hell Lord Mephisto.

The most important thing is that Rogge has offended Mephisto to death.

As long as Rogge appears in hell, Doom can guarantee that Mephisto will do his best to deal with him without any hesitation and pity.

Although Doom didn't know the existence of the Ten Fist Sword that Rogge finally used, he knew that Rogge's sword directly took away part of Mephisto's power.

As a professional scholar who has studied Hell and Mephisto for over a decade, Doom knows exactly what that means.

"It's very simple, because, I don't like to lose!"

After confirming that there is no hidden danger in his body, Rogge replied with a smile.

"Just for this reason, you're going to hell again?"

Doom found himself beginning to lose track of Roger's thoughts.

"Isn't this a normal thing? As the saying goes, where you fall, you have to get up from there.

"Counting this time, I've already lost to Mephisto twice, so no matter what, I have to go to hell to find my way back."

Rogge's answer was very calm, but his answer made Doom reconfirm that he was a lunatic.

It's normal to not like to lose.

Competing and not admitting defeat are the innate instincts of life.

Those who choose to be comfortable and not enterprising have long been eliminated in the long river of evolution.

"I'm beginning to understand why you can become the fourth-generation Hokage with a prestigious reputation in just a few short years."

After speaking, Doom fell silent, waiting patiently for the guards to arrive.

Both Rogge and Doom were very patient people. In the following time, they looked at each other with big eyes and didn't say a word, as if whoever spoke first would admit defeat.

When this oppressive silence lasted for nearly thirty minutes, Doom's robot guards finally pushed in Rogge's reward.

These intelligent robot guards walked in with food-delivery-like carts, one cart after another, one by one.

When the last robot came in with a cart, the originally spacious living room became crowded like a market.

"These are the magic materials you want, and they're all here."

Doom pointed to the magic books piled up like a hill on the cart, and said calmly.

"I was wondering just now whether you gave me the text version or the electronic version.

"I didn't expect you to be more aggressive than I thought, and you actually delivered the original version directly."

Rogge picked up a recent thick magic book and browsed a few pages at random.

Similar to the collection of books in the Kama Taj Library, this magic book is also an ancient book that has been circulated for many years.

"You helped me rescue my mother, and this reward is nothing."

Doom didn't mind Roger taking the ancient books.

Not to mention that he has read all the contents of these magic books, even if he forgets it later, he still has a lot of backups.

One of the benefits of the technology era is that the storage and transmission of knowledge has become extremely simple.

Even the manufacturing principles of nuclear weapons can be easily found on the Internet.

For example, in the 1970s, an economics student at Harvard University in the United States completed a more than 400-page "Manufacturing Method of Nuclear Bombs" relying on the public materials in the library. (Note 1)

This was still in the 1970s, the 1970s when the Internet was only a few years old.

The Internet at that time was not the Internet of today. After all, the Internet with search functions was only invented in 1989.

"I am very satisfied with these rewards!"

While speaking, Rogge swarmed out a chakra hand composed of chakras, put away the magic books on these trolleys one by one, and then threw them into the psychic scroll.

Looking at the chakra hands gushing out of Rogge's body, Doom's evaluation of him also slightly improved.

It is not difficult to build energy into the shape you want.

But like Rogge, he can condense hundreds of energy arms of different lengths at one time, and it is not possible for anyone to control these arms delicately.

To be precise, not many people can do it.

This level of control not only requires an extremely precise level of energy control, but also requires the user to have computer-like multi-thread processing capabilities, so that it is possible to control hundreds of arms at the same time.

Just when Rogge put away the psychic scroll and planned to open the portal back to Konoha headquarters, Doom said again: "This time, I owe you a favor. If you hadn't proposed this plan, I would have no way to make it happen. Mother's soul is redeemed."

"If you need any help in the future, you can contact me at any time."

When Rogge showed a little bit of his superb level of energy manipulation, Doom decided to establish more connections with him.

It is always good to have a relationship with such a strong person.

"You don't owe me anything, it's just fair cooperation, you rescued your mother, and I get what I want.

"Equivalent exchange, the old man is not deceived."

Roger pointed to the cars that had been completely emptied.

Of course, this is just his face to Doomming.

What he really wanted was a ninja coin that Doom didn't even know about.

After he put all the magic books promised by Doom into the psychic scroll, he opened the commission page of the system and took a look.

"Entrustment content: Assist Doctor Doom of Destruction and free Cynthia's soul; Entrustment status: Completed; Entrustment reward: 250 Ninja Coins have been sent!"

With these 250 ninja coins, his unconsumed ninja coins reached 910, which was only 90 away from the last 1,000 mark.

"But when it comes to helping, I really have a plan. I don't know if you are interested."

Rogge did not directly reject Doom's kindness.

"what's the plan?"

Doom asked calmly.

"The flame giant Surtur, you should know him, right?"

Rogge did not directly say what his plan was. If Doom didn't even know who the flame giant Surtur was, he would not be eligible to join his plan.

"The flame giant Surtur is the ruler of Muspelheim, but it is said that he was defeated by Odin of Asgard a long time ago, and he was also deprived of the most important treasure, the Eternal Fire."

As a person who once pursued magical mysteries all over the world, Doom is of course not unfamiliar with Surtur.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't have a way to go to other countries in the Nine Realms, he would have gone to see other countries in the Nine Realms long ago.

"The eternal fire is with me now!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge summoned a small cluster of eternal fire, and let the eternal fire burn slowly at his fingertips.

"You actually got the eternal fire. It seems that the news that Odin has died some time ago is not a rumor."

Although Doom has never been to other planets and countries, this does not mean that his information channels will be blocked.

For a mage, especially a mage who has mastered a lot of magic, it is not particularly difficult to communicate with a life in another country.

"Odin has indeed fallen, but this has nothing to do with my plan. Because the place I intend to go is Muspelheim."

"Tell me about your plan?"

Doom also began to wonder what Roger was thinking about.

"What about the plan to conquer Muspelheim?"

Looking at Doom, who had obviously been aroused by interest, Rogge said calmly.

PS: This is a real case, you can search if you are interested...

The Internet started in 1969 and was first used in the military field. It was not until 1991 that it officially entered the civilian field and was open to the whole society...

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