Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 479 The Bat Must Die

As to whether hell and heaven exist, Rogge is convinced.

After all, he just returned from hell not long ago, and he personally planned Doom's mother Cynthia's plan to ascend to heaven.

However, this does not mean that he believes in the legendary Adam and Eve, and that Cain is the third human being in the world.

Heaven and hell are real, but it does not mean that the legend of Adam and Eve is real.

In Norse mythology, Odin and Thor are also gods, and Asgard is the so-called domain of gods.

But in fact, Asgard is just a special existence in the universe, and Odin and Thor are just powerful aliens.

To give a very simple example, if he really believed that the legends were true, he would have believed that Odin's eight-legged horse, Repnir, was born after Loki became a mare. (Note 1)

But then again, this might be true.

Based on Rogge's understanding of Loki, he may really do some surprising things in pursuit of a moment's excitement when he is young and frivolous.

What's more, Luo Ji has some bad previous records.

After shaking his head to dispel the goosebumps in his mind, Rogge said to Daisy: "After you have dealt with the matter here, go back to the headquarters directly, and I will handle the rest!"


Although Daisy didn't know what Rogge was going to do, since he took the initiative to speak, Daisy could only obey his orders.

After explaining Daisy, Rogge came to the Blade Warrior who had initially recovered from his injuries.

"Get up if you don't die. I'm a little interested in the vampire hunter profession now. So, I need an experienced guide."

Aside from the Blades, Roger doesn't know any other vampire hunters.

In fact, until he asked the Blades just now, he didn't know that the vampire hunters had developed into a small independent society.

For a long time, he thought that the vampire hunter was just a nominal title, like a keyboard powerhouse, or a great onmyoji or something.

However, it turns out that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Even the unpopular professions such as vampire hunter have their own small rivers and lakes.

Like Daisy, the Blades didn't know what Rogge was going to do.

But under the huge gap in strength with no hope of victory at all, no matter how unreasonable Rogge's request is, the Blade Warrior can only accept this choice.

As a vampire hunter with half human and half vampire bloodline, Blade Warrior has his own obsession.

He must not die until he kills that vampire who must be killed!

In any case, he would end that vampire's life with his own hands, no matter what the cost.

Rogge left the warehouse with the Blades and began to head to the Blades' secret base.

"Is this your vehicle?"

Glancing at the black Ducati Monster 696 parked by the Blade Warrior, Roger asked casually.

"To hunt down vampires, motorcycles are better than cars."

The blade warrior answered.

Rogge did not like to ride other men's motorcycles. After seeing that the vehicle of the Blade Warrior was a motorcycle, he channeled his own vehicle.

Dodge Tomahawk!

When he went to hell with Johnny Ghost Rider, he drove a Dodge Tomahawk in hell for a while.

The excellent performance of the Dodge Tomahawk left him with a good driving experience.

More importantly, he has yet to find a motorcycle that suits his taste better than the Dodge Tomahawk.

So after leaving hell later, he bought a new Dodge Tomahawk.

For Johnny Ghost Rider, the Dodge Tomahawk is something he wants to buy but can't afford.

For Rogge, the Dodge Tomahawk is no different from a one-time use item.

After all, the life of the rich is so unpretentious and boring.

"Dodge Tomahawk? It's not road legal, you'd better get another one."

Blade fighter did not expect that Rogge would call out a Dodge Tomahawk directly, reminding him silently.

"Do you obey traffic rules and wait for traffic lights when you are chasing a vampire?"

Not on the road legally, what a joke.

They are all people who are wandering in the extraordinary world, who would care about these things.

And even if he violated the traffic regulations, it has nothing to do with him.

Illegal driving is Namikaze Minato, what does it have to do with me, Rogge.

Rogge has no plans to change back to his original appearance. He is not planning to give up the identity of the special forces player Namifeng Minato.

The blade fighter who was refuted by Rogge was stunned for a moment, and then he started the motorcycle directly and drove towards his secret base.

After driving the head-turning Dodge Tomahawk to follow the Blade through the streets of Los Angeles for a while, Roger finally arrived at the Blade's secret base in Los Angeles.

Similar to what he imagined, the Blade Warrior is not the kind of superhero with particularly good economic conditions.

This can be seen from the equipment he uses and the environment of the base.

The secret base of the Blades is located in the slums south of Los Angeles, where a large number of low-level blacks and Mexicans live, and the security environment is far from comparable to the north.

In fact, what people know as Los Angeles is just north of Los Angeles.

For example, Hollywood, Lakers, Caltech, etc., are all in the north.

As for the South, it's downright ghetto.

One city, two worlds!

Los Angeles has proved with facts that what is called heaven and hell is only separated by a wall.

However, none of this has anything to do with Roger's plans.

Of course, if the plan ends smoothly this time, he doesn't mind buying a "small house" of his own in Beverly Hills, a high-end residential area where Hollywood stars gather.


"Can you hurry up?"

Rogge did not enter the blade fighter's secret base, but stood at the door.

How should I put it, the sanitation standard of the secret base of the Blade Warrior did not meet his minimum requirements, so he was not very willing to go in.

The Blades couldn't run anyway, so he didn't bother to follow.

The blade fighter heard Rogge's urging, but he didn't answer Rogge, and was still making his preparations unhurriedly.

Although Rogge only asked the blade fighter to bring himself into the circle of vampire hunters, the blade fighter, who has always been cautious, did not immediately take him to the bar where the vampire hunters gathered, but returned to his secret base to replenish ammunition.

The Blades fought several battles before chasing the vampires to the warehouse.

Those three vampires were just bait for him to let go on purpose.

Putting a long line to catch a big fish is something that ordinary vampire hunters would not dare to do.

But he was no ordinary vampire hunter.

After Roger had taught the third wave of punks who tried to steal the Dodge Tomahawk, the Blade finally emerged from his messy and poorly cleaned secret base.

"You can't just go there, your dress is too official."

The blade fighter pointed to the special forces uniform on Roger.

"It's simple, it's ready in no time!"

After speaking, Rogge snapped his fingers, and a cloud of white smoke instantly enveloped him.

When the white smoke dissipated in the air, Rogge changed his image.

At this time, although he still maintained the appearance of Minato, he was no longer wearing Konoha's special forces uniform, but a casual suit.

He used the transformation technique to directly change the clothes on his body, allowing himself to complete the change in an instant.

Although an overly intense fight will make the transformation technique useless, he is not going to fight now, he is just going to a bar where vampire hunters gather.

Even if something happened, he didn't think that those vampire hunters would have the strength to break the effect of his own transformation.

Glancing at Rogge, who had completely changed his clothes, the blade fighter didn't say anything, just started his Ducati Monster 696 and drove towards the bar.


Bats must die!

It's a small bar in the slums of Los Angeles.

On the surface, this pub looks like any other old, rundown pub.

It's not high-end, there are few guests, and it's also in a remote location that is difficult to find with a map.

But unlike other old bars, bats must die in this bar, not everyone can go in.

This is a bar that only vampire hunters can enter, not vampire hunters, and they are not qualified to enter at all.

Serving only vampire hunters, that's the rule at this bar.

But rules are meant to be broken.

The blade fighter did not explain the rules of the bar to Rogge, and he also wanted to see what method Rogge, who has amazing combat power, would use to solve this problem.

Looking at the blade fighter who had been put in by the security guard, but still stayed at the gate, Rogge understood at once.

Want to try my tricks?

Rogge didn't let the Blade Fighter get his wish. He adopted the simplest and most rude method, which was also the most effective.


The security guard in charge of guarding the door of the bar was kicked by him, smashed the wooden door that didn't look very strong, and flew into the bar.

Rogge, who kicked the hotel security guard, walked straight towards the door of the bar as if nothing had happened.

When he passed the blade fighter, he slowed down a little, didn't look at the blade fighter, and said directly: "Don't play tricks in front of me, you can't afford the price."

After entering the bar, Rogge immediately felt the enthusiasm of these vampire hunters.

Except for the security guard who was kicked away by him, including the bartender, everyone in the bar raised pistols of different models and aimed at him who had just entered the bar.

These vampire hunters are so passionate!

Rogge glanced at these bad-looking vampire hunters, slowly raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers.

Gold Binding Illusion!

After a snap, the vampire hunters in the bar, without exception, all turned into puppets that had lost their ability to move.

PS: Thanks to the barista and JackieZXW for the transitional extraction, thank you for your support~~

Note 1: This was explained in chapter 449, that is, Loki became a mare, and gave birth to the eight-legged Masrepnir with another god horse, Svadir Fari...

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