Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 482 The Blood Race Earl

If it is possible to study how the different bloodlines complement each other perfectly from the Blade Warrior, then Rogge can try the experiment that he has wanted to do for a long time, but has never had the opportunity to do it.


I don't know why, after seeing Rogge channeling out a commission scroll, the blade warrior suddenly felt that this Konoha special fighter who claimed to be Namikaze Minato gave him a feeling that he had met Hokage, the fourth generation of Konoha.

It is said that the fourth-generation Hokage had an obsessive-compulsive disorder to sign a commission scroll with a client when he was a private detective.

Is this a special tradition of the Konoha Intelligence Agency?

The blade fighter opened the blank commission scroll and checked it carefully, and this idea popped into his mind involuntarily.

"Rest assured, I have a solid reputation in the industry.

"By the way, let me tell you something, my commission completion rate is 100%!

"As long as you sign the scroll, within an hour you'll have Jacob's head in front of you. Well, simple enough."

Rogge knew that the Blade Warrior would not believe in himself so easily, but he was not worried about the final result.

"Is the wager the reward?"

After thinking about it for more than ten seconds, the blade warrior asked again.

"No. The bet is the bet, and the reward is the reward. Those are two different things."

While wagers can also be paid for commissioning, Roger doesn't intend to do so.

The bet is just to make the blade fighter willingly follow him back to Konoha for experiments.

If the wager is used as a reward, the commission will be left unfinished for a long time, so that he cannot accept other commissions until the experiment is completed.

"What's the reward then?"

After hearing Rogge's answer, a vigilant look appeared on the face of the blade warrior.

"It's very simple, just help me pay for the glass of wine just now!"

Rogge said a reward that was completely beyond the blade fighter's imagination.

"Aren't you kidding me?"

"I, Namikaze Minato, never joke about commissions!"

Looking at Rogge with a serious expression, the blade fighter finally made the reward for signing the commission.

"Entrustment content: Bring the head of the Bloodline Earl Jacob Luther to the Blade Warrior; Entrustment Status: Unfinished; Entrustment Reward: 30 Ninja Coins!"

As expected by Rogge, the entrustment of the Blade Warrior successfully passed the judgment of the system, and the system gave a not very high entrustment reward.

"Your commission, I took it!"

After taking back the commission scroll in the blade warrior's hand, Rogge glanced at the reward written on it.

Twenty dollars!

A regular glass of Jameson whisky can't be that expensive at all.

Strictly speaking, the reward given by the blade warrior is already a premium.

"You can share your experience with your peers here, I'll be back soon!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge shone with a brilliant light like an aurora, and then disappeared completely.

At this time, Jacob never thought that someone would pay twenty dollars to buy his life.

And the killer invited is a ninja who never misses.

As the blood prince of Los Angeles, Jacob has a lot of industry in Los Angeles.

This obscure building is one of them.

Whenever late at night, Jacob likes to stand alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office with a cup of fresh "drinks" that he just took out of the girl's body and some residual warmth, admiring the night view of Los Angeles that he never tires of. .

But this evening's Jacob obviously did not have such a leisurely mood.

He was still standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, his eyes looking into the distance.

But what he is thinking about now is not the glory of the blood clan and his own life experience, but how to capture at least twenty living werewolves before the arrival of the blood clan Duke William.

Jacob would never have imagined that he would miss these old enemies so much.

If he could, he even wanted to multiply the number of werewolves in Los Angeles.

It is best to be a young werewolf who is not too old, likes to be independent, and extremely rejects group behavior.

But he knew that this kind of thing could only be imagined in his mind.

Although werewolves are crazy than vampires, they are not crazy enough to be irrational.

Just after Jacob sighed for an unknown number of times tonight, an aurora-like brilliant light lit up four or five meters behind him.

Afterwards, Rogge, who still maintained the appearance of Minato Naikaze, appeared in the office.

Almost at the moment when the light of quantum teleportation lit up, Jacob sensed the arrival of Rogge.

"Who are you?"

Jacob exuded a ferocious aura that made people palpitate, and asked in a cold voice.

"Konoha, Namikaze Minato!"

It was impossible for Jacob to know who Minato Namikaze was, so Rogge deliberately added the prefix Konoha.


If there is anyone Jacob doesn't want to see now, then Konoha's people are definitely in the first place, even two more than Duke William of the blood clan.

As for the second place, of course, is his unachievable descendant, James, who will only continue to cause him trouble.

"Our blood family has never had a dispute with Konoha, and we don't plan to be an enemy of Konoha."

In Jacob's identity, implicitly expressing concessions is the limit of what he can do.

"I didn't come here for business."

When answering Jacob, Rogge used Chakra Perception to perceive Jacob's situation.

As expected of the blood clan earl, the life intensity is very high!

The energy intensity is not weak, and he should be proficient in a lot of blood magic.

By sensing Jacob's life strength and energy strength, Rogge roughly judged his strength.

"What's the meaning?"

Jacob suddenly had a bad intuition.

"Someone pays for your head, and is willing to pay for it!" (Note 1)

Rogge said casually, as if the one standing in front of him was not a blood clan earl at all, but a slave without any resistance.

"Hahaha... I want to know that you don't have the qualifications to receive this money by selling my head.

"Tell me, let me see how much my head is worth!"

Jacob let out a disdainful laugh, drank the bright red liquid in the glass, and then gently placed the empty glass on the desk.

"Twenty dollars!"


"Your head is only worth twenty dollars!"

Rogge revealed the reward of the blade fighter.

Then, he saw Jacob's pale face turn a drunken crimson.

"Your name is Namikaze Minato, right, very good, you have successfully angered a blood clan earl!

"I can assure you that I will not kill you, I will transform you into the lowest blood slave, and let your soul live forever!"

Jacob suppressed his anger, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"Really? If you can do it, I don't mind!"

Roger didn't take Jacob's threat to heart.

A threat from a blood clan earl is not a threat at all.

The moment Rogge just finished speaking, Jacob came to him like a ghost, and his white, corpse-like right hand turned into a claws and grabbed it directly towards his heart.

Shadow Claws!

In the face of Jacob's menacing blow, Rogge did not dodge or evade, as if it was too late to react.

However, just when Jacob's right claw, which was wrapped in a shadow, was about to touch Rogge, an orange-red flame appeared in front of Rogge out of thin air, helping him block Jacob's this hit.

This is?

When this orange-red flame emerged, Jacob realized that something was wrong.

However, everything is already too late.

The orange-red flame, which seemed to be indistinguishable from ordinary flames, instantly devoured his right hand.

Although Jacob immediately urged the "power of blood" in his body to protect his right hand, it did not change the outcome of his right hand being quickly burned to ashes.


As a vampire, Jacob is no stranger to hellfire.

Although the blood race has a resilience that far exceeds that of ordinary people, this extraordinary resilience is not always effective.

For example, in the face of hellfire.

The right hand was burned to ashes by hellfire, Jacob did not hesitate at all, and immediately stepped back, trying to open the distance between him and Rogge.

The idea is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

Just when Jacob had the idea of ​​stepping back, Rogge grabbed his neck with his right hand and lifted him up.

Bat incarnation!

The power of blood in Jacob's body surged again, and he displayed one of the signature magics of the blood clan.

Just as Jacob's body began to turn into black bats, a mass of hellfire emerged from Rogge's right hand, completely wrapping Jacob's body.

Before those black bats could take off, they were burned into nothingness by hellfire.

"It's not good to want to leave so soon!"

Bat incarnation is not a magic used to attack, but a magic specifically used to avoid damage or escape.

Depending on the strength, the number of bats transformed by the bat incarnation is also different.

If it is a blood clan duke who is proficient in magic, it is not difficult to incarnate into thousands of bats at one time.

"Who are you?"

When the incarnation of the bat was forcibly cracked by Rogge's hellfire, Jacob knew that tonight, he was most likely to be miserable.

"As I said just now, my name is Minato Namifeng, and someone offered twenty dollars to buy your head, so I came here."

After answering the last question in Jacob's life, Rogge did not continue to waste time on Jacob, and burned Jacob's body below his neck to ashes.

The amazing vitality of the blood clan was once again reflected at this time.

Even with only one head left, Jacob still did not die immediately.

If he can return to the blood pool in the clan in time, he can still recover with only one head left.

But unfortunately, he won't have such a chance.

Holding Jacob's head, Rogge performed quantum teleportation again, and then disappeared completely.

PS: Note 1: This sentence comes from the movie "Embroidered Spring Knife", which is what Ding Xiu, the "Junior with Money", said to his junior brother Jin Yichuan...

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