Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 493 Buy and sell by force

After knowing the true thoughts of these four alpha wolf kings, the first thing that popped into Rogge's mind was not that these werewolves were pitiful, but that these werewolves were really too disappointing.

To put it bluntly, the current werewolves are simply sorry for their ancestors.

If those werewolves back then knew that the freedom of the group they had sacrificed their lives for had fallen on such a group of juniors, they might have preferred to do nothing.

At least in this way, the wolves will not become like lost dogs.

Although these werewolves were indeed pitiful, Rogge didn't intend to stand up for them.

He has always believed in one sentence, that is, God helps those who help themselves.

If you don't try your best, don't expect others to help you.

Although this approach is a bit cruel, it is the basic principle to maintain the operation of this world.

To give a simple example, this is the same as borrowing money from a bank.

If you want to borrow money from the bank, you must first make yourself valuable.

Banks are not philanthropists, they don't lend money to people who have nothing.

Likewise, the world is not a philanthropist.

If you want to change your destiny, you can only risk your life to make yourself more "valuable".

If you can't do this, don't blame the world for being too cruel.

Although these werewolves have some use value in Rogge's eyes, they are far from reaching the point where Konoha can fully help them.

Konoha won't let other people bully her own people, but Konoha doesn't raise waste either.

If these werewolves can't show their value, Rogge will definitely let them go back wherever they came from.

If you want to eat and drink for free in Konoha, don't even think about it.

Putting the werewolf issues aside for the time being, Rogge picked up the blood clan information that the Konoha intelligence department had just sent.

According to intelligence, Grand Duke Wilhelm von Behring of the Sanguinary Bruch had arrived in Los Angeles a few days ago.

On the second day that Grand Duke William came to Los Angeles, the vampire hunters in the Los Angeles area received a frantic blow from vampires.

The "Bats Must Die" bar he'd been to before has become a veritable "Racky" bar.

In addition to retaliating against the vampire hunters, these vampires are also gathering information about Namikaze Minato.

I don't know if these vampires discovered something, or they were concerned about Namikaze Minato's strength. To this day, Rogge has not been attacked by any vampires.

The fact that he stayed at the Beverly Hills Hotel was not a secret, and with the ability of the blood race, there would be no difficulty in finding out.

Just when he was considering whether to take the initiative to meet these vampires for a while, the doorbell of the room suddenly rang.

After opening the door of the room, he saw a young man in the uniform of a hotel employee.

"Hello, Mr. Minato, this is your invitation card!"

Looking at the hotel employee who was obviously under the magic of the control system, Rogge accepted the invitation without embarrassing him. (Note 1)


After closing the door, he opened the exquisite gold-plated invitation.

The content of the invitation is very simple, it is to ask him to have dinner at the top Japanese restaurant Urasawa at 8 o'clock tonight. (Note 2)

The name on the signature is the Grand Duke Wilhelm von Behring of the Bruch family.

He didn't call directly at the door, but invited him to dinner.

This approach of Grand Duke William surprised Rogge a little.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to this point. It's better to salute first than to salute first.

And he didn't know if it was his own illusion, he always felt that Grand Duke William invited him to meet him at the top Japanese restaurant Urasawa, which seemed to be implying something.

Speaking of Japanese food, Japan must be the first thing that comes to mind.

And the ninja happens to be an ancient occupation that originated in Japan.


At 8 o'clock in the evening, Rogge, who rarely changed into a formal suit, arrived at the Japanese restaurant Urasawa in a Bentley SUV that belonged to Henry.

He was driven by a driver who had also been Henry's driver, a young alpha werewolf named Bran.

On the way to the restaurant, the young werewolf named Bran didn't say a word, but occasionally looked at Rogge in the back row through the rearview mirror.

Although Bran controlled his emotions quite well, Rogge could tell at a glance that the young werewolf wanted to swallow him alive.

But he didn't take Bran's murderous intent to heart.

A young werewolf who has not experienced social beatings and only has honest and loyal thoughts in his mind.

When getting out of the car, Roger adjusted the collar of his suit and gave the young werewolf named Bran a little advice.

"Don't do stupid things. Henry bought your life with his own. Don't let him down for his last sacrifice."

After finishing speaking, Rogge ignored Bran, who had a complicated face, and got out of the car and went straight to the restaurant.

Bran was one of the werewolves who didn't kneel that night, and Henry's favorite young junior.

If all goes well with Henry's plans, Bran is the man to take his place as Alpha Wolf King.

Unfortunately, Henry is destined not to see this day.

Urasawa Restaurant, known as the No. 1 Japanese restaurant on the West Coast, is regarded as the West Coast version of New York's top Japanese restaurant Masa.

The head chef of Urasawa restaurant, Hiro Ursawa, once studied under the owner and chef of Masa restaurant, Japanese famous chef Masa Tamayaks.

Urasawa has a great reputation and a high standard of Japanese food, but the restaurant is small, with only 10 chairs, and can only receive up to 10 customers in one night.

And tonight, at the Urasawa restaurant, which is always hard to find, there are only two customers.

After entering this extremely pure Japanese food restaurant, the first thing Rogge saw was Archduke William sitting on the bar chair.

Expensive and elegant classical suits, and meticulously groomed long black hair.

If it weren't for the blood-red color of the eyes, Archduke Wilhelm would look like a template image of a European nobleman in a girl's fantasy.

In addition to Grand Duke William, there is only Urasawa's chef, Hiro Ursawa, who is dressed in a traditional Japanese chef's costume.

However, this well-known Japanese food chef, like a child who has been admonished by an adult, stood tremblingly inside the cooking table, looking down at the cooking table.

"Should I call you Namikaze Minato, or Rogue."

When Rogge entered the restaurant, Grand Duke William asked first.

His tone was very calm, without the slightest oppression, nor would it make people feel the slightest nervousness.

"It's fine, it doesn't matter what you call it."

Rogge replied, and then came to the chair one position away from Grand Duke William, and sat down slowly.

"let's start!"

After Rogge was seated, Grand Duke William gave instructions to chef Hiro Ursawa.

Although his tone is the same calm, but the feeling is completely different.

When talking to Roger, his tone will not give people any pressure, just like a conversation between friends.

But when he spoke to chef Hiro Ursawa, his tone was full of a sense of superior command, as if he was ordering his subordinates.

"Don't be so harsh on ordinary people. If the chef is nervous, he won't be able to cook good dishes."

As soon as the words fell, Rogge's chakra came to chef Hiro Ursawa, dispelling the oppression of Grand Duke William for him.

"Does an existence like you still care about the life and death of ordinary people?"

Grand Duke William turned his head to look at Rogge and asked with a smile.

"Except for the gods, we are all mortals, and so are you and me."

Although possessing power far beyond that of ordinary people, Rogge does not think that he is more noble than ordinary people like the vampires.

On the contrary, he cherishes his current human identity.

"It's interesting. If we didn't meet in this environment, you and I might become good friends."

At this time, Archduke William was not as violent and cold-blooded as in the legend.

If he hadn't known that Archduke William was from the Bruch family, which was the most suitable for fighting among blood clans, Rogge would have had the illusion that he was a kind nobleman.


Roger took a sip of the sake in the glass and said slowly.

"You took over the wolf clan and killed Jacob and others, I can directly write it off.

"What we are going to do is not against Konoha, and we don't need to let things develop into more serious things."

Although Grand Duke William had never fought against Rogge, he knew that even if he tried his best, he might not be Rogge's opponent.

The Duke of Blood is indeed very strong, but Rogge is not weak.

"Actually, I'm not particularly interested in what you guys are going to do, even if you really release Cain from the sealed place, it's not my turn to take care of it.

"It's just that you just have something I want in your hands, so you should understand what I mean."

Whether Cain can return to the human world, strictly speaking, is not within the scope of Konoha.

There are already enough hidden bosses on the earth, and one more ancestor of vampires is nothing.

It's just that he just happened to be interested in the thirteen sacred artifacts of the blood race, so he made a small move on the blood race.

"It's impossible for us to hand over the holy object to you, it's about the dignity of the blood race."

Even Rogge's true identity has been investigated. It is impossible for Archduke William not to know what he wants.

But just like what he said, this is about the dignity of the vampire, and it's not something that can be traded.

"If someone suddenly told me that he wants what I have in my hand, I would not give it to him. It is understandable as a human being.

"Well, let's make a deal.

"For what you are going to do next, Konoha can act as if you don't know anything.

"In return, I want four holy artifacts."

Rogge expressed his suggestion to Grand Duke William.

The blood race does still have eight sacred artifacts, but it is not an easy task to obtain these eight sacred artifacts.

This is not a question of whether or not the blood race can be eliminated, but that even if the blood race is eliminated, those holy artifacts may not be obtained.

If the blood clan would rather die than submit, and would rather exterminate the clan than hand over the holy artifacts, Rogge would not be able to search for those holy artifacts all over the world.

Finding things is not an easy task.

Not to mention that people who hide things know magic.

"The four holy artifacts, in exchange for Konoha, don't sell? I have to say, you are a person who is not willing to suffer any losses."

Grand Duke William certainly knew why Rogge made such a proposal. It was nothing more than fear of getting nothing in the end, so he chose to "give in" in advance.

"But I still say that, we will not hand over the sacred artifacts to others, this is a matter of the dignity of the blood race."

In the end, Archduke William rejected Rogge's proposal.

"Don't be so quick to say no.

"I know that this proposal seems to be a disadvantage to you, but if you think about it, it's not that you have nothing to gain.

"Let's put it this way, if Konoha tried his best to stop you, you would never have the chance to complete the plan.

"So you have to change your thinking, you didn't lose the four sacred artifacts, but exchanged these four sacred artifacts for a chance to welcome back the ancestors smoothly.

"If you change it, you still have the chance to welcome back the ancestor; if you don't change it, you really have no chance at all.

"Although the holy artifact is very precious, what is the holy artifact compared to the ancestor?

"If your ancestor returns smoothly, you can have as many sacred artifacts as you want."

At this time, Rogge was like an unscrupulous salesman who fooled the elderly into buying Sanwu health care products, fooling Grand Duke William, an old man who has survived for hundreds of years.

"You are changing the concept secretly. After all, you still want to take the holy artifact."

As an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, Grand Duke William was not moved at all.

"You can understand this as stealing the concept, but compared to stealing the concept, I prefer to call this strong buying and selling!"

Since Grand Duke William was unmoved, Rogge had no intention of continuing to fool around, and directly expressed his true thoughts.

You can think whatever you like, anyway, I'm done with this deal!

Rogge won't feel the slightest psychological burden on bullying dark creatures.

PS: Note 1: Confusion control spells can affect other people's minds and control their behavior. It is one of the eight major schools of magic in the DND magic system. The enchantment system was also called the enchantment system in the past, because it was easy to cause confusion with prop enchantment, and it was later changed to the enchantment system.

Note 2: The Japanese restaurant Urasawa is a real restaurant, including the name of the chef and the relationship between the chef and the Masa restaurant, which is also real.

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