Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 496 Restraining the Hellfire of the Blood Race

It was not only the seven blood dukes who were attacked by the weasel-like wind blade, but even the bat swarm transformed by Grand Duke William was also hit.


Sharp cutting sounds sounded one after another, and torn clothes and mutilated limbs flew up in disorder.

Although these blood dukes had speed and reflexes far beyond ordinary people, none of them noticed that Rogge's white eyes turned into a blood red that was very similar to theirs at some point.

Three Gouyu Sharingan!

Rogge opened Sharingan when the Wind Escape Tornado Hurricane hit these Blood Dukes.

Relying on the unparalleled dynamic vision of Sharingan and the rich experience honed over the years of combat, Rogge accurately predicted the whereabouts of these blood dukes, and cast Wind Escape·Vacuum Wave in advance.

Whether it's a tornado, a hurricane, or a vacuum wave, it's not a particularly powerful wind escape ninjutsu.

But as long as they cooperate properly, no matter how basic ninjutsu is, it can produce effects beyond imagination.

After the wave of wind and vacuum ended, Rogge did not continue to perform ninjutsu, but stood calmly on the buttress of the wooden ingot wall, and looked at the blood dukes with a smile.

Although the weasel-like transparent wind blade did not cause fatal damage to them, it seriously destroyed their image.

The damage is not high, but the insult is extremely strong!

Except for Grand Duke William, the other seven blood dukes had similar thoughts.

Messy clothes and messy hairdos.

Coupled with the wounds that haven't had time to fully heal and the blood stained on their bodies, these blood dukes will be in a lot of embarrassment.

Just looking at their current image, rather than saying that they are noble vampires in legend, it is better to say that they are special lovers who have just experienced a taboo party.

Although the image is a bit embarrassing, these blood dukes are old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years.

They quickly adjusted their mentality and recovered from their injuries.

As for the torn clothes, there was nothing they could do.

After all, not everyone can use energy to directly repair the clothes on their bodies like Hella.

"The warm-up is over, it's time to start the real performance!"

Rogge ignored the cold gazes of the blood dukes, jumped off the wall of the wooden ingot, and channeled the Kusanagi sword.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you get injured next, it won't be something that can be recovered by consuming some energy."

As soon as the words fell, Rogge summoned the orange-red hellfire, and made the hellfire entangle the Kusanagi sword.

The moment the hellfire appeared, the expressions of Grand Duke William and the others became extremely ugly.

As dark creatures, not only are they no strangers to hellfire, but they also know it very well.

Although Johnny is the only Ghost Rider who is still alive, there were more than one Ghost Rider in the past.

It is said that after Noah's great flood, God discovered that the original sinful nature of human beings has not changed.

But he promised not to use cruel methods like the Great Flood to punish human beings, so he developed and created the second batch of vengeful spirits called living weapons, allowing the vengeful spirits to supervise the evil nature of human beings.

The spirit of vengeance descended from heaven in the form of fire and rain to the earth, merged with the soul of the human host, and finally evolved into a ghost rider, shouldering the responsibility of cleaning the world of evil.

Although Johnny also has a spirit of vengeance in his body, he is a special ghost rider.

Because in his body, there is still the power of Zatanos, the elemental demon lord. (Note 1)

Ghost Riders are knights who cleanse the world of evil, but this does not mean that they will only attack humans.

Compared with humans, dark creatures such as vampires and wolves are more in line with the appetite of ghost knights.

So in the past thousands of years, blood races have been harassed by ghost knights.

But later, due to some unknown reasons, the ghost knights disappeared one after another, and the blood race finally got rid of the fate of being hunted down by the ghost knights.

Although the Ghost Rider disappeared, the deep memory Hellfire left on the Blood Race would not just disappear.

Lei Shun!

Rogge was not interested in explaining Hellfire to Grand Duke William and others, and once again cast Lei Shun.

Although they all disappeared, but this time, Grand Duke William and the others finally saw Rogge's way forward.

The hellfire wrapped around the Kusanagi sword was like an indicator line, leaving a flashing orange-red arc in the air.

Of course Rogge knew that hellfire would leave traces in the air, but he didn't take this to heart at all.

Just because you see it doesn't mean you can block it.

This is the same as seeing the afterimage left by the enemy's excessive speed.

Although he saw the existence of afterimages, he couldn't keep up with the enemy's speed.

After arriving in front of a Blood Duke like a teleportation, Rogge swung the Kusanagi sword in his hand without any hesitation.

Facing the Kusanagi sword entwined with hellfire, the Blood Duke didn't dare to be careless, and quickly drew back.

In the past, those vampires who died tragically under the fire of hell used their lives to leave an extremely valuable opinion for the blood race.

That is, without trying to resist the hellfire with the magic cast by the power of blood.

Whether it is an energy shield such as the blood shield, or a physical defense such as an earth wall, it is impossible to withstand the attack of Hellfire.

This has nothing to do with whether energy or real matter can block the hellfire, it is purely because the hellfire restrains the blood power of the vampire too much.

In front of hellfire, the power of blood is like butter thrown into a frying pan. It melts as soon as it says it melts, without giving it any face.

Although the Blood Duke chosen by Rogge first was not the weakest of the eight Dukes, he was not the strongest either.

To make matters worse, he's not the fastest.

In front of Rogge, who had fully used Lei Shun's body, the speed that the vampires were proud of was the same as that of ordinary humans.


The Blood Duke, who had just recovered his broken right arm, hadn't taken a few steps back when the Kusanagi sword in Rogge's hand sliced ​​across his neck like a death scythe.

As the top combat power in the blood clan, the duke-level vampire basically no longer burns out like ashes.

Even if they are hit in the heart by ultraviolet bullets or directly exposed to the sun, they will not appear to be dead.

However, at this time, the Duke of Blood, whose head had been chopped off by Rogge's sword, burned out quickly like the lowest level of vampires, turning into a pile of black ashes.

With the deadly attack and the burning effect of hellfire, Rogge gave the blood duke a miserable death like that of a low-level vampire.


After solving the blood duke, Rogge spoke softly in a tone that Grand Duke William and others could hear.

Fried fish!

This is the game term he explained to Archduke William and others just now.

But what Archduke William and the others didn't know was that the fried fish that Rogge mentioned didn't mean that he was going to bully those marquis or earl-level vampires, but the eight blood dukes.

Bullying those Marquis Earls is like frying fish for him.

Bullying the dukes like Archduke William is also fried fish.

Since they are all fish, there is no need to care too much about the level of the fish.

After all, in front of the king, silver and gold are the same.

"Wait, maybe we can talk again!"

After watching a blood duke die at the hands of Rogge, Grand Duke William realized just how big the gap between them and Rogge was.

"Let's talk again? I gave you a chance three days ago, but unfortunately, you didn't cherish it!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge disappeared again.

Just when Grand Duke William was going to look around to see which duke would be selected by Rogge, Rogge appeared in front of him like a ghost.

Among these dukes, Grand Duke William is the only blood duke who has dealt with Rogge.

But this does not mean that Rogge will have any friendship with him, thus excluding him from the target of attack.

Although Grand Duke William didn't expect that he would be Rogge's second attack target, his reaction speed was not slow at all, even a little faster than the dead Duke just now.

In terms of strength, Grand Duke William is definitely the strongest among the eight dukes.

The Bruhe clan itself is the clan that is best at fighting among the blood clans.

As the Duke of the Bruch clan, Archduke William's combat experience and fighting skills are of course the strongest among the Bruch clan.

Just when the Kusanagi sword was about to hit him, Grand Duke William made a decision that even Rogge admired.

Grand Duke William did not choose to retreat or evade, but took the initiative to step forward, further reducing the distance between himself and Rogge.

It has to be said that this idea of ​​Archduke Wilhelm is very creative, and it works very well.

From a combat point of view, the Kusanagi sword is definitely a melee weapon.

However, this does not mean that the Kusanagi sword can play a perfect effect in melee combat.

When the distance is shortened to almost face-to-face, the Kusanagi sword will also be limited by the distance and cannot exert its due effect.

This is why daggers are better than swords in real close combat.

Relying on the method of further shortening the distance, Grand Duke William perfectly avoided the attack of the Kusanagi sword, and blocked Rogge's right hand holding the sword with his left hand.


Looking at Archduke William who was only twenty or thirty centimeters away from him, Rogge once again admired Archduke William's fighting intuition and fighting skills.

After the right hand holding the sword was blocked by Grand Duke William, Rogge did not hesitate and made a move that was also unexpected by Grand Duke William.

He took the initiative to release his right hand and gave up the Kusanagi sword.

The moment Rogge let go of his right hand, Grand Duke William realized something was wrong.

But at this time, it was too late for him to change his tactics.

Grand Duke William's left hand blocked Rogge's right hand, while his right hand grabbed Rogge's neck like a sharp claw.

Just when Grand Duke William's right claw was about to grab Rogge's neck, Rogge's left hand hit his right wrist first, pushing his right hand out.

Playing hand-to-hand combat in front of a ninja who has mastered Rouquan and Eight Diagrams Sixty-Four Palms, Rogge didn't know whether to praise Grand Duke William for his courage, or to be arrogant and ignorant.

PS: Thanks to Uncle Wang next door for the reward, thank you for your support~

Note 1: Ghost Rider here uses the settings of the comics, which are somewhat different from the ones in the movie...

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Although I don't know how much can be divided up, but I still ask, maybe there will be surprises...

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