Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 498 Bloody and Wildness of Werewolves

When Rogge bombarded Archduke William with the gossip-breaking mountain attack with a visual effect like a laser cannon, the werewolves thought that they would soon usher in the dawn of victory.

However, within a few minutes, they found that things were developing in a direction they hadn't expected at all.

Fenrir, the wolf king they had just recognized, withdrew from the battle, and the abomination who helped them open the way to charge withdrew from the battle with the red tank.

Even the Konoha Special Forces, who were assisting them remotely from the rear, unexpectedly withdrew from the battle.

Although the werewolf race is not a race known for its IQ, it doesn't mean that they are idiots with well-developed limbs and no brains.

Especially these werewolves present, basically all of them are alpha werewolves.

Among the Beta werewolves or Omega werewolves, there may be fools who have no brains at all.

But an alpha werewolf who can become the leader of a small group is definitely not without a brain.

If they don't even have this most basic thinking ability, they can't become alpha werewolves.

If only Fenrir and others withdrew from the battle, these werewolves might not be able to guess Rogge's plan in a short time.

But after seeing the blood marquis who attacked Fenrir and others also withdraw from the battle, they quickly understood.

To win, they can only rely on themselves!

Although Konoha left them without saying a word, although these werewolves felt a little dissatisfied, they were also very aware of their current environment.

It is impossible to resist Konoha, and it is impossible to resist Konoha in this life.

These werewolves would never forget that the alpha wolf king Michael had his head chopped off by Rogge just after asking half a sentence too much.

Even the alpha wolf king is powerless to fight back, and of course these lower-level alpha werewolves are even less likely to have a chance.

Although the marquis of the blood clan withdrew from the battle, under the leadership of the earls of the blood clan, the werewolves slowly fell into a disadvantage, losing the initiative of the battle little by little.

If it weren't for the presence of the three alpha wolf kings, the werewolves would have lost faster and worse.

Although Bran inherited the position of Alpha Wolf King from Henry and Michael, his strength has not kept up with his position.

Now he is still an alpha werewolf.

At best, it can only be regarded as a relatively good alpha werewolf.

As time passed, more and more werewolves fell, and the attacks of the vampires became more and more deadly.

Especially those blood counts who have mastered magic, like the messengers of death, crazily harvesting the lives of werewolves.

Three minutes after Fenrir and the others withdrew from the battle, the number of fallen werewolves exceeded one hundred.

In addition to the werewolves who had died in battle before, more than 400 werewolves have remained in this land forever.

"Are you sure you want to continue? They are about to completely lose their will to fight."

Grand Duke William looked at the battlefield indifferently, and asked Rogge calmly.

"It seems that what we saw was different. What I saw was not a group of werewolves who were about to lose their will to fight, but a group of werewolves who were about to explode!"

If we look at the battle damage ratio, the death rate of werewolves has reached a staggering one-third.

However, Rogge still has no plans to end this.

When playing strategy games, he has a "bad habit", that is, he only uses a lot of resources to cultivate high-level units.

In his strategic system, the concept of basic arms does not exist.

So he would only train a small number of high-level troops, and then be completely blown away by the opponent's mixed troops of high and low troops.

He knows that this habit is not good, but so far, he has no plans to change this habit.

This can also be seen from the number of Konoha's special forces.

The Konoha Intelligence Bureau, a violent organization that used force to defeat many opponents, has only three hundred combatants.

More than 200 special forces members who have been strengthened by the Extremis virus once, plus more than 60 Anbu members who have undergone two enhancements.

These more than 300 people are Konoha's regular armed forces.

If Rogge remembers correctly, the number of police officers in a police station in New York is about 360. (Note 1)

This is still on the premise that only police officers are counted. If civilian personnel are added, there are more than 550 people in a police station in New York.

Although Secretary of State Ross has been secretly reminding Rogge that the number of Konoha Special Forces members can be increased appropriately, but he has never done so.

Perhaps it is precisely because of his unreasonable persistence that Konoha's special operations team has a fighting power that surpasses any organization in the United States.

Not to mention compared with ordinary agents or army soldiers, even compared with the famous Navy SEALs, Konoha Special Forces can easily defeat enemies ten times their own number.

The reason Rogge remembered it so clearly was because Secretary of State Ross had previously arranged a battle that seemed meaningless to him.

A 6-member Konoha special combat team will fight against ten SEAL combat squads with no more than 8 members.

The result was obvious, the Konoha special team won, and it was easy to win, and it could even be regarded as crushing.

Since that time, Ross has never told Rogge about adding Konoha Special Forces members.

Before leaving the abandoned factory tonight, Rogge roughly estimated how many werewolves could go back alive.

More than three hundred!

According to his estimation, there were at most three hundred werewolves who could leave alive.

Of course, whether his estimation is correct depends on when these werewolves who are fighting for their lives will wake up.

Except for the magic factor, werewolves' physique is actually no worse than that of vampires.

But the long-term fleeing life made these werewolves have an instinctive fear of vampires.

What Rogge is doing now is to reawaken the wildness and bloodiness of these werewolves.

Aren't you afraid of vampires, then I will arrange a big melee battle with vampires for you.

Whether you die like a coward with fear, fight to the end with blood, or leave alive with your head held high, it depends on your own ability.

This approach is cruel, but this is the fastest way to awaken the blood and wildness of these werewolves.

Time continued to pass, and werewolves continued to die...

Although these werewolves also took the lives of some vampires, compared with their death toll, the number of dead vampires was less than one-third of them.

Soon, the number of werewolves dropped from more than 800 to more than 700.

Then, it dropped from more than 700 diving to more than 500.

Although it was not a short distance from the battlefield, Rogge could already clearly smell the bloody smell blown by the night wind.

Even he, who was nearly a hundred meters away from the battlefield, could smell such a clear smell of blood. Of course, the werewolf in the center of the battlefield knew it better.

Just when the number of werewolves was about to fall below 500, a werewolf whose whole body was stained red with blood suddenly let out a howl full of unwillingness and anger.

It was him?

Henry really has a vision!

This werewolf howling crazily as if he was completely out of control was none other than Bran who was once trained by Henry.

Through his white eyes, Rogge saw Bran's blood-red eyes, his further growing fangs and sharp claws, and his inhuman aura that belonged to a beast.

Under the tremendous pressure of death and the strong unwillingness to be slaughtered by his own people, Bran crossed the gap between the alpha werewolf and the alpha wolf king, and was promoted to a veritable alpha wolf king.

Before the vampires could react, the wild Bran, who had fully awakened, rushed towards them like a ghost.

What followed was a primitive and extremely bloody killing show.

Remnants, severed arms, heads, internal organs...

The newly promoted Alpha Wolf King Bran frantically strangled the vampire in front of him like a meat grinder.

Blood Baron, die!

Blood Viscount, die!

Blood Earl, die!

In front of Bran, no vampire could escape his fangs and claws, and went to hell one by one.

Bran's sudden awakening not only allowed him to gain far more strength and speed than before, but more importantly, he awakened other werewolves.

The wolf howls containing anger and unwillingness sounded one after another, and one werewolf after another opened the wild door that originally belonged to them, but was closed by them.

Although the wolves in the zoo and the wolves in the wild are both wolves, the gap between them is at least ten huskies.

There is no wild and bloody wolf, just a pet dog with the appearance of a wolf.

"Ten minutes later, stop the fight!"

Rogge looked at Bran who had turned into a bloodthirsty beast with satisfaction, and said to Archduke William and Fenrir beside him.

After planning for so long, he finally saw the werewolf unit he wanted.

Ten minutes, whether it is long or not, is not short.

It mainly depends on whether you are the one being beaten or the one beating someone during these ten minutes.

When the ten-minute countdown ended, Grand Duke William and Fenrir stopped the vampires and werewolves in battle at the same time.

It's just that one of them used magic to transmit their voices, while the other screamed directly up to the sky.

Although he was still unwilling, Bran, who had just been promoted to the alpha wolf king, did not completely lose his mind. He followed Fenrir's howl and stopped his attack.

"Remember to send the holy artifact over tomorrow!"

After reminding Grand Duke William again, Rogge jumped on Fenrir's back and rode Fenrir to the remaining werewolves.

Looking at the werewolves who were out of breath but still exuding majestic killing intent, Rogge nodded in satisfaction and said slowly, "Welcome to Konoha!"

After hearing Rogge's words, these werewolves looked up at him at the same time, and then let out the most neat howl tonight.


After this battle, only 276 werewolves left alive, and more than 800 werewolves stayed here completely.

But they are not alone, because there are more than 600 vampires sleeping here with them.

PS: Note 1: The New York Police Department has 77 branches, 12 traffic branches and 9 housing police duty jurisdictions throughout New York.

In 2018, there were 36,000 official police officers. There are about 19,000 civil servants, but the data on civilian staff was calculated in 2011, so there may be errors, but they are all calculated here.

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