Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 605 Cut in half

In most people's minds, mages are a group of weak people.

But Karma Taj's mage is a little different.

Among the many schools of mages, Karma Taj is one of the few schools of mages who take melee combat as a compulsory course for newcomers, and also have certain requirements for the physique of mages.

To a certain extent, Karma Taj's mages cast a light spell when fighting those in Rogge's impression, and then added the power of bulls to themselves, and the cat's agility and other boosting spells rushed upwards." Combat genre Mage" is pretty much the same.

When the golden magic whip formed by the "light of magic power" took shape, Strange waved the whip in his hand without any hesitation and attacked the vampire in front of him.

clap clap clap...

Although Strange was just a neurosurgeon with a scalpel before, when he flicked the magic whip in his hand, Rogge saw a sense of proficiency in him that did not match his profession.

This kind of proficiency reminded Rogge of some unique hobbies belonging to a small group of people.

A man in a white coat, a long whip, and howling...

Some inappropriate images emerged in Rogge's mind.

Shouldn't it?

When such an association appeared in his mind, the way he looked at Strange became a little strange.

At this moment, Strange didn't know what Rogge was thinking, let alone that Rogge had silently labeled him in his heart.

With the assistance of the levitation cloak, Strange, who was outnumbered by one, not only did not fall into a disadvantage, but instead pushed back the three newborn vampires in front of him.

After being whipped by Strange, these three vampires who also had little combat experience couldn't help but think of retreating.

However, their idea of ​​retreating can only be thought about in their minds.

Mirror space!

Although the three vampires didn't know what kind of magic the mirror space was, they soon discovered something was wrong.

Although the surrounding environment seemed normal, when they came to the junction of two blocks like wild dogs running away, they were stopped by an invisible transparent wall.

No matter how hard they try, they can't get past this transparent wall that they can't even see.


At this time, the three newborn vampires finally understood why Strange slapped the ground hard when he came to the alley.

After confirming that they were completely trapped by the unknown magic, the three vampires also completely gave up the idea of ​​retreating, and looked fiercely at Strange behind them.

After becoming a vampire, this is the first time they have encountered such a situation.

However, they soon calmed down.

It's just a human being who has mastered some extraordinary abilities, don't be too arrogant.

The blood race is the strongest!

After looking at each other, the three vampires attacked Strange again.

Although the magic whip formed by the condensed magic light will make them feel the painful burning sensation like burning flames, it is far from threatening their lives.

Moreover, the inherent powerful regenerative ability of the blood race gave them enough confidence to fight against Strange.

Isn't it just being scalded, I don't care!

However, the three vampires soon discovered that they underestimated Strange.

Just as they were rushing towards Strange like mad dogs, Strange, wearing a levitation cloak, flew up into the mid-air more than 20 meters above the ground.

If flying up was just to avoid the attack of these three vampires, then Strange's next action was equivalent to sounding the death knell of these three vampires.

Just as the three vampires were helplessly looking at Strange in the air, Strange released the magic whip in his hand, and put on the suspension ring, which is a necessary tool for casting portal magic.

After putting on the hanging ring, Strange drew circles in the air.

In a few seconds, a golden circular portal with a diameter of several meters appeared on the ground where the three vampires were.

A portal shining with golden sparks quickly took shape, and the three vampires standing on the ground fell rapidly under the influence of gravity.

The portal that Strange opened was not a portal from the mirror space, but a portal located high in the mirror space.

Are you going to kill these three vampires?

After seeing Strange open the portal at the feet of the three vampires, Rogge couldn't help thinking.

However, it turned out that he underestimated his junior brother a little bit.

Although Strange opened the other side of the portal in the air in the mirror space, he didn't intend to throw the three vampires to death.

When the half bodies of the three vampires fell into the portal, Strange didn't hesitate at all, and pulled his right hand suddenly, like pulling a pocket that didn't exist, causing the portal with a diameter of several meters to shrink and disappear in an instant.


Bright red blood splashed everywhere, and the three vampires who fell into the portal split into two as if they had been cut in half, and the upper body and lower body separated instantly.

To some extent, what Strange did was indeed similar to cutting in half.

However, the tool he used to cut in half was not an ordinary weapon, but the ubiquitous and powerful power of space.

Using the powerful power of space restoration, Strange easily completed the goal of beheading the three vampires.

Ahhh! ! !

Being "cut in half" in an instant is a burden that life cannot bear, whether it is for human beings or blood races.

The only difference is that after human beings have suffered such a severe injury, it will not take long to report to the god of death.

The blood race can last a little longer.

The innate and powerful regenerative ability of the blood race not only failed to repair their injuries at this time, but became the source of their pain, greatly prolonging their pain time.

Well done!

Although Strange's portal slash was not amazing, but considering that this was his first battle, and he was facing three vampires at once, his performance was considered excellent.

After Strange severely wounded the three vampires, Rogge, who was sitting on the edge of the building watching the show, used the flying technique to fly to Strange and patted him on the shoulder in relief.

"Good job! However, it is also a kind of kindness to cut the weeds and let them die as soon as possible!"

As soon as the words fell, Rogge raised his right hand, and summoned three small clusters of hellfire on the three fingers of the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger.

With a flick of his hand, the three finger-sized hellfires flew towards the three vampires on the ground who were howling in pain like bullets.

When the hellfire touched the three vampires, the three vampires with only their upper bodies turned into ashes in the blink of an eye and disappeared completely.

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