Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 607 Rogge's Combat Guidance

"Be careful, the opponent's strength is stronger than the previous three blood races combined!"

As soon as he flew over where Brandi Johnson was, Rogge turned his head and said to Strange.

"okay, I get it!"

Strange frowned and glanced at Brandy who was sitting on the rooftop, and replied with a serious tone.

Just when he was about to prepare the mirror space magic to land in front of the target as before, Brandi Johnson, who was sitting on the roof of the building, suddenly raised his head and looked at where they were.

Good hearing!

Rogge was not surprised that Brandi Johnson could find himself and Strange's arrival ahead of time.

Any blood clan with a title has a keen perception far beyond ordinary people.

Brandy Johnson raised his head, which made Strange stunned for a moment, and the gestures performed by maintaining the mirror space with both hands were suspended in the air.


Strange, who lacked enough experience, didn't know whether he should continue to land.

Just as Strange was thinking about whether to rethink his tactics, Brandi Johnson, who was originally sitting, suddenly stood up, looking at Rogge who was floating in the air with disbelief.

Fourth Hokage?

How did he come here?

Although Brandy Johnson has not been officially recognized by the clan, he has already heard about the grievances between Rogge and the blood clan from the mouth of his father who gave him his first embrace.

How can this be?

Why did the Fourth Hokage come here specifically to find me, a little blood clan!

There was a trace of cold sweat on Brandy's face.

There are quite a few new blood races who know about the grievances between Rogge and the blood race, but there are not many new blood races who really take this news to heart.

There are even some blood races who are not very smart. After learning the news, they had the crazy idea of ​​fighting with Konoha.

However, before the new blood family with these ideas had time to carry out this crazy move, they were solved by their fathers.

If it is not necessary, absolutely do not provoke Konoha.

Especially Konoha's Fourth Hokage Rogue.

Although this is not an official order, none of the new blood races who dared to violate this point saw the moon the next day.

After confirming that the person floating in the air was Rogge himself, Brandi Johnson turned and ran without any hesitation.

Seeing Brandy fleeing wildly like a frightened wild dog, Rogge sighed helplessly.

Although he didn't know exactly how the blood race trained these new blood races, but judging from Brandy's actions at this time, they obviously reminded these new blood races that they needed special attention.

"What should we do now?"

Strange canceled the mirror space magic that had not been cast, flew back to Rogge and asked.

"Following him, I might have some extra relaxing activities tonight."

After speaking, Rogge took the lead and flew towards Brandy.

Brandy's running speed is far beyond ordinary people, but the escape route is not a normal route.

But in front of Rogge, who has the ability to fly and chakra perception, his escape failed from the very beginning.

Roger and Strange followed Brandy calmly, stalking their prey like two hunters.

how so?

Could it be that I was found out about torturing and killing my ex-girlfriend and friends?

Didn't it mean that as long as you don't take the initiative to provoke Konoha, you won't attract people from Konoha?

Brandy, who was running wildly, was thinking about possibilities one by one in his mind.

But he would never have thought that the reason why he met Rogge tonight was purely a coincidence.

After flying behind the running Brandy for nearly half an hour, Roger and Strange came to the sky above an abandoned factory.

In order to avoid Brandy being aware of his stalking, Rogge also specially applied a group invisibility magic to himself and Strange to cover their figures.

Under the watchful eyes of the two of them, Brandi Johnson walked carefully into the factory that had been abandoned for an unknown amount of time.

When entering the factory, Brandy did not forget to look up and look around to see if Rogge followed.

When Brandy's figure disappeared behind the back door of the factory, Roger stopped Strange who was about to land on the roof of the factory.

"There are a lot of blood clans in it, and there are some guys with titles."

"After entering, your target is still the guy who ran away just now."

"As for the rest, I'll take care of it."

Although there are a lot of vampires in the factory, to Rogge, there is no essential difference between a vampire and a group of vampires.

Even if there are eight blood dukes including Grand Duke William in the factory, he is absolutely sure to deal with them.


Regarding Rogge's arrangement, Strange has no opinion.

After really experiencing a battle, he began to truly realize how powerful Rogge is.

That is the power that one person can fight against a country and a race!

When Rogge landed at the gate of the factory, Strange controlled the levitation cloak and slowly landed behind him, and immediately cast the light of magic magic power, condensing a golden magic master in his hands whip.

"Don't be so nervous, the strongest blood race inside is only the Viscount."

Roger glanced at Strange, and then walked into this abandoned factory without any lights, like taking a walk after dinner.

Generally speaking, the places where blood clans gather are usually high-end places such as private manors or five-star hotels.

However, not every blood clan has enough financial resources to maintain the so-called noble dignity.

Living a long time does not mean that there will be a lot of property.

Even among blood clans with titles, there are not a few who can't afford millions of dollars.

"I will use the magic you know to deal with these guys later. If you are interested, you can learn a little bit."

"However, my fighting style may not be suitable for you, so you don't have to bite the bullet and learn it, it's fine as an observation."

Strange currently has only five spells, and only four that can be used in battle.

Although the magic of soul out of body is not absolutely impossible to deal with the enemy, but the timing of casting it is relatively harsh, and it is not suitable for use as a conventional combat method.


Strange replied silently, still maintaining the magic long whip made of condensed magic power in his hand.

"Then let me teach you the first lesson now. In a dark environment, you need to try to avoid actively revealing your position."

After speaking, Rogge pointed to the magical long whip in Strange's hand that was constantly emitting golden light.

After hearing Rogge's reminder, Strange froze for a moment, and then released the magic whip in his hand.

After the light from the magic whip disappeared, the surrounding environment dimmed instantly.

"Second lesson, distance is the key to the outcome of a battle! If the enemy is far away from you, then all you need to do is find a way to increase the distance between them."

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