Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 624 Heaven and Hell

Is it possible to die after knowing?

After hearing what Cain said, Roger became even more excited.

If there is no such danger, how can it be worthy of the description of "the secret of the world".

"It's okay, can you tell me?"

Cain did not expect that after hearing his reminder, Rogge became even more excited.

In Rogge's eyes, he saw a description he had just learned not long ago.

Rogge's gossip soul is on fire!

"Eh... Actually, this is not a particularly secretive matter, your teacher Gu Yi also knows about it."

Seeing Rogge with an excited expression on his face, Cain said silently.

Gu Yi also knows?

After hearing Cain's words, the fire of gossip in Rogge's heart suddenly dimmed a bit.

"Looking at you, you should have been to other planets, but I don't know if you have discovered it. Why is it that only the earth has legends about 'heaven' and 'hell'?"

Cain didn't tell Rogge the so-called "secret of the world" directly, but asked him instead.

"Isn't this because of the difference in civilization?"

Speaking of it, it seems that I really haven't heard the news about "heaven" and "hell" in other planets and civilizations.

"No, it's not just a matter of different civilizations."

"The more important reason is that Earth is a chosen planet."

Cain was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly said: "If we say that the universe we live in is a dimension."

"Then 'heaven' and 'hell' are parallel dimensions parallel to our dimension."

"Under normal circumstances, if life in one dimension wants to enter another dimension, it only needs to choose a relatively suitable place to complete the crossing between dimensions."

"You have the 'blood spoon,' and you should know that."

Hearing this, Rogge nodded, indicating that he understood.

"However, neither 'Heaven' nor 'Hell' did this. They only chose Earth as the entrance to our dimension."

"The reason for this anomalous situation is that we, or all living things on earth, are just domestic animals kept in captivity by 'heaven' and 'hell'."

"They pick our souls like cargo, use our souls to enhance their power, and then use the enhanced power to invade the earth in turn."

"In order to harvest more souls, they left so-called 'legends' on the earth, let us dedicate our souls to them willingly."

"I discovered this at the beginning, so I started to build the city of the blood race, expand the scale of the blood race, and prolong the short and fragile life of human beings."

"When human beings get rid of the shackles of life, the souls they can harvest will naturally become less and less, and the earth will have more power to resist their invasion."

"But it's a pity that I wasn't strong enough at the time to resist Heaven's attack, which led to the complete sealing of the 'First City' I and I built."

"Humans have never had real freedom. This planet is a cage that imprisons our bodies and souls. This is the so-called 'secret of the world' you want to know."

Although Cain's tone was very calm, for some reason, Rogge heard his anger and dissatisfaction from his tone.

Although it doesn't look like Cain is lying now, he doesn't fully believe Cain's statement.

He has never been to heaven, but he is no stranger to hell.

Mephisto and the demons in hell do have the habit of using human souls to enhance their own strength, but this behavior, in his opinion, is more like an enhancement of their own strength, rather than a preparation for the invasion of the earth.

"Your teacher, Ancient One, is now the main barrier protecting the earth from the invasion of other dimensions. If you want to know if what I said is true, you can ask her, and she will tell you the answer."

After speaking, Cain tore off his left hand with his newly grown right hand, and handed it to Rogge.

"The 'blood key' can open the gates of hell, and my left hand can open the passage to 'heaven'. If you want to go, you can go there and see for yourself."

Looking at the bloody left hand that Cain handed over, Rogge hesitated, and channeled a small metal box for Cain to put his left hand in.

"If I have the chance, I will definitely go to 'Paradise' to see!"

After putting the metal box back into the psychic scroll, Rogge said to Cain.

At this moment, he remembered a very important question.

"Wait, before you lifted the seal, you already had a 'Corpse Hand' holy artifact."

"You just said that your 'left hand' can open the passage to 'heaven', so what is the difference between the one you gave me now and the one you left to your descendants?"

Roger doesn't want any fakes in his collection.

"After listening to this secret, is this the only thing you care about?"

Cain suddenly felt that he really couldn't keep up with the times, he couldn't understand Rogge's brain circuit at all.

"It doesn't matter whether 'heaven' and 'hell' invade the earth or not. As long as the earth still has the supreme mage, there is no need to worry too much about it."

"So, is there any difference between the 'left hand' you gave me just now and the sacred artifact 'dead hand' before?"

Rogge has full trust in the strength of the ancient one, so he is not worried about whether the earth will be invaded by other dimensions.

And even if Gu Yi is gone, there are still other hidden bosses on the earth.

If it really happened that "hell" and "heaven" invaded the earth, these bigwigs would naturally come forward to solve it.

"There is no difference, this is the holy artifact 'Dead Hand' you want!"

Cain calmed down and said in a low tone: "The reason why the 'Corpse Hand' can become a holy weapon has nothing to do with whether it is my left hand or not. The important thing is that it can open the passage to 'Heaven'."

"Before being sealed, I transferred this ability to my left hand, and gave my left hand as a holy weapon to my descendants."

"After I came out, I found the left hand from before, and took back the ability sealed on it."

"So what I just gave you is the only 'corpse hand' in this world!"

After receiving a positive reply from Cain, Rogge nodded in satisfaction.

It's not fake!

"By the way, I still need your help with a small matter."

Rogge originally planned to leave Liberty Island, but when he was about to open the portal and return to the New York Temple, he remembered his little brother.

"Tell me, what else is there?"

"My younger brother is doing practical training in New York. If you don't mind, I hope you can arrange some training goals for him."

"In addition to these training goals, other blood races, I think they can choose to live in another city."

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