Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 638 Unexpected Visitor

The silver surfboard quietly floated in front of Roger, keeping a distance of about ten centimeters from the ground.

Looking at the surfboard that looked like mercury, Rogge stood on it without any hesitation.

The first feeling of stepping on a surfboard is a bit like stepping into a shallow puddle.

Roger could clearly feel the slight fluctuations on the surface of the surfboard just like the surface of the water, and he could also feel the thick feeling under his feet.

Just when he was about to control Chakra to flow into the surfboard, the mercury-like liquid on the surface of the surfboard spread up along his feet as if it had life.

Just when the mercury-like liquid was about to cover his instep, Rogge immediately used Chakra to stop the silvery liquid from spreading.

He has no interest in becoming a "silver" person like the Silver Surfer.

For him, who is obsessed with cleanliness, letting these silver liquids spread all over his body is no different from jumping into the Ganges, a disgusting river full of inexplicable things.

This kind of thing, let alone doing it, just thinking about it will make his skin crawl.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he used Chakra to stop the spread of these silver liquids, these silver liquids actually showed obvious resistance and spread upwards in a more forceful way.


The silver liquid showed its dominance, but Rogge was even more domineering than it.

At the beginning, he also planned to try to tame the surfboard in a gentler way.

But now, he has changed his mind.

With a thought, the vast ocean-like Chakra in his body instantly became extremely active.

In less than a second, these silver liquids were completely suppressed, and changed from the initial fluid form to a solid.

When the surfboard under his feet lost its flowing posture like mercury, he allowed his consciousness to enter the surfboard along with Chakra.

In Rogge's perception, the energy inside the surfboard is like a small universe, magnificent and vast at the same time.

After sensing this scene, he can be 100% sure that the surfboard under his feet is the surfboard of Silver Surfer.

This kind of high-level energy that completely conforms to the nature of cosmic energy is definitely not something that anyone can control.

To be precise, it cannot be mastered by existences below the Heavenly Father level.

In terms of energy level, this cosmic energy is only slightly inferior to the energy of the infinite stones.

After confirming this point, it is not difficult to judge the authenticity of this surfboard.

Only Galactus or other existences of the same level can give such high-level cosmic energy to others at will.

So the question is, why the surfboard that is inseparable from the Silver Surfer fell in Vanaheim.

It can't be that Galactus is eyeing Vanaheim, and then sends Silver Surfer to Vanaheim.

More importantly, the silver surfboard appeared in Vanaheim, so where did the silver surfer go.

After thinking for a few seconds, Rogge gave up thinking.

Since you can't figure it out, then don't think about it, there is no need to waste your brain cells on this kind of thing.

And from the moment the auction house bought the surfboard, he had already regarded the surfboard as his own personal property.

Even if Silver Surfer appeared in front of him now, he would not return the surfboard to Silver Surfer.

Unless Silver Surfer can give something more valuable in exchange.

Don't look at how he squandered the magic crystals in the auction house just now, but these magic crystals were all exchanged by him with vibrating gold.

Just when he was considering whether to step on the surfboard and go outside to actually test it, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

The hasty knock on the door made Roger frowned dissatisfied.

Before he opened the door, there was an unfriendly voice outside the door.

"City guard, check the ward!"

After hearing these words, Rogge's face completely darkened.

Ward rounds are normal, and the police on Earth do not do this kind of thing less.

But the question is, when have you ever seen the police go to the presidential suite of a five-star hotel to make rounds with great fanfare?

Although the hotel that Rogge is currently living in is not the best hotel in the capital, it is also one of the top high-end hotels in the capital.

Take the suite he lives in now as an example, the daily fee is 1,000 magic crystal coins.

After the person at the door yelled "City guard rounds", he was basically sure that someone had deliberately come to find fault.

So, he gave up his plan to open the door, and sat on the sofa in the living room with a calm face.

Although Vanaheim did not have the so-called "non-retreat law" and "castle law", as long as the guys outside the door broke in, Rogge would dare to kill them on the spot.

He was not interested in knowing who sent the guy outside the door, and what purpose he had.

Even if the person outside the door is really the city guard of the capital, at worst he would leave the capital with Hinata and Luo Qi.

He might not be able to defeat the combination of Niord and Gulweger, but as long as he wants to leave, no one in Vanaheim can keep him.

Including Hela, the Goddess of Death who is now in Vanaheim but belongs to the invaders.

The knock on the door continued, and Luo Qi, who had been changed by Hinata, came out of the bedroom timidly, looked curiously at Rogge who was sitting on the sofa, and then turned to look at the door of the suite direction.

After that, without saying a word, she trotted back to the bedroom.

Ten seconds later, the rapid knock on the door stopped, and Rogge was ready to release Shenluo Tianzheng at any time.

Although his current eyes look like a pair of ordinary black eyes, this is just the effect of the transformation technique.

His right eye is always the lavender reincarnation eye.

But things didn't go as he imagined.

After the knocking stopped, the person outside the door did not choose to break in directly, but inserted the key into the lock.

But even so, Rogge did not stop the Shenluo Tianzheng who was in a state of excitation at any time.

Whether he breaks down the door or opens it to come in, he intends to teach the uninvited guests a lesson he will never forget.


The closed door of the room was pushed open.

Divine God...

At the moment when Shenluo Tianzheng was about to be released, he took the initiative to terminate the flow of chakra.

How could it be her?

No, it should be said, how could it be them?

The ones who opened the door were none other than Vigdini and Vigolf in pale gold armor.

Behind them was a small group of city guard soldiers.

This is a bit embarrassing...

Others may not be able to see through his disguise of the transformation technique, but Weigelf can definitely see through.

Her amazing intuition, which can be called mind reading, is simply the natural enemy of the transformation technique.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Vigtini took the initiative to say hello, and then sat down on the sofa opposite Rogge like a female man.

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