Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 640 Duel

When Vigtini and Vigolf both withdrew their aura, Rogge and Hinata also withdrew their aura.

The atmosphere in the room finally returned to normal levels.


The boring momentum competition is over, but the matter does not end there.

As the only normal person in the room, Luo Qi fell back uncontrollably after they finished their imposing competition, with an expression of uncontrollable fear on his face.


Actually forgot about this little guy.

Until now, Rogge remembered that he just bought an elf girl with little combat power.

Looking at the trembling Rocky, Rogge threw a calming spell on her, freeing the poor little guy from the fear that originated from life instinct.


After calming down, Luo Qi slowly stood up, and said timidly.

But as soon as she spoke, Vigtini interrupted her.

Vigtini stood up, pointed at Hinata who was trying to play "Green Tea" with her right hand, and said viciously, "I want to fight you!"



Both Rogge and Hinata were taken aback by Vigtini's sudden duel proposal.

Not only did they not keep up with Vigrettini's train of thought, but even Vigroff showed a puzzled look.

What is this, is it completely against Hinata?

Just when Rogge was about to stop Vigtini, Hinata, who had always kept a "green tea" smile, stood up and said word by word in an unquestionable tone: "I accept your duel!"

After seeing Hinata's serious demeanor, which is rarely shown, Rogge knew that there was no way to be kind tonight.

Don't look at Hinata's usual gentle and pleasant appearance, like a close neighbor's big sister, but only Rogge, who has had a lot of contact with Hinata, knows how unambiguous Hinata is when he is serious.

Let's put it this way, at certain times, when Hinata said that he was not allowed to rest, even Rogge, who is the fourth Hokage, would not dare to disobey her order to rest secretly.

"Okay! Wait a minute, don't cry, don't blame my sister for being too harsh!"

Vigtini also didn't expect that Hinata would actually accept his proposal for a duel, and a look of incomparable confidence appeared on his face.

Looking at Vigtini and Hinata, who were already facing each other completely, Rogge shook his head helplessly.

Let's fight a duel, finish it early and end it sooner!

Lest this matter never end.

Although it was already late at night, under Vigtini's arrangement, they successfully obtained the permission to use the arena.

Rogge did not follow the three of them into the arena in front of him, which looked similar to the Colosseum in ancient Rome, and said slowly, "I'll wait for you outside!"

"Don't worry, I won't bully your girlfriend!" Vigtini raised her eyebrows and said to Rogge.

"I'll be back soon!" Hinata also said to him with a smile.

When the three figures of Hinata disappeared at the entrance of the arena, Rogge jumped onto Fenrir's back.


Because of the effect of the transformation technique, Fenrir's wolf howl turned into a toad's cry.

But Rogge couldn't understand whether it was howling wolves or howling toads.

Lying on the back of Fenrir who had transformed into a red toad, Rogge looked up at the moon in the night sky, which was not at all like the earth.

The moon on Earth is bright white.

And Vanaheim's moon is a so-called blood moon, and the moonlight will constantly change between crimson and blood red as the date changes.

Not long after, intense thunderclaps resounded in the arena.

If he only listened to the sound, Rogge had no choice but to tell whether it was Vigtini's attack or Hinata's attack.

Although Vigtini has awakened the divine power of thunder, Hinata is also good at thunder escape.

In a way, Hinata is like a weakened version of Roger.

Hinata is not much different from Rogge, except that there is no blood succession limit such as Sharingan, Mutun, and Samsarayan.

In terms of ninjutsu mastery and research and development, Hinata is even stronger than Rogge.

The battle in the arena didn't last long. After about ten minutes, the three of Hinata reappeared in front of Rogge.

Looking at Hinata and Vigtini, who didn't leave any damage on the outside, Rogge didn't ask about the result of the duel, but said goodbye to the two sisters Vigtini, and took Hinata and Fenrir back to the tavern.

When returning to the hotel while sitting on Fenrir's back, Hinata leaned her head on Rogge's shoulder and said in a normal tone, "Aren't you curious about the result of our duel?"

"It's nothing to be curious about. When you accepted the duel, I knew you would be the winner."

"Why? She is the famous female Thor~"

"Okay. Others don't understand you, don't I understand you? She is indeed a female Thor, but you are also a ninja."

"You will not do things that you are not sure of. Moreover, you are the person I personally guided. I know exactly what kind of strength you have."

Rogge put his arms around Hinata's slender waist, which felt great in the hand, and said slowly.

Vigdini's strength is indeed not bad, but it's a pity that the opponent she met was Hinata, so she knew what the final result would be without thinking.

"Actually, she's pretty good, but she's a little silly."

After hearing Hinata's stupid description, Rogge smiled helplessly.

Stupid is not a good adjective, but Rogge knows Hinata very well. From Hinata's point of view, this is already a pretty good evaluation.

At least it proves Hinata's approval of Vigtini.

That's right, recognition.

If it wasn't someone Hinata approved of, she wouldn't give such a stupid evaluation, or even make an evaluation, and would just silently label it as waste or garbage in her heart.

After experiencing the episode of Vigtini, the night finally passed.

Because of the appearance of the two Vigtini sisters, Rogge also temporarily canceled his plan to test the silver surfboard, and decided to study the surfboard slowly after returning to Hidden Leaf Village.

The next morning, after Rogge and Hinata had just tasted Vanaheim's special breakfast, Vigtini in pale gold armor appeared in front of them again.

"My mother wants to see you!"

"no problem!"

Vigtini's mother, Gulweger, is no ordinary person.

In the eyes of the outside world, Gulweger is the most powerful goddess in Vanaheim, the existence second only to God King Niord.

Of course, this is just the opinion of ordinary people.

Neither Niord nor Guerweger has ever admitted this.

However, Rogge has a completely different view.

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