Ninja God in Comics

Chapter 646: Psychological Tactics

If Niord just hated Rogge a little before, he hated him being united with Gullweger.

So now, he really wanted to completely crush Rogge.

In his own country, in front of 300,000 Huaner protoss, he actually uttered wild words that he would kill him within three moves.

This is no longer a question of provoking or not, but simply not taking him seriously.

All of a sudden, a terrifying murderous intent emerged from Niord's body.

Under the influence of his divine power, the originally endless blue sky suddenly became gloomy.

Yo, actually angry!

Looking up at the instantly changing sky, Rogge still maintained his original calmness.

That's right, Niord is indeed a god-king, the so-called Heavenly Father.

But after browsing through the detailed information provided by Guerweger, he finally knew why he instinctively suspected that Njord had not reached the Heavenly Father level.

The reason is very simple, because Niord's strength at the level of the heavenly father was not obtained from his own cultivation.

The reason why Niord was able to become the God King was purely because he inherited the authority left by the previous God King, so he was promoted to the Heavenly Father level and became the God King of the Vanir Protoss.

To put it simply, Niord's father-level strength was obtained through cheating.

This is why Odin and Niord are both heavenly fathers, but the pressure that Rogge feels on the two of them is completely different.

If it is challenging Odin, Rogge will feel that he is trying to die.

But if it is to challenge Niord, he thinks he is okay.

Yes, it's just okay, not yet a sure win.

The reason why he dared to say that he killed Niord within three moves in public was also very simple, because he didn't intend to talk about martial arts with Niord this time.

Talking about martial arts with a god king who has lived for thousands of years, and it is still in his country, Rogge's brain is broken to do this.

So, he picked out one of his three infinity gems, and carried it silently with him.

He didn't choose the reality gem that he had the longest, nor did he choose the soul gem that he got last, but chose the power gem that had a high degree of fit with Thanos.

A few days ago, he quietly tested the compatibility between himself and the power gem.

Turns out, not too bad.

To be precise, it is even higher than the fit of real gems.

This may also be because the power gem recognizes his fighting style more.

Although Niord was already full of killing intent towards Rogge at this time, he was a god king after all, and he still couldn't make the move to attack Rogge first.

So, sometimes, people are so hypocritical.

Obviously, he can't wait to swallow the other party alive, but also force himself to maintain the so-called posture.

Niord wants to maintain the majesty of the so-called God King, but Rogge has no worries in this regard.

I saw him clasping his hands together suddenly and muttering silently.

Fairy mode!

In an instant, an astonishing amount of natural energy was sucked into his body, and mixed with his own chakra to form a fairy chakra.

The moment red lines began to appear on his eyes and forehead, he directly used the strongest move in Wooden Dungeon.

Immortal method, wood escape, real thousands of hands, Buddha on top!

At the beginning, some Warner Protoss members didn't understand why such a huge arena was built.

But now, everyone understands.

The moment this gigantic Buddha statue emerged from the ground, the originally vast arena instantly became smaller.

Not only the arena, but even the audience area outside the isolation zone was also affected.

This is because Rogge deliberately controlled the size of the Buddha statue in consideration of the scene environment.

Otherwise, he could have created an amazing Buddha statue with a base diameter of more than ten kilometers.

Instead of just making a Buddha statue with a base less than two kilometers in diameter, as it is now.

But whether it is two kilometers or ten kilometers, it is equally shocking to the Warner Protoss people whose average height is less than two meters.

Seeing this terrifying Buddha statue that took only a second or two to form, the audience finally understood why Rogge dared to challenge Niord in Vanaheim.

People who can perform this kind of moves, in their view, are no different from the real god kings.

Not only the audience at the scene were shocked by the Buddha statue, but even Niord also showed an incredible look.

He couldn't understand how Rogge, who could barely fight against him a few years ago, could grow to his present state in such a short period of time.

How did he do it in just a few years?

The Vanir Protoss people with an average lifespan of thousands of years have a different concept of time from the people on Earth.

Not to mention that they are inconceivable with such a long life span, even the earthlings with an average lifespan of less than 100 meters are also incomprehensible.

After summoning the Buddha statue, Rogge did not immediately manipulate the Buddha statue to attack, but took out a power gem emitting lavender light from the pocket of his jacket, and held it tightly in his right hand.

The power gem, which ordinary people cannot directly touch, did not bring him any harm at this time.

100% immortal body, plus immortal mode, if this still cannot be recognized by the power gem, then there are not many people in this world who can use the power gem.

Looking at Niord, who had no intention of leaving or evading in the wreckage of the ring, a smile appeared on Rogge's face.

Niord lost!

Although he has not yet manipulated the Buddha statue to attack, he is already sure that Niord has lost.

Just now he said in front of everyone that three moves could not kill Niord, so he ended it on his own. It was actually a psychological tactic.

Three strokes to kill Niord!

The first reaction of those who heard this sentence would be that his third move was the most powerful and terrifying blow.

But in fact, he will directly display his most powerful attack in the first move, solving all problems with one move.

The reason why the three moves are just to mislead Niord.

And it turns out that his misdirection worked.

Niord, who was riding a huge saber-toothed tiger, had no intention of dodging or leaving. He obviously planned to resist his first move, so as to calculate how powerful his remaining two moves would be.

But Niord would never have imagined that in Rogge's plan, there were no remaining two moves at all.

One move, life and death!

Under his control, the energy of the power gem poured into the Buddha statue, making the original green Buddha statue shine with purple light.

Looking at the purple light that suddenly appeared on the Buddha statue, Guerweger suddenly remembered something.

But at this moment, Rogge manipulated the Buddha statue and launched an attack.

On the top of the Buddha!

I saw Rogge put his hands together again, and put the power gem in the middle of his palms.

Afterwards, the fist behind the Buddha statue came to life in an instant, and smashed directly at Niord with devastating power.

When the first fist of the Buddha came to Niord, Niord raised the golden trident in his hand, and a light blue hemispherical energy barrier completely enveloped him.


There was a terrifying explosion, and the blue light mixed with the purple light, forming a dazzling ball of light.

Before the sound of the explosion reached the ears of the surrounding audience, the second fist of the Buddha statue came down.

Then the third, fourth, fifth...

At the beginning, you can still see the blue light formed by Niord's divine power.

But after the Buddha statue punched out its twentieth fist, the blue light disappeared completely, replaced by purple and golden explosion light.

Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola...

Although the size of the Buddha statue gives people an extremely cumbersome feeling, the punching speed of the Buddha statue is far beyond people's imagination, and has even reached the level beyond the limit of naked eyes.

Those spectators thought they could see a hearty battle, but they never expected that what they saw would be a one-sided beating.

Horrific explosions sounded continuously, and the air waves and shock waves of the explosion swept around like a tsunami...

The ground began to crack, and continuous violent vibrations continued...

At this moment, the Buddha statue that punched swiftly became the most eye-catching existence in the whole world.

The earth wailed, the mountains trembled, the sky wailed...

This end-of-the-world scene only lasted for just over a minute before it came to an end.

During this minute or so, Rogge released all the thousands of fists behind the Buddha statue, leaving none behind.

In order to ensure that each fist has enough power, he not only frantically consumed the chakra in his body, but also constantly urged the power gem to provide energy.

When urging the energy of the power gem, a voice like a demon whispering kept appearing in his mind.

smash the world with one punch... smash the world with one punch... smash the world with one punch...

The Power Gem, of course, has the ability to destroy a world with one blow.

But the problem is that Rogge's physique cannot bear such an energy output.

The achievement of destroying a world with one punch is indeed very tempting, but he doesn't want to become the kind of Thanos who is backlashed by the power gem and has no resistance.

Under the lure of this demon raving, he always maintained his original rationality, and did not let the energy provided by the power gem exceed the limit that he and the Buddha statue could bear.

When the Buddha statue stopped attacking, without any hesitation, he threw the power gem in his palm into the psychic scroll, and then released the fairy mode.

As time passed, the smoke and dust from the explosion gradually dissipated.

When everything returned to calm, the spectators who had planned to come to watch a good show, but were almost attacked and took their lives, saw the scene in front of them clearly.

The astonishing Buddha statue still stood in front of them like a mountain.

It's just that compared with when it just appeared, the fists behind the Buddha statue have all disappeared.

In front of the Buddha statue is a deep pit several kilometers in diameter and hundreds of meters deep.

There is no gravel of any kind in the deep pit, nor any living things.

Niord, who was supposed to be standing in front of the Buddha statue, has completely disappeared.

Instead, there was a fist-sized light blue crystal floating quietly in the center of the pit.

This light blue crystal is nothing but Niord's original energy.

In other words, it is his god-king authority.

Under the attack of the Buddha on the top, Niord didn't even have a chance to self-destruct, and was completely killed by the Buddha on the top fused with the energy of the power gem.

Except for this god-king authority, Niord left nothing behind.

No bones left!

it is finally over!

Glancing at the authority of the god king floating quietly in the center of the deep pit, Rogge stretched out his right hand and used the Vientiane Sky Attraction, sucking the authority of the god king into his hand.

This battle is not a loss!

Although the authority of the god king is the original energy of Niord, Rogge himself is not sure whether he can let Niord retain the authority of the god king.

This was originally a matter of looking at the face.

If killing a god king can gain the authority of a god king, then the god kings in this world would be too insecure.

After throwing the fist-sized authority of the god king into the psychic scroll, Rogge turned his head and looked around.

Although Gulweger prepared a big enough ring for him, it was obvious that Gulweger also underestimated his strength.

A arena with a diameter of one kilometer is simply not enough for him to perform.

In addition to Niord being killed by the Buddha on the top, the audience on the opposite side of the Buddha statue also suffered heavy casualties.

Although when the Buddha statue appeared, the audience outside the isolation zone silently stepped back for a certain distance.

But apparently, they didn't retreat far enough.

Rogge didn't know how many spectators were attacked and died, but judging from the deep pit with a diameter of several kilometers in front of him, there were not a few spectators who died.

But it's none of his business, it's all because of Guerweger's inappropriate arrangements.

Moreover, these audiences obviously forgot a very important thing, that is, not everyone is qualified to watch the battle between the strong.

Watching the excitement, sometimes you need to pay a price.

The battle between the Fourth Hokage Rogge and the God King Niord ended in a way no one expected.

After Niord's death, Gulweger immediately succeeded the God King and issued a series of decrees.

Although there are many decrees of the gods and kings, they can be summed up in eight words, that is, a war to the death.

After the battle with Njord, Rogge did not return directly to the capital, but rested in the manor on the outskirts for a few days.

After spending a few days with Hinata that everyone was extremely satisfied with, he returned to the capital alone, and then took Gulweger's warrant and walked into the palace that only members of the Warner Protoss royal family can enter. library.

Although he asked Guerweger for a month's browsing permission, Rogge did not stay in the library for a month.

After the accompanying attendant told him that Guerweger agreed to take away any copy of any book in the library, he was not polite to Guerweger and took all the copies of all the books in the royal library.

This also led to him not staying in the library for a long time at all, and it was less than five days in total.

PS: The two chapters are combined

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