Ninja Invasion, Starting At Marineford

Chapter 220 Conversation To Be Held Sooner Or Later, Marine And Pirates

Different from the last invasion mission, this one is much simpler and rougher.

Now it's Madara that worries Hashirama!

Hashirama also wants Madara not to act as he pleases, rather than deal with the powerful people of this world.

This time they don't have to stand on opposing sides.

Instead, they can fight together for the ninja world. Hashirama also believes that Madara's ability is enough to complete the last invasion mission.

But in the end he gave up, although Madara was very chivalrous in doing so.

But this is world war!

The loser will become the nutrient of the opponent's world,

What kind of chivalry should be paid attention to at this time, although doing so seems to have a feeling of treachery, but for the sake of people in the ninja world, Hashirama doesn't think his idea is wrong.

In the picture, Hashirama and Nagato are rushing towards another island.

The two were galloping across the sea.

At this moment, the audience was watching the three people in the picture.

They are all running crazily on the sea, using the sea as a flat land.

This ability makes people more and more enviable,

It would be great if pirates like them could also have such abilities.

For anyone who dares to sail on the sea, the sea is the most feared thing, and the sea is also the most feared thing.

The ability to walk as if at sea is the envy of sailors.

When the three of them were in action, Kong on the Marine side also noticed three light spots appearing on the light curtain map.

Unlike before, the light spot is still flickering, but it slowly changes its position.

Although the light spots flickered before, they just flickered in one place for half an hour, and then jumped to the next place in an instant.

This change made Kong keenly feel the difference.

This time... the punctuation map is showing the location of the intruder in real time?’

Kong rushed out of the ship's cabin.

He is still near Enies Lobby now, in order to prevent Madara from making a comeback and attack Enies Lobby again.

Now there are two new intruders, and this time he can also directly see the guardian mission.

【Defeat the invaders】

[Minimize the destruction of the world by the invaders as much as possible, and at the same time ensure that no S-level combat personnel will be killed]

This guardian mission is much more difficult than the last one.

Kong's face changed from cloudy to cloudy.

If the last time was just to ensure that Enies Lobby was not destroyed.

So this time, it is necessary to protect all personnel rated as S-level combat effectiveness,

At the same time, it is necessary to minimize the damage of the invaders to the world.

The two requests conveyed a meaning to Kong.

That is, they need to fight, but at the same time they cannot let people in their own world die!

However, the big problem is that Whitebeard and others on the pirate side will not listen to his command.

The other party will definitely attack, "If they accidentally kill a person with S-level combat power.

Does that mean the mission failed!

There are two biggest problems in stopping the invaders this time. One is that they must fight, and no one can die.

The second problem is the cooperation between different forces.

If this problem cannot be solved, then the difficulty of completing the silo mission will increase exponentially.

But this kind of thing is not something Kong can decide, it needs the consent of the Five Elders who hold the highest power in the world.

However, it is impossible to think about it with the ass, and it is impossible for the Five Elders to agree.

Kong, who was a little melancholy, is very depressed now.

But let someone contact Admiral on the other ship immediately.

In short, let's take a look at the two people who have just invaded this world.

The strength of these two new enemies also needs to be confirmed with your own eyes. Look at the direction of a flashing red dot on the punctuation map.

It seems that they are preparing to meet at a certain location.

"Commander Kong!"

While Kong was thinking, a Marine soldier stepped forward to report.

"What's wrong?"

"The Holy Land Mariejois has sent instructions that Commander Kong can mobilize Shichibukai to assist Marine in all combat operations!"

Asking Shichibukai to help Marine, Kong froze for a second and then smiled coldly!

It seems that the Five Elders also know the key to stopping the intruders this time.

But they still don't intend to compromise with the pirates, they just sent Shichibukai to assist Marine.

In Kong's view, this is a palliative, not a permanent solution.

In the end, Marine and pirates must have a dialogue!

It is related to the survival of the two worlds. If the power of the entire world cannot be united, then the probability of final extinction is too great.

"I see!"

Although Kong saw the problem clearly, but now was not the time to talk to those five people to change their minds.

How could they be willing to bow their heads without experiencing one or two complete failures.

"Let all Marine warships start heading towards the spot on the punctuation map where the three invaders gather!

Marine starts to move.

In the picture, huge warships began to move like beasts on the sea.

The waves that broke suddenly swayed high.

Seeing the picture of Marine warships sailing together in groups, such an army number for the world of Hokage.

But it is quite terrifying, compared to the Marine that can summon tens of millions of soldiers without moving.

The five ninja powers in the Hokage world can only make so many ninjas together!

Marine has an overwhelming advantage in numbers.

Now Wukage is a little worried, if one day, some kind of passage appears between the two worlds.

Let the two worlds really connect, and they start a real fight.

At that time, the overwhelming number of enemies completely crushed the ninja troops.

The battle at that time may be extremely fierce.

The five people who were thinking about the future battle situation were suddenly attracted by the transformation of the huge light curtain in the sky.

Marine's figure disappeared, and this time it was the movement of the Five Emperors Alliance on the pirate side.

On a Sky Island.

In the huge conference hall, Golden Lion Shiki was smoking a cigar, and with a pair of legs inlaid with sharp swords, he kept colliding on the metal floor.

Countless sparks burst out.

He opened his hands and looked at Yuichi who was sitting beside him with a big smile on his face.

Yuichi, who was dressed in a white robe and looked a little haggard, stared at the juice in the crystal glass with lowered eyebrows.

"Captain Yuichi, there are tens of thousands of people who want to join our Five Emperor Floating Pirates these days! These are all New World370 pirates!"

"The strength is not bad, do you want to bring them all under your command?"

Golden Lion is in a very happy mood now, as if he has returned to the Rocks ship.

Crazy recruitment, strengthen your own team.

And Yuichi looked up at the happy Golden Lion, Yuichi was not too interested in pirates, it didn't matter if there were more or less people.

"No! If you like, let all these people join your flying pirate group, anyway, now your pirate group is also a pirate group under the command of the floating pirate group!

Seeing Yuichi's almost the same attitude as the Rocks in the past, not caring about the size of his opponents, now Golden Lion is more satisfied with joining Tiyi's team.

In the past few days, a batch of new pirates have poured in under the command of the Five Emperors.

But they don't charge everyone.

And this situation has brought Yuichi, the new Five Emperors, closer to the other Four Emperors!

Whitebeard glanced at Yuichi "The new invaders have arrived! Let's get moving too!"

As the invisible leader of the Five Emperors Alliance, although he does not have this title, Whitebeard is still the invisible leader of the Five Emperors Alliance.

"Then trigger and start! What are you waiting for, that Uchiha Madara I really want to fight him again!"

Kaido stood up and said with some anger.

"Don't worry, maybe they will fight themselves this time..."

Suddenly Yuichi's voice sounded, and everyone else was a little curious when they heard this...

The intruders fought themselves? Why?.

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