Ninja Invasion, Starting At Marineford

Chapter 227 The Tide On The Sea Surface, The Time Has Come


On the bow of the Marine warship, Commander-in-Chief Kong is holding a phone call.

Loudly question the person on the other end of the phone bug!

"Can you say that again......"

Seemingly startled by the voice of Commander-in-Chief Kong, Xu Jucai spoke cautiously.

"Master... Your Excellency... This is the Sabaody Archipelago Marine. We just discovered the Five Emperors of the New World, and they appeared in Sabaody in a daze.

They're popping up from all over the place, and again, no one has ever noticed pirates logging into Sabaody Land before!"

"And there are no ships of the Five Emperors nearby! But their men have appeared!"

Kong's face returned to calm, something was wrong with this matter.

"Are you sure you didn't find their pirate ship?"

"Make sure there are no Five Emperor ships on the Sabaody Archipelago!"

It's not without reason that the Marine soldier is so sure.

After all, the pirate ships of the Five Emperors are very huge, and it is not easy to hide them.

Even if it is hidden, it will definitely be discovered!

Kong was silent for a long time before slowly putting down the phone, "Okay! I got it!"

Hanging up the phone bug, Kong couldn't figure out how the Five Emperors had sneaked into Sabaody without making a sound.

This is totally impossible!

Marine and 810, which monitor the movements of the Five Emperors, are all elite troops.

Even if you can't beat them, you won't be slipped away by these people.

It’s okay to slip away one or two, all the five emperors appeared in Sabaody, and the cadres of various pirate groups!

how can that be!

Not to mention that it was the elite marines who were monitoring them, even a blind man would have noticed it.

This is unreasonable!

Unless the Five Emperors used some unknown means to leave New World quietly.

If there is such a technology, it will make Kong fearful even more.

In this way, no one knows where these people will suddenly appear.

If such a group of people suddenly and silently surrounded the Holy Land Mariejois, it would be terrible.

Compared with the threat brought by the gathering of the five emperors, Kong feels that this ability of elusiveness is even more terrifying!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the five emperors must have mastered some unique way of moving!

Otherwise, it is impossible to easily avoid the surveillance team sent by Marine!

Now Sabaody Archipelago!

The Five Emperors who appeared here swaggered down the street.

A mighty group of people are heading towards the sea.

Although they are pirates, none of the Marines on the island dare to appear here to stop them.

Even the civilians who recognized Whitebeard and the others cheered one after another. Among the civilians, the pirates already had a lot of prestige.

People who see this picture through the light curtain have a strange feeling.

Aren't pirates vicious? Why do they start to be happy for the appearance of pirates?

It was like seeing a hero.

This is the hero effect.

A bad person may be hated by everyone, but he has done a good deed, and after this deed is known.

It will cover up many of his crimes.

In the eyes of ordinary people, winning the world war is an act of saving the world.

When the five emperors and others came to the beach, they had arranged for people to prepare the boats. Yuichi and others boarded the boats one after another, and immediately rushed towards Hashirama and others without stopping.

Such behavior is even more extra points in the eyes of common people!

But Yuichi et al. did not know.

How they are perceived by those in the audience.

Now Yuichi only knows that he is about to face those two men!

Do not!

To be precise, it should be about to face Madara in its true heyday!

Madara and Hashirama meet, and the two don't fight Yuichi doesn't believe it.

But this battle is not simply Madara trying to prove herself, a shameful act.

At the same time, he should also want to get Hashirama's magic Chakra.

Madara's current power is already terrifying. If you add the fairy Chakra, then Madara's power will be... How terrifying!

"When did the pirates, old men, become so popular!"

Whitebeard seemed to be recalling those enthusiastic civilians on the Sabaody Archipelago just now, while seeming afraid of them, at the same time shouting hard to cheer.

It had been a long time since he had seen such a warm welcome.

And Kaido and BIGMOM feel even more uncomfortable!

Even (cjab) Shanks looked uncomfortable.

Their current location is only half an hour away from where Hashirama, Madara and others are.

And the other side.

Marine's army! Approaching the target area.

There are only a few minutes left before the flight arrives.

However, at this moment Kong has no time to pay attention to why Yuichi and others suddenly appeared in Sabaody.

He stared at the sea, the turbulent sea.

The sea is rewinding.

This phenomenon is not a normal situation.

Looking up at the distant sea, Kong frowned, his eyes full of fear.

"It seems... the situation ahead is not simple!"

It was able to affect the sea water here to such an extent.

Kong was a little worried, the situation ahead might be more complicated than they imagined.

What are these intruders doing?

on the rear ship.

Three Admiral also noticed the change in the sea.

Everyone in Seven Warlords of the Sea also looked solemn.

Just seeing the unusual movements on the sea surface is enough to make people dreadful.

boom boom boom!!

A series of continuous roars sounded.

The explosion in the distance was very strong, and no one was seen yet, but the terrible roar was already heard.

Hawkeye Mihawk stared ahead, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In an instant, the line of sight crossed the vast sea and came to the place where Madara and Hashirama fought.

"Sage Art! Wooden Golem Jutsu!"

Boom boom boom!

Under the blessing of the huge fairy Chakra, the huge Wooden Golem suddenly stood up from under the sea.

The Wooden Golem, like a Buddha, is wrapped around a wooden dragon.

Hashirama stands on top of the Wooden Golem.

At the same time, Madara shouted "Susanoo..."

Full body Susanoo unfolds.

The two titans confront each other on the sea.

Wooden Golem punches Susanoo and slashes with the lightsaber in his hand.

Bitten by the wooden dragon instantly, Wooden Golem's fist hit Susanoo's body.

And Madara did not dare to show weakness, and controlled Susanohei to kick Wooden Golem.

bang bang!

The two attacked each other frantically on the sea.

For a while, the sound of explosions and gas explosions sounded one after another.

And the waves rolled up from the sea rushed to a height of 100 meters.

Puff puff. ……………………

Sea water fell from the sky and sprinkled on the two of them.

Hashirama folded his hands together, ready to launch a stronger attack, but at this moment, Madara's eyes glanced lightly.

I saw a Marine warship approaching in the distance.

'Time is running out! That's it for now, Hashi Lama!'

Madara turned her head to look at Hashirama in front of her, her figure suddenly flashed and rushed towards Hashirama instantly.

Hashirama, who was saving Chakra, saw Madara rushing towards him, and immediately gave up releasing ninjutsu.

Raise your hand and go back to prepare for a close combat with Madara.

However, a black stick pierced through Hashirama's shoulder in an instant.

Madara clasped Hashirama's hands directly, and under the influence of the black stick, the flow of Chakra in Hashirama's body was disturbed.


When he was about to say something, Hashirama found that the magic Chakra in his body was being sucked away!

Madara "That's it for Hashi Lama......"

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