Ninja Invasion, Starting At Marineford

Chapter 38 The Man Incarnate As Light, The Terrifying Power Of Destruction

Konoha Village, top of the Hokage building.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression gradually became serious.

There was a deep worry in his eyes.

This is the real strength of the opponent!

The person who used the ice escape ability that he fought against Kakashi before was so terrifying.

In just the blink of an eye, the entire sea can be frozen.

The opponent in the last fight did not show such strength. It seems that the opponent in the previous battle was unable to fully exert his strength because he was in Naval Headquarters!

"What a powerful force!" Luo Sand Shinobi couldn't help sighing.

Jiraiya: "It is indeed a terrifying ability."

Tsunade: "Why in that world can gain such powerful power just by eating a fruit!"

Orochimaru: "Aren't we the same?"


Tsunade, Jiraiya, Sarutobi and others are a little confused.

What do they mean, aren't they the same?

What's the meaning?

In Orochimaru did not continue to say.

He just silently watched the picture that continued to be displayed on the light curtain.

After Aokiji came Kizaru.

Unlike Aokiji, Kizaru has more than one image.

The first scene to appear in the frame is the Sabaody Archipelago.

boom! !

Accompanied by the sound of shelling.

A black cannonball was fired, but then an unexpected scene appeared for all the people in the Hokage world.

This Kizaru actually stood on the cannonball and flew towards the island.

This way of appearing on the stage almost made people's eyes fall out.

After stepping on the Sabaody Archipelago, the picture of Kizaru defeating the Supernovas appeared.

The power of the laser beam released by a random finger surprised the ninjas.

Looking at the other party's listless look, the attacks he released casually seemed to be as powerful as A-level ninjutsu.

And the body can turn into light, showing unparalleled speed.

This guy is also quite a terrifying monster!

At the end, the scene changes to Marineford.

It's hard to see who Kizaru is shooting at, but Kizaru is flying into the air.

Release the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu in the air!

The terrifying light bullets shot towards the sea, completely enveloping a huge area of ​​the sea.

Jiraiya stared at Kizaru: "In terms of destructive power, this guy's ability seems to be stronger!"

Tsunade nodded: "Indeed, the power of light is so terrifying!"

Orochimaru: "It's not just the destructive power that's scary, it's the speed that should really matter!"

Although Kizaru seems to be preparing for a while before elementalizing.

But once Kizaru really turns into light, his speed is unstoppable.

It doesn't matter if the opponent doesn't seize the opportunity, once the opportunity is seized, this guy can achieve the terrifying combat power of killing the enemy in one blow!

The last to appear is Akainu.

The moment Akainu appeared in front of everyone in the Hokage world.

Everyone's expressions became serious.

Even if you don't need to watch the man make a move, just watch the man's appearance and eyes.

You can feel one thing, this is a ruthless guy.

At the same time, the power is definitely very strong.

That terrifying gaze made both Jiraiya and Tsunade feel a little pressure.

The expressionless look on his face already made people feel the anger burning in his heart.

"Meteor Volcano!!!!"

In the picture, Akainu waved his fists and punched the air continuously.

Clouds of lava shot up into the sky.

After a few seconds, red dots of light appeared in the clouds.

The lava was falling at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Jiraiya couldn't help but "pervert...such pervert's too strong!"

boom boom boom~~

Fists like meteorites descended from the sky burning with terrifying flames.

This destructive power is even more terrifying than the previous Kizaru.

This man who is covered in lava, the lava itself is already something that ordinary people have absolutely no way to deal with.

Now it has become the ability of this man, who can control it at will.

The scene in the picture is like a volcanic eruption, and countless lavas falling from the sky to destroy the world.

Let the hearts of people in the world of Hokage start to feel cold.

"The guys in that world are more terrifying than the last... Is Sannin really okay with dealing with them?"

"Freezing, flashing, lava, the abilities of these people are too strong!"

"It is called the highest combat power, and it is normal to have such power!"


No matter how you look at these three people, it seems that the abilities each of them possess are very difficult to deal with.

Even if Sannin is dispatched, it seems that it is not so easy to defeat the opponent now!

However, at this time, the picture on the light curtain is not over yet.

【Use of Three Admirals Grandmaster Haki】

【Armament Haki】

A small white figure appeared on the screen, preparing to punch.

Then the fist of the villain turned black [Armament Haki can improve personal defense power, it acts like invisible armor, and can also evolve into attack power]


The villain punched out, and the stone in front of him shattered.

Watching the light curtain introduce the situation of Armament Haki.

It makes ninjas feel that this power is somewhat similar to Chakra.

Attaching Chakra to the surface of the body can also have a similar effect, but the power of using Chakra in this way will not be too strong.

【Observation Haki】

In the same picture, a white villain appeared, sitting cross-legged, someone behind him was attacking him with a wooden stick.

But the villain can easily predict the opponent's attack and dodge it.

Obviously did not see the other party, the shot can predict the other party's attack.

This surprised the ninjas.

[The power that can strongly feel the opponent's "voice" is called Observation Haki. Once this power is enhanced, you can read the position and number of enemies out of sight, as well as the actions the opponent will take in the next moment】

Read the introduction about Observation Haki.

Orochimaru's eyes sparkled, "A strange ability..."

Hiruzen looked thoughtful, "It is indeed a very strange ability, except for Devil Fruit, this power called Haki is no weaker than Chakra!

[Haki is divided into three types]

[Three Admirals are only equipped with armed and knowledgeable colors]

[The third power will not be introduced]

【Complete answer】

And a Haki?

Now ninjas are very curious, the first two Haki are already amazing, one strengthens its own attack and defense, and the other perceives enemy attacks.

The combination of the two abilities is already perfect.

So what is the third type of Haki?

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