Ninja Invasion, Starting At Marineford

Chapter 67 Senbonzakura's Uninjured Circle, Orochimaru's Exit


Afraid of enemies approaching?

Jiraiya froze for a moment, then shook his head, "Impossible! You, Orochimaru, should be very clear about how powerful the terrifying blade fragments are!"

"How could he..."

"Stupid! Listen to me!"

Orochimaru interrupted Jiraiya and turned to look at Yuichi with a sneer.

"In your opinion, the closer you get to him, the easier it is to be attacked by the ubiquitous blade fragments?"

Jiraiya nodded, isn't that so?

"Close to him is indeed more likely to be injured by those petal-like blades.

"But haven't you noticed! The closer you get to him, the fewer blade fragments he can control!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya suddenly recalled, as if there was such a thing!

But Jiraiya still has a lot of questions.

Orochimaru had already released Shikai without him asking.

"Remember my Wind Style from earlier?"

"At that time, Wind Style blew away these blade fragments, didn't you see an interesting scene!"

"Those blade fragments, when they were about one meter away from him, automatically spread to both sides!"

"It's as if there is an invisible barrier, making it impossible for these blade fragments to fall into it!"

Saying that, Orochimaru's eyes sparkled!

"I was very puzzled at the time, is there any other defense mechanism beside him!"

"But later when I took the initiative to attack and he manipulated these blade fragments to form a defense, I figured it out!"

"He doesn't have any other defense mechanism at all. The area that the blade fragments will automatically avoid exists only to hurt himself!"

Looking at the sea of ​​petals falling all over the sky, turbulent and undulating like ocean waves under Yuichi's feet.

Orochimaru pointed at Yuichi's feet.

"Look! Within one meter of him, no blade fragments fell into it at all. Do you think this is a coincidence? Jiraiya!"

Jiraiya, who was asked this question, stared blankly at Yuichi's feet!


Indeed, none of the petals fell into it.

Could this really be this guy's...weakness?

"It's impossible to control countless blade fragments at the same time."

"Most of the time they're just floating around!"

"So in order to prevent yourself from hurting yourself, it is very important that the baby flower does not fall into the specific area of ​​​​the day film

"This is probably the real reason why he hasn't left his spot from the beginning to now!"

"If it's really the closer to us, the better, why doesn't he take the initiative to get closer to us!"

Orochimaru said with a smug smile on his face.

Although he has no fighting power, he can see through Yuichi's weakness, which is a great help to Jiraiya.

It's nice to help Jiraiya win even if you can't defeat the enemy yourself!

"Am I right?"

Orochimaru asked Yuichi.

Yuichi, who was standing there, with a cold light in his eyes, nodded slightly: "The ability to discover the existence of the circle of no wounds... really deserves to be the legendary Sannin! Terrifying powers of observation and analysis! "

When Yuichi said this, Orochimaru was a little surprised, as if the other party seemed to know what Sannin is!

But why does this guy seem to know himself very well.

Got Yuichi's own confession.

Many people are a little confused.

They never found a weakness!

This ability to attack and defend also has weaknesses.

In their eyes, this ability is simply invincible!


Yuichi smiled suddenly, "Unfortunately, this battle has nothing to do with you, I really want to fight with you in your prime!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru's smile suddenly disappeared.

'How does he know that he... is not in a good state right now?


Suddenly a torrent formed by Senbonzakura appeared from behind Orochimaru, pierced through Orochimaru's body instantly, and strangled Fukasaku and Shima at the same time.

But Fukasaku and Shima found out and escaped the attack.

Jiraiya noticed the sudden attack behind him and jumped away.

After rushing to stand firm, he looked behind him with a different face, "How come? Why did those blade fragments appear from behind us!"

It's a pity that the two toads, Fukasaku and Shima, were not killed in one fell swoop!

But it's not too bad to lose Orochimaru!

Orochimaru looked behind him at the small hole where he had previously released the snake to attack Yuichi from the ground.

It seems that it was used by Yuichi in turn.

While explaining Yuichi's weakness to himself, the kid was sneaking the blade shards out behind them through the hole in the floor.

Prepare to strike...

His own weakness has been announced, but he is preparing to attack!

Terrible opponent!!!

A ray of light fell and wrapped Orochimaru's body, making Orochimaru also disappear in the duel field.

"It's just us now..."

Yuichi looked at Jiraiya.

Three against three, now three against one!

But to a certain extent, it is still three-on-three now!

Although Shima and Fukasaku who were summoned are toads, they are toads who have practiced immortal arts.

The combat power is not lost to Tsunade and Orochimaru at all.

It's just that due to their shape, their combat effectiveness is definitely much weaker than that of humans.

*¯|| actually through the cave left in the ground, let those blade fragments go through to launch a surprise attack!"

Zhijian was a little surprised, "This kid is very thoughtful, little Jiraiya, you must keep your spirits up, and you must not be sloppy at all!"

Jiraiya nodded "I know!"

Even Orochimaru was attacked, and he knew the seriousness of the matter.

"So! Do you want to try? Use the method that guy told you to deal with me?"

"Try it! Is my weakness the fear of the enemy approaching..."

Yuichi said with a blank face.

This appearance made the original steadfast think about Jiraiya that Orochimaru said, and his heart began to waver.

What Orochimaru said should be what Orochimaru really thought.

Orochimaru would not deceive himself at this time.


(Qian Hao) But is the opponent’s weakness really the fear of the enemy approaching?

Jiraiya hesitated.

And his hesitation made Fourth Raikage on the sidelines feel more dangerous to Yuichi.

"Scary guy! Just one word! Shaken Jiraiya's confidence and made him unable to fully imagine the advice given by his companion!"

Whether what Orochimaru said is true or not, Yuichi's ability to easily shake the confidence of the enemy like this.

It is the power that truly scares the Fourth Raikage!

"Idiot.....What are you hesitating about? If you don't know if it's true or not, try it and you'll know!"

Fukasaku tapped Jiraiya's head hard, causing Jiraiya to wake up suddenly.


If this weakness is real or fake, try it and you will know!

What are you hesitating about?

As expected of an old toad that has lived for hundreds of years, it reacts very quickly!

Yuichi smiled and raised his hand and sent a torrent of Senbonzakura straight towards Jiraiya. If you want to try it, you should act first!!.

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