Ninja Invasion, Starting At Marineford

Chapter 78 Terrified Sunagakure

" Celestial Dragons....."


Suddenly, the entire auditorium seemed to be fried.

Sengoku shook his head helplessly listening to the voice of discussion, "Sure enough, sooner or later it will be impossible to hide it, I didn't expect it to be exposed so soon!"

Garp on the side laughed loudly, "This thing really knows everything!"

Whitebeard and Kaido both smiled.

World government is really playing very well, even the Celestial Dragons are released.


One after another, the lights lit up.

The teleported Shichibukai appeared behind Yuichi one after another.

At the same time Aokiji also appeared beside Yuichi.

But now they are bound by some kind of force, unable to move at all.

Including Yuichi as well.

The figures of Shichibukai people appear on the duel field.

Seeing them on screen is totally different than seeing them in person.

People in the Hokage World auditorium, looking down at Shichibukai.

"These guys...every one looks so strong!"

"Murloc! There is such a race in the opponent's world!"

It is said that someone is very interested in Jinbei, the Shichibukai of the murloc race.

Somewhere in ninja world.

Itachi, who was teleported back to 650 from the auditorium, looked at Kisame Kisame beside him who was staring at the light screen without blinking.

"That guy and Kisame you really look alike!"

Itachi smiled.

Kisame ignored Itachi and just stared at Jinbei, "Murloc...there are such interesting races in that world, I almost want to go to that world to have a look!"

The murloc Jinbei made Guixier feel kind.

Shichibukai appears!

Next is the last of the eight A-level fighters.

【Marine Commodore-Smoker (nicknamed 'White Hunter', former Marine Admiral Zephyr's disciple, and Marine Admiral's alternate Yuichi, from the same school)】

The last Smoker, didn't surprise the Hokage world much at first.

But later in the introduction.

That sentence and Marine Admiral's alternate Yuichi, who came from the same school, made people dare not look down upon him.

Yuichi, who was joking and able to defeat three Admirals in a row, was taught by the same person.

No matter how bad it is, it won't be too bad!

Smoker was soon teleported to the arena as well.

As soon as Smoker appeared, he looked unhappy, "Did Sengoku choose me? Damn it! Yuichi, I won't help you!"

The concerned Smoker spoke to Yuichi with this attitude and tone.

However, Yuichi just smiled, "Are you still worried about the duel before? But it was only lost once, so you don't have to remember it all the time!"

"Nonsense! It's not you who lost, of course you don't care."

Smoker looks like he has some sort of feud with Yuichi.

However, because of Yuichi, Smoker has been suppressed by Yuichi during his training as a sailor.

All kinds of test results can only be ranked second.

So Smoker has a lot of resentment towards Yuichi.

However, because of Yuichi, even if the current Smoker has not experienced the Alabasta incident, he is still promoted to Commodore. His strength is much stronger than that of him in this period in the original book.

"The pirates who were recruited by Marine because they were too strong, Seven Warlords of the Sea, plus Marine Admiral, Yuichi who lost streak to Sannin, and his fellow disciples!"

"Can Sunagakure hold back such a lineup?"

"Now Kazekage seems to have gone to Konoha Village. Even Kazekage is not there. It is impossible for Sunagakure to block these people!"

Thinking of this, people in the Hokage world feel very hopeless.

Although One Tail Shouhe is not theirs, it is related to the survival of the whole world.

If he loses again this time, the ghost knows whether the sudden disaster will fall on him.

Millions of people have been wiped out by the power of terror before.

It's not just about Sunagakure's victory or defeat, it's about their safety.

Everyone in the ninja world is watching nervously.

Do you really just put these people directly into Sunagakure?

The most anxious and nervous people at the moment are Kazekage and all the ninjas of Sunagakure.

Especially the people who are in the village right now.

The Sand Shinobi (cjff) in the village all had no energy on their faces.

Kazekage-sama is not here! There is not much defense force prepared in the village, how can we possibly stop the enemy from another world!"

"Damn it, if Kazekage-sama is here, maybe there is still hope, but just relying on's...impossible to stop it!"

"Isn't One Tail Jinchūriki not in the village?"


Sand Shinobi suddenly remembered.

One Tail Jinchūriki Gaara, didn't you go out of the village to perform a mission?

It's not in the village at all, and the other party won't be able to snatch One Tail if they want to!

Sand Shinobi Jōnin Baki looked at these Sand Shinobi "enemies can be teleported from another world by mysterious power, can't One Tail be teleported back to the village?

Hearing this! Sand Shinobi's expressions began to become ugly.


I'm afraid that kind of terrifying power can easily do this kind of thing!

And the next second!

A beam of light descended from the sky appeared.


In the middle of Sunagakure, in a huge open space, an extremely huge body suddenly appeared.

All the people in the village and the ninjas looked back at the figure.

No one can keep calm!

Baki's body swayed, and he stepped back one after another, looking in horror at this huge monster that suddenly appeared!

"One Tail... One Tail Shouhe?"

The thing that suddenly appeared was One Tail Shukaku, and it was the One Tail Shukaku that came out of Jinchūriki's body, not Gaara...

That force pulled One Tail Shukaku out of Gaara's body?

The picture on the light curtain shows the situation of Sunagakure.

The moment One Tail appeared.

Fourth Kazekage's mind went blank for a moment, Gaara.......

Only One Tail appeared, and there was no Gaara figure, being drawn out meant that Gaara would... die!!!

But at this moment, Gaara is looking at the light curtain in the sky, feeling the One Tail that can still be felt in the body, "One Tail is still there...why?"

‘My uncle seems to have a strange feeling, as if there is some kind of energy that is exactly the same as mine!’

One Tail's voice came from within.

Gaara froze for a moment.

What does this mean, that mysterious power emperor created a tailed beast casually?

Fourth Kazekage was stunned for half a second, he wanted to rush back to Sunagakure desperately, even though it was too late to go back now.

But he still wants to go back.

But in the next second, a light screen appeared on his hand, the same light screen as when Sarutobi Hiruzen selected people to participate in the world war.

But Luo Sha looked down and saw the name on the light screen in his hand! Luo Sha suddenly froze in place!

Seeing that Luo Sha was stunned suddenly, Sarutobi was about to call him back and told him that Konoha had the Flying Thunder God array to help him!

But all of a sudden, Luo Sha didn't move, and a light screen flickered on his hand. It seemed that something surprised Luo Sha!

"What happened to Fengying?"

Saying that, Sarutobi Hiruzen leaned over, looked at the light screen on Luo Sha's palm, and saw that even he was stunned......

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