Ninja Invasion, Starting At Marineford

Chapter 95 Reiatsu's Liberation Completely Broke Out

A large amount of placer gold is surging.

The bear has been completely swallowed by placer gold.

And Hancock was also distracted by the sudden fluctuations.

After feeling Yuichi's momentum, Hancock was caught by Jinsha!

Both are now trapped.

Luo Sha raised his hand to the two of them, and they must be dealt with as soon as possible.

The five fingers suddenly grasped.

Dust Gold began to shrink and squeeze frantically, and both of them used Haki to defend, but they could face the frantic squeeze of Sand Sand.

Haki of the two is also unstoppable.

"Still want to struggle? Pointless resistance!"

The Chakra in the Luosha body is preparing to explode in large numbers, increasing the extrusion force of placer gold.

But at this moment.

In a trance, everyone in Sunagakure seemed to hear the sound of a drop of water falling into the lake.


A breeze blows in the face.

It seems to feel the sound of gurgling mountain spring water in the wind.

I don’t know why this strange feeling of ancient “———seven” appears!


A white robe floated in the air.

In front of the sleeping One Tail, Yuichi appeared.

Standing in mid-air.

There was nothing under Yuichi's feet.

But he stood firmly in the air.

Seeing Yuichi standing in the air, everyone couldn't help showing a shocked expression at the moment.

Whitebeard, Kaido, Sengoku, and Garp were all stunned, and people in both the Pirate World and the Hokage World were stunned.


how do you do it

Stand still in the air!

There is obviously no support under the feet, even if it is Moonwalk, it will not make people stay in the air for so long, and it is so stable at the same height!

The figure of Aokiji beside him slowly fell, and Aokiji's face was a little strange with the air-conditioning surging from his body.

Yuichi suddenly appeared, making everyone suddenly hand.

this moment.

The faces of the Sand Shinobi changed rapidly.

finally appeared!

This monster defeated Konoha Sannin, and Marine Admiral who had the ability to freeze.

They are the toughest guys in this battle.

"Too many miscellaneous soldiers!"

Yuichi glanced down.

There are too many ninjas in Sunagakure, just like ants.

Feeling everywhere.

So many miscellaneous soldiers are too in the way.

Clean it up a little bit!

Yuichi's eyes burst into indigo light!


The moment Yuichi's eyes burst into light.

The Reiatsu inside exploded!

The air suddenly seemed to become extremely heavy.

With Yuichi as the center, a strange blue light erupted from Yuichi's body.

The light that burned like a flame flashed away.

But in the next second, countless black lines appeared in the air, falling from the sky at a high speed.

This is not a real black line, but pulled by some kind of force, the air is compressed, distorted and continuously falling.

It is like the invisible gravitational force that makes the air start to be compressed to form a scene.

boom boom boom......

Ruoyouuowu's roaring sound kept ringing in my ears.

At this moment, the figure of Third Kazekage in the air swayed suddenly, and suddenly fell towards the bottom.

The same goes for Doflamingo.

The two of them almost fell to the ground one after the other.

Iron sand, gold dust, and sand of Gaara floating in mid-air.

At this time, it suddenly dropped to half the height.

The faces of the three of them suddenly turned pale.

An invisible force pressed hard on them.


The Sand Shinobi in the village, the Genin troops in pieces, crawled on the ground in an instant and couldn't move.

Only Chūnin can barely stand, and they can barely stand.

Under Yuichi's Reiatsu, Chūnin stood still and tried his best.

Only ninjas at the Jōnin level have a little experience.

Turning his head to look at Yuichi in the air.

And this power made everyone in Shichibukai look at Yuichi in surprise.

Hawkeye: 'Is this Haki from... Conqueror's?'

Doflamingo: 'Impossible, how could someone's intense...

Looking at the surrounding ground, the ground could not bear the pressure and cracked under Reiatsu, and the eye-catching cracks continued to spread.

The Genin who fell one after another lay on the ground, no matter how hard they tried under the terrifying pressure, they couldn't stand up at all.

For Yuichi in the air, the light around his body was distorted to a certain extent.

Yuichi's Reiatsu enveloped the entire Sunagakure, looking at the Genin who were pinned to the ground and could not move.

This surprised Yuichi himself.

"Is my Reiatsu so powerful now?

Yuichi was still amazed at himself.

At this moment, people in the two worlds are all stunned.

what did this man do

Why for a moment, the ninjas seemed to be in pain.

There are even so many ninjas lying on the ground completely unable to move.

Was it suppressed by some force?

Can not see any energy.

People in the auditorium also felt this feeling very clearly..

But the more clearly I feel.

It made people feel even more shocked.

Whitebeard stares at Yuichi in the air "Marine kid's Haki... so weird..."

Haki can intimidate the enemy, and it is normal for the enemy to lose consciousness.

It is also normal for it to be strong enough to cause substantial damage.

May Yuichi's Haki.

It completely made him feel that his body was being suppressed by an invisible force.

This feeling is extremely strong.

But this is not normal.

Totally different from normal Haki...  

Yuichi's Reiatsu keeps on releasing.

Reiatsu exploded for tens of seconds.

Sand Shinobi's ninja troops and Genin all fainted.

Or lying on the ground with no strength at all.

Reiatsu retreated.

Everyone gasped for air.

A series of terrified eyes looked at Yuichi.

In the auditorium, everyone felt as if they had suddenly come to life.

The sense of oppression brought by the Reiatsu impact just now was too terrifying.

If it wasn't for the protection of the barrier, they would not be in any danger. I am afraid that some ordinary people would have passed out long ago.

Heitu in the auditorium panted, "Old man... what kind of power is this? I couldn't breathe at all just now!"

Hearing that Ohnoki also exhaled lightly, "I don't know..."

Shaking his head lightly, this kind of power completely made Onoki unable to understand.

But what Ohnoki is more worried about now is that this person relies on Sankage and wonders if he can deal with it!

Third Kazekage, 4.2 Fourth Kazekage, Fifth Kazekage.

The three of them also adjusted their state at the same time, and rushed towards Yuichi.

The enemies in his hands are completely ignored.

Because Yuichi was too close to One Tail.

Not a moment can be lost.

Sankage surrounded Yuichi, but Yuichi didn't look at Sankage, but looked at One Tail who was sleeping.

From One Tail's body, Yuichi can clearly feel that majestic energy.

Is this the Tailed Beast Chakra!’

'What an amazing power. "

Yuichi is feeling the power of the Tailed Beast.

At this moment, the faces of the three Fengying became extremely gloomy.


Sunagakure's tens of thousands of ninja troops, under Reiatsu just now, have now fallen more than two-thirds of the ninjas.

This man killed tens of thousands of ninjas in an instant before he even made a move...

This means!

This unbelievable.....

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