Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 100 Mr. Cardo asked me...

The boat docked leisurely.

Standing on familiar land, Kaduo finally relaxed a little from the pressure in his heart.

The ninjas hired by that guy Tazuna were repulsed and killed by the ninja masters of Konoha. Although the commission was upgraded to B level and the commission fee was increased tenfold, the ninja masters considerately agreed to slow down the work after the bridge repair was completed. Slow payments.

The bridge repair work can finally proceed.

Our country of Waves is saved!

He looked around and saw two familiar figures behind the building in the distance, and his expression became even more excited: "Chiku, Yuan, I'm back!"

Over there, two thin young men in their twenties came over quickly with surprise on their faces.

"Kado, you're fine. Are these...the ninjas of Konoha Ninja Village?"

Cardo nodded repeatedly, "Where are the others?"

"They...well, you don't even know how rampant that bastard Tatsuna is these days. Mr. Aida's home has been forcibly occupied by the Kirigakure ninjas he hired." A young man named Chiku sighed. He said, "No one dares to go out. The two of us still count the days, thinking that you should be back soon, so we took the risk to try our luck here."

"Don't worry, Chiku. The ninjas in Kirigakure Village have been beaten away by these Konoha ninja masters. We can start work again soon!"

"Really? That's great!"

The three men hugged each other.

Immediately, Zhengdai and others accepted the sincere thanks from the two young people from the Country of Waves.

After some pleasantries, Cardo finally remembered Midori Sakuramoto and said: "Gaki, this is Mr. Midori Sakuramoto, a wealthy businessman from the Country of Fire. He wants to open a store in our Country of Waves and needs to choose the address of the store. , recruit some people..."

"I understand, leave it all to me!" Before he could finish speaking, Yuan agreed, "Please come with me, Mr. Sakuramoto Midori."

Minato heard this and turned around: "Zhao, let's go ahead and complete our own commission."

Haruno Zhao waved his hand: "Go, go, I still have some things to confirm here."

After Minato and Kushina left, Haruno Zhao looked back at Masaida and said, "Mr. Cardo, could you please guide us to Tazuna's house?"

Kaduo was stunned: "Do you want to..."

"Hahaha," Haruno Zhao grabbed Haixing and laughed: "Don't worry, I just went to see him and give him a warning. I won't do anything extraordinary."

Kado breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that he was kind enough to forgive Dazuna who wanted to take his life, but he was worried that Zhengdai and the others would lose their patience due to the previous attack, and would use violence, coercion, force to intimidate and other reckless methods to complete the commission.

After all, those who oppose the bridge construction account for more than half of the residents of the Land of Waves. If their strong resistance is aroused, it will be the same as if the bridge is successfully repaired.

After confirming that they had no intention of directly killing Tazuna, Kado and Cheku led them onto the streets of the Land of Waves.

Along the way, a few more people gathered around them. According to Kaduo's introduction, these people were all companions involved in building the bridge.

And there are still some people who immediately take a detour when they see them, or hide at home and look at them secretly from the window.

With the sensitive hearing of ninjas, the four of them heard 'They are ninjas from Konoha', 'Kado really brought ninjas from Konoha', 'Do they have to involve us in the war', 'I don't know Tazuna. Can the hired Kirigakure Village ninjas deal with them?', 'Shh, be silent! ’

There were many discussions and discussions, which allowed the four people to further understand the difficulties that may be encountered in this commission.

After walking dozens of steps, Kaduo pointed out in the distance.

"That's Dazna's home!"

Zhengdai looked over and saw a large single-family house that was slightly clean and luxurious compared to other low and dilapidated buildings in the Land of Waves.

Kaduo continued to lead the way, but Zhengdai stopped him, "Mr. Kaduo, please wait here first, the teacher and I will go there."

Asma: "Just wearing it..."

"You and Hong are protecting Mr. Cardo." Zheng Dai shook his head slightly.

Kado showed slight confusion, but quickly became nervous again. Will the shinobi of Kirigakure Village come again?

The possibility of Chun Yu, who was seriously injured, attacking again was slim. Zheng Dai was not worried about him and refused to let Ka Duo go with him. It was just because what he wanted to do next was not convenient for Ka Duo to watch closely and could easily go wrong.

Stepping forward together with Zheng Dai, Haruno Zhao took a few steps and sniffed lightly, "The smell of blood, that guy from Chunyu is indeed here."

"...Teacher, do you have a dog nose?"

"Your Water Release is not yet fully developed. A ninja as strong as the teacher can already simply sense the water vapor in the air."

Haruno Zhao said seriously.

Can it be done to this extent? Zheng Dai was slightly stunned, so to speak...Dazna is really...

"Hahaha, have you been fooled?" Haruno Zhao suddenly laughed and pointed in front, "Look over there, there are some water stains that are about to be dried."

Zheng Dai: "..."

Too lazy to pay attention to Mr. Haixing, he walked to the door of Dazuna's house. Zhengdai looked back first to make sure that Dazuna and the others were far enough away that they couldn't hear and couldn't clearly see what was happening here, and then took a deep breath...


Kicking open the door, Dai dodged and rushed in. Haruno Zhao also put away his smile and was wary of the possibility.

Da la——

The wooden stick fell to the ground, and a crisp sound came out.

Inside the door, Dazna seemed to be mopping the floor of his home. Zhengdai was so scared that he threw away the mop when he suddenly broke in. His face was pale and he looked greatly frightened.

not dead! Zheng Dai was determined in his heart, his eyes swept over the young and strong Dazna who looked different from the old man in his memory, and he looked down at the wooden floor that had been mopped and polished.

He really smelled the faint smell of blood.

Spring rain is coming? But he didn't kill Dazna?

Doubts flashed across his face, and Zhengdai put on an anxious look, "Mr. Dazuna, are you okay?"

Dazuna was in shock: "No, it's okay, you are... a ninja of Konoha?!"

He noticed the forehead protector he was wearing.

Zhengdai nodded: "I am one of the ninjas hired by Mr. Cardo to protect him in building the bridge. We were attacked by ninjas on the water before. The attacker was hired by you, Mr. Dazna, right?"

Dazna was stunned, gritted his teeth and raised his neck and said forcefully: "So what?! There is no way to repair the bridge. I will never let you involve the innocent civilians of our Kingdom of Waves in the war again! Even if you Kill me and step over my body, and thousands of me will stand up!"

Yo? The habit of leading the kind of trolls with the rhythm of righteousness, UU Reading www.uuuhu. net I haven’t seen it for a long time.

Zhengdai looked at Dazuna, who was a bit lusty and angry, and smiled secretly in his heart. Dazuna cursed secretly, the monster shoemaker was right, the attack of those Kirigakure Village ninjas really failed!

Trash, you deserve to die!

What do I do now?

The monster shoemaker asked me to cooperate with him...

"Mr. Dazna, you misunderstood." Zhengdai shook his head and said: "I'm not here to hurt you. Mr. Cardo said that although you have different ideas, you are all for the sake of making the Country of Waves better. He doesn’t blame you.”

Um? Dazuna was stunned.

"He was worried that the Kirigakure Village ninja who was seriously injured by us would be angry with you, so he paid us more to speed up our rescue."

Is that guy here to kill me? Only then did Dazna finally understand, and beads of sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and he was extremely frightened.

If the shoemaker I saw every day hadn't turned out to be a monster, I might have...

That guy Cardo actually asked someone to save me?

"Mr. Dazna, since you are fine, I will leave first. Mr. Cardo is still waiting for my news." Zhengdai stepped back with a smile: "I think he will be relieved to know that you are safe and sound."

Dazna paused for a moment, then raised his neck again and said, "Humph! Tell Cardo not to lie to me! There is absolutely no need to discuss the matter of repairing the bridge!"

‘Dazna correction degree 1%

Obtain free attribute points*1’

Zheng Dai left with a smile, closed the door, and chuckled: "You say no, but you are honest in your heart. You are a middle-aged strong man, how can you be so arrogant, it's really disgusting..."


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