Coincidentally, Hideki Hinata woke up just after being carried back to bed by his father. His eyes were blurry for a moment, and he sat up suddenly. He turned around with a wary expression, and soon showed some surprise.

"Father? I brought me back? Did you see anyone else?"

"It wasn't me, it was your classmate named Zheng Dai who carried you back." His father said.

"Wearing it!" Hyuga Hideki was completely awake in an instant. He hurriedly checked his body and found no injuries or other marks. He breathed a sigh of relief - even that civilian didn't dare to really beat me!

But I actually lost to a civilian...

He was secretly annoyed and gritted his teeth.

Hinata Hideki's father frowned when he saw this and asked, "Do you have a conflict with him?"

Hyuga Hideki: "He... passed a note to Uchiha Obito during the previous exam. The note was full of wrong answers, which made Uchiha Obito score 0 points and humiliated Uchiha Obito."

Hinata Hideki's father understood, but he was dissatisfied: "Did you turn on your Byakugan to cheat during the exam?"

Hinata Hideki: "..."

"Not again."

"Yes." Hinata Hideki nodded honestly.

"I gave that child a thousand taels. You are classmates, and since he has learned a lesson, he should not become enemies."

Gave Zhengdai a thousand taels of silver notes?

He learned a lesson, don't do it again...?

Why? It was obvious that I was beaten by him...I was so tired that I fainted, but you gave him a banknote?

Hinata Hideki was confused. He wanted to explain, but on the one hand he felt embarrassed, and on the other hand the words "Complaining is a puppy", "It's okay to give birth to a son", etc. that Zheng Dai had previously directed and acted always flashed in his eyes.

Vulgar commoners!

"I understand, Father."

Hinata Hideki gritted his teeth and secretly made up his mind to practice hard. When he can hit eight palms, he must deal with those vulgar civilians severely!

Meanwhile, Zheng Dai returned home.

Seeing the embarrassed Zheng Dai, Uncle Craftsman and Aunt Xiu suddenly turned red-eyed and asked questions from left to right.

Zhengdai said with a slight grievance: "I just had a discussion with Hinata Hideki in my class."

"From the Hyuga clan?" Uncle Craftsman shouted in a rough voice: "Is this a competition? Can the Hyuga clan bully others? Didn't your uncle and I sell all the ninja tools we made in the past two years to them at the cost price? Xiaozheng, you are wearing it Wait, uncle is going to give you an explanation..."

"Hey, uncle, don't worry." Zhengdai forced a smile, took out the banknotes and said, "All these are superficial injuries. Hinata Hideki's father gave me a thousand taels, so forget it, Uncle Craftsman."

"One thousand taels? One thousand taels counts..."

"Uncle Craftsman! Let me handle my own affairs, okay? It won't take long, and I will be able to defeat Hideki Hyuga with my own hands in an upright manner, believe me!" Zhengdai suddenly said loudly: "I'll wipe myself."

Uncle Craftsman was stunned for a moment, and Aunt Xiu said, "Wait a minute, Auntie will bandage your wound."

"No, it's just a minor injury." Zheng Dai shook his head and refused. How embarrassing is it that it healed before the wrapping was finished?

After a long time, the craftsman uncle sighed.

"The child has grown up."


After briefly washing his body, he put on clean clothes and returned to the room. He lay on his back on the bed, smoothed his hair, and took a long breath.

“Acting is so tiring.”

He opens the properties panel.

Template: Ninja Apprentice (0/3)

Basic attributes(3)

Physical Strength: 22.44

Mental strength: 28.99

Chakra amount: 25.33

Main skills (4)

(Repetitions omitted)

Auxiliary skills (9) (hidden)

Free attribute points: 1

"The physical strength has stopped growing. It has increased by nearly six points, about one-third." Zhengdai thought for a while, sat up, went to the desk to measure his height, and squeezed his arm.

"Sure enough, I've grown a little taller and my arms have gotten a little thicker. If I hadn't been concerned about my injury, I would have noticed it. Fortunately, this change is not too big for an eight-year-old child."

"Physical skills are risky, so be careful when adding more.

Before adulthood, before the skeletal and physical development is mature, you have to take your time. What's more, I don't know how many people besides Kakashi or even if anyone can provide me with attribute points. I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve balanced development.

Save the attribute points for a while first. If your strength is increased too much at once, it will easily cause trouble. You can't waste it. It will be the end if you are noticed by Orochimaru and Gen.

Then find a way to learn a few ninjutsu, add some points to the ninjutsu, and become a master. Don't make yourself look like a muscle monster, which will be too ugly to get a wife.

Tsk, you are looking for a wife, there are many beautiful girls in Naruto, there are quite a few in the class..."

While Dai was thinking about it, he suddenly showed a lewd smile that belonged to a fat nerd from the second dimension. The fanbooks flashed by one after another, but he quickly restrained himself.

I'm a serious person, I'm very serious.

Really serious.

The smile gradually changes.jpg

‘Kakashi correction degree 36%’

‘Kakashi correction degree 37%’

Suddenly, two lines of subtitles passed by. Zheng Dai was stunned. He finally deleted all the bad images in his mind and hummed with a smile: "In the dead of night, will you suddenly think of me..."

"What are the children singing? Are they stimulated..."

"I didn't hear you clearly, shush, please keep your voice down..."

Zheng Dai's face darkened: "Uncle Craftsman, Aunt Xiu, I'm reading a book, you go to sleep, don't worry about me!"

Time stood still for two seconds.

"Xiao Zhengdai, you should go to bed early." Uncle Jiang's slightly embarrassed voice came in.

Zhengdai shook his head helplessly, lost interest in singing, and actually took out a book.

‘Theoretical Guidance on Independent Research and Development of Ninjutsu (Basic)’

While wearing it, open the auxiliary skill attribute bar and glance at the level: level 0 (39%)

I'm the real deal!

"Theoretical guidance on independent research and development of ninjutsu, UU Reading This is really good stuff." Zhengdai murmured, "Real ninja knowledge, let me learn it."

Different from the 'Introduction', this thing is actually useful. As a 'correction tape' that can make you forget to eat and sleep when studying Naruto information on the Internet. After you have learned how to quickly improve your strength, you will soon sink your mind into this real ninja book. .

Only the occasional jumping barrage would interrupt his reading state.

Kakashi's depressed state is not complicated, it's just that he hasn't turned around at all.

Zhengdai helped him increase his restoring power and gave him a head start. In the dead of night, he reflected again and got out of hand.

At midnight, I was lying on the bed with my eyes closed, about to fall asleep, when subtitles flashed before my eyes.

‘Kakashi correction degree 45%

Obtain free attribute points*1’

So Zhengdai woke up.

"Hey, why don't you go to bed? The unlucky kid is really worried, so I won't go to bed either. I get up to read and get back to the college entrance examination state.

It would be too wasteful to add more of these things, but as a time traveler with a golden finger, I wasted several years in the ninja school, so I am afraid I will have to withdraw from the group.

Isn’t it just memorizing a book? I have passed the college entrance examination and the postgraduate entrance examination, can I still live up to it? !

It's just annoying to stay up late and damage your hair. "

Just as Dai was looking at the pillow, he ran to the wardrobe mirror and took a look, murmuring softly: "My face is not as beautiful as my original beauty, but my hair... is so much, it's so good, it doesn't hurt a little bit." No problem!”

Outside the crack of the door, two pairs of eyes looked at each other.

"Xiao Zhengdai... seems to be really stimulated. You stay up in the middle of the night. Why are you causing trouble?"

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