Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 111 Hospital farce

After telling the Third Hokage about the experience of the Uzumaki Country and his party in detail (Haruno Zhao did not know the details of the letter left by Uzumaki Ashina and skipped the fact that he cut the souls of the Senju and the Uzumaki clan Jonin), the Third Hokage looked at it intently for a moment. Mask of Death.

"Leave it with me for the time being. I will find a way to place it. Zhao, don't use this sealing technique unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Hahaha, of course." Haruno Zhao laughed while grabbing his starfish head that was missing a small tip. "I haven't lived enough yet. But Hokage-sama, where are you going to put such a dangerous thing?"

"What a dangerous thing, it contains Grandpa Ashina!" Kushina said dissatisfied: "Hokage-sama, can't you put it in my house?"

The Third Hokage looked at Kushina, his face full of worry, and finally said: "The Uzumaki clan's shrine in the village should be repaired. After the repair, put it there so that you can go and worship."

"That's it...but if someone takes it away..."

"Put a lot of masks and mix them in. If someone pays more attention, it will be less likely to be taken away." Zhengdai answered quickly.

The Third Hokage suddenly looked at Zheng Dai in surprise, how could this... take away what I wanted to say?

Kushina blinked: "What a good idea. Zhengdai, except for your poor card skills, you are very creative in other aspects, like Minato."

Zheng Dai, who had another note posted all night last night, had a dull face, thinking she was praising herself.

Just wait for me. One day, I will win all the hair on Nine-Tails!

"Then I will keep it for now." The Third Hokage said in turn: "Zhao, your C-level commission was due to two ninja attacks, and the latter one involved the attack on Kakuzu, the first-sama.

The commission is upgraded to A level, which exceeds the maximum number of commissions that your team can accept, so there is no need to leave a record of failed commissions, but it cannot be counted as a successful commission.

Go back and rest, and quickly accept new commissions. The Chunin exam is approaching, and your class does not have any commission records yet, so you cannot apply to participate in the Chunin exam. "

Zheng Dai stared: "No...any?"

Haruno Zhao shrugged: "Fishing doesn't count? Hokage-sama. Well, Asuma and Kurenai are still a little behind anyway, so it doesn't matter whether they participate or not. Is there an A-level commission record on Zheng Dai? He can participate." Just endure the exam.

The death of the client this time has a big impact on Hong's mentality. I plan to let them stabilize and do another D-level mission. "

When they were wearing Moran, fishing didn't count. Fortunately, Teacher Haixing took them to the Third Hokage every day to get tasks.


"Is that what you think?" The Third Hokage nodded slightly: "Asuma is indeed not yet at the level of a chunin, as you can tell."

After exchanging a few more words, the three of them left the Hokage Building and headed to Konoha Hospital.

On the way, Shodai asked again: "Teacher, do you mean that I have to temporarily form a team with two other genin to participate in the Chunin Exam?"

"Why, are you afraid that you will be burdened by two burdens?"

Zheng Dai Heiran: "I can pass the test with two three-year-old children. I'm just afraid that I will make two less powerful chuunin and harm them instead. That would be bad."

Haruno Zhao laughed.

Arriving at Konoha Hospital, Jiraiya's ward was easy to find out, and it happened to be the same ward as the last time Kakashi was hospitalized.

After climbing to the second floor, the three of them stood stunned.

More than two dozen young and beautiful women, some civilians and some ninjas, some holding flowers and some carrying fruits, lined up in an orderly manner outside Jiraiya's ward, blocking the corridor.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, not knowing whether to line up at the back or jump in directly.

"This...Jiraiya-sama's female fan?"

Haruno Zhao: "Maybe he is a suitor."

"Isn't Jiraiya-sama writing children's books? Most of his fans are mothers, right? How come there are so many suitors?" Zhengdai was confused.

Kushina: "But the teacher is very handsome."

"Oh, yes, yes, he is very handsome." Zhengdai nodded suddenly, forgiving me for not getting used to it yet.

Haruno Zhao scratched at the starfish in confusion.

"Jiraiya-sama rejected all suitors in the past two years. Didn't they all give up? Why did this suddenly appear again?"

"Zhao, Kushina? Are you back?"

At this time, a bold and capable female voice came from behind. Zhengdai immediately turned around, his eyes flickered, and he tried to keep his eyes level.

The blond woman behind her is Tsunade!

She was not very tall, no more than two centimeters taller than Zheng Dai at this time, but Zheng Dai had to concentrate to keep his eyes facing hers and avoid dying young.

"Tsunade-sama (sister)!"

Tsunade nodded, her eyes moved on Zheng Dai's face, and when she found the eyes level with hers, she clicked her tongue: "You are such a tall brat, and you are very courageous. You dare to look at me for the first time, and you don't even know how to greet me? What a sign?" , this is... that person in your class... that Zheng Dai who graduated with perfect marks in all subjects?"

"Uh, hello, Tsunade-sama!" Zhengdai lowered his head hurriedly, his eyes blurred again, and he quickly changed to a deep bow.

Tsunade looked at Zhengdai, who was bowing deeply at 90 degrees, and said with a smile: "It doesn't have to be like this."

Next to him, Haruno Zhao raised his hand to support Zheng Dai, and said with a smile: "This kid is a little stunned by your aura for the first time. He is not like this usually."

"Really?" Tsunade was noncommittal and turned to Kushina, wanting to say a few words. Then when she saw the young women not far behind Kushina, she frowned, put aside her clothes and walked over.

"Hey! You guys! I told Jiraiya to rest now! Why are you still here?!"

"What a murderer..." Zheng Dai breathed out lightly.

Kushina smiled: "It's okay. Sister Tsunade isn't very fierce. She's just teasing you."

Zheng Dai blinked: "Oh."

The three of them turned around and waited for Tsunade to clear away the women. However, something that was taken for granted happened unexpectedly.

Those women were not very afraid when Tsunade scolded them, and some even chirped in rebuttal. UU reading

"Now you know how to care about Jiraiya-sama? Then why did you hurt Jiraiya-sama so badly!"

"That's right, it's too much."

"Isn't it just to molest you? Lord Jiraiya is so gentle, he can only grab your hand, right? As for being so harsh?"

"It's hard to say. After all, Jiraiya-sama has been single for more than thirty years, and Tsunade-sama has such a good figure and beauty..."

"Damn it! I'm so envious. Why doesn't Lord Jiraiya come and molest me..."

"Yes, I'm so envious...I really want to be molested by Jiraiya-sama."

The veins on Tsunade's forehead jumped faintly, her fists were clenched, and she gritted her teeth and shouted: "Zhao, my finances are tight recently, help me pay for a wall! Please!"

Haruno Zhao smiled bitterly.

boom! !

After receiving the answer, Tsunade immediately punched the wall beside her. The wall collapsed, and the chattering women finally fell silent.

"Get out of here!!!"


Behind the collapsed wall, Jiraiya, who was tightly wrapped in bandages, was lying on the bed, looking helplessly. Why on earth do they all think that I molested Tsunade?

My eternal fame!

And I really didn’t even touch it with my hands. If I had touched it, it would have been... I just looked...

Zheng Dai's expression is very exciting. It seems that Jiraiya has many comrades? Then he turned to Teacher Haixing in surprise: "Teacher, why are you so generous to Tsunade-sama, even if you say you have to pay for the wall?"

Haruno Zhao grabbed the starfish and sighed softly: "Did you understand what Minato said a few days ago? Tsunade-sama's last gamble was with me... Well, I lost in the end.

This loss cost tens of millions. "

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