Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 115 Taking the initiative

In terms of craftsmanship, the quality of the bicycle frame hand-forged by the craftsman is probably higher than that of bicycles produced on the assembly line. However, manpower is sometimes poor. Compared with precision, few people can surpass the machine with their hands.

Unless you are using a forging process that is still at level 0 and improves it to level 7 or 8, the bicycles made by the craftsman will inevitably be inferior to modern bicycles in many aspects such as riding comfort and shock absorption.

Fortunately, the streets of Konoha are relatively flat, so the butt doesn't have to suffer too much. The exclamations and pointers from pedestrians on the left and right made Zhengdai ignore the slightest lag and kept smiling.

In about four or five minutes, Zhengdai rode his bicycle from East Alley to North Street, covering a distance that usually took twenty minutes to walk. Pedestrians gave way to him along the way, which made Zhengdai feel a bit like an ancient dude riding a horse across the street.

The most common words I hear are ‘Get out of here’, ‘Oh my god’, ‘What is that’.

Unfortunately, he didn't meet anyone he knew, and it was hard for Zhengdai to stop and explain to strangers.

Be low-key and shy.

He confirmed the house number of the building in front of him, put on the brakes, got out of the car and kicked off the kickstand.

Miss Kushina's house has arrived.

Da da da……

Ka - As if waiting for him specially, Kushina opened the door just as Dai knocked on the door.

"Zhengdai, you're here so early."

Kushina looked sad and dressed neatly, "Have you eaten? I haven't eaten yet. Minato is not here, so I have to buy food by myself... Huh? You came just in time. You cooked something delicious, can you? Could you please...well, could you please go buy some groceries for me first, and then come to my house to help me cook?"

Zheng Dai was speechless.

After Kushina finished speaking, she felt that her request was too much and she smiled sheepishly.

"Forget it, let's buy a batch of things and eat them slowly when we come back... If you want to play cards, wait another hour. I'll fill my stomach first."

"Sister Kushina, let me take you there."

"You take me?" Kushina was startled.

Zhengdai turned sideways, drew Kushina's eyes to the bicycle, and said with a smile: "I don't have time to explain to you, sister Kushina, get on the bike quickly."

"Hey, what is this..."

"You'll know when you get up." Zhengdai half dragged and half pulled Kushina into the back seat, "Sit tight!"

Kick your feet to the ground and start the car.

"Hey!" Kushina let out a surprised exclamation. She swayed and then sat upright. She looked blankly at the receding buildings on the left and right, feeling the breeze around her, and whispered: "Oh——"

"Sister Kushina, where are you going to eat? There is a restaurant in South Alley that tastes good. Can I take you there?" Zhengdai suggested.

"You take me to...well, I originally wanted to eat it near home. Zheng Dai, what is this? It's quite interesting."

"This is called a bicycle. It is a new object that my uncle and I came up with. It is a means of transportation. It is much easier to ride than running and much easier than riding a horse, but it is not slower than them."

"Oh, that's interesting." Kushina nodded as if she understood. She wanted to say that I would give it a try, but she felt a little lazy after thinking about it.

Forget it, being carried around like this is great.

From Kushina's house to Konoha South Lane, it spans half of Konoha. Many more people know Kushina than they know Masadai.

Stopping along the way, he explained what a bicycle was to many of Kushina's acquaintances. After satisfying the curiosity of a dozen people, he finally arrived at a restaurant in Konoha's South Alley.

"This is it, Kushina-sama."

Just as Dai stopped the car, Kushina jumped out.

Gently rubbing her butt, she pursed her lips and said, "If you sit for a long time, your butt will hurt a little."

"Well, it's just been made. I'll wait for further research and add some cotton or something to the cushion to make it softer and softer." Zhengdai explained.

Kushina nodded and looked at the small restaurant in front of her that she had never seen before, "Is the food here delicious?"

Zhengdai moved the car to a corner and accompanied her into a restaurant she had never been to before, saying: "It's delicious, very delicious. Sister Kushina, you can order a few of your favorites and take them away, right? Wait for me I’ll send you back, and I’ll go home for dinner myself.”

"Hey? You haven't eaten yet? How about I invite you..."

"Farewell, I just returned to the village. My aunt at home has cooked a lot of dishes for me to eat."

"That's it." Kushina stopped persuading and went to the front desk to ask for the menu and then sifted through it, "Well, I want this, this, and...this."

After thinking for a while, she turned back: "Zheng Dai, are these three good... Huh? Zheng Dai?"

She rubbed her eyes blankly, looking confused.

"Where is the person? He turned around and disappeared?"

The waiter behind him said: "Are you talking about that young gentleman? He just ran out quickly."

"Run away?" Kushina blinked and closed her eyes for two seconds: "Wow, I ran so far, getting farther and farther, why did I leave so suddenly..."

At this moment, she was suddenly startled. She quickly walked to the door of the store and looked around the corner. The bicycle she had brought her was obviously no longer there!

"...Oh my god, how am I going to get home?!"

She pouted: "What the hell is this kid doing? It's so annoying. It's so far away from home..."

‘Kushina correction 15%’

Zhengdai, who was riding his bicycle quickly towards home, raised the corner of his mouth. This wave of teasing was successful. He got rid of the anger he had lost, and he also promoted his bicycle.

As for how to explain the subsequent meeting with Kushina? It's too easy. Just say that he found someone stealing a car and he chased him, right?

Oh, you can even pass the blame to Danzo, just say that Gen's people stole cars. Anyway, even Jiraiya's books have been pirated, so Danzo has no lower limit.

It makes sense to steal a bicycle, research it, and prepare pirated copies for sale.

Maybe I can tease Kushina a little more.

"Eh? Danzo won't really come to steal my bike, right? Tsk, I have to be on guard. Just give this bike away after dinner."

More than half an hour later, after the previous swagger, UU Reading explained the function of bicycles to some people who knew Kushina. The birth of bicycles as a means of transportation has indeed gradually aroused the curiosity and attention of many people. .

Thanks to Zhengdai’s previous explanation, he repeatedly emphasized that the speed is about four times that of walking, which is much less labor-intensive than running, and can also be used by ordinary people.

Many people immediately seized the business opportunity.

Basically, Danzo, who had recently suffered heavy financial losses and lost tens of millions to Jiraiya and then sent people to build a casino in the country of Waves for Tsunade to smash when he heard that things were not going well and almost doubted his life, was in this group.

"Bicycle is a new means of transportation that is four times faster than walking. It saves effort and can be used by ordinary people." Xu squinted his one eye and thought for a while, Danzo ordered: "Ryoma, go find Masaida yourself and find a way to use his bicycle." Buy it back!"

"Yes, Lord Danzo."

"Wait! Developed with his uncle..." After thinking for a while, Danzo changed his mind and said, "Don't go to Masadai, bypass him and go to his uncle, reveal the identity of the ANBU, and buy it in the name of the village!"

Ryoma was stunned for a moment, and soon understood that he was being deceived, "Yes, Danzo-sama."

Danzo nodded: "Go ahead. If you don't succeed, just find a way...just get that bike back!"

"Yes!" Ryoma bowed deeply, turned and left.

However, at this moment, a root member suddenly knocked on the door and said, "Danzo-sama, you are pushing...that...bicycle into the Hyuga clan. Because of what happened last time, I dare not continue to follow you."

Danzo was stunned, and his old face sank, "Damn it! It's Hinata again! What did Hinata give him?! With that kid's shrewdness, it's impossible that he didn't know the value contained in this new object, and he actually took the initiative to give it to him! Hinata sent it over?! Damn it, you didn’t even give me a chance to bid..."

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