Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 120 Kushina’s grievance

‘Angle correction 15%

Obtain free attribute points*1’

"The fourth attribute point was gained, but in this money war... I lost.

As expected of Kakuto, making money is really fierce. "

A week later, Zhengdai counted his remaining money and couldn't help but sigh.

Less than two million.

Kakuzu's bounty has been increased to 50 million by him. The money he borrowed from Hinata based on his ability, plus the money he got from killing the traitorous ninja named Shiraishi of Taki Ninja Village, has been almost consumed.

In a competition for financial resources, after all, they can't compete with Kakuto, who always has money coming to their doorsteps.

However, Zheng Dai's bounty was not increased much, only 1.5 million, from 6 million to 7.5 million.

Exchange of gold follows the rules of the gold exchange. Seven and a half million is the limit for a genin. Any more would break the rules. And this rule is probably made to restrict those wealthy businessmen.

After all, this is a world where ninjas are the mainstream.

Even if Hei Jue was behind the money exchange, it would not dare to let the money exchange offend everyone.

That's just looking for trouble.

Compared to Masahiro, the two jonins, Haisei-sensei and Minato, had more room to maneuver. At this time, their bounties had been increased to 50 million and 72 million respectively.

The addition here is not an addition based on the original one, but Kakuzu replaces the original publisher with a higher bounty.

The original publisher can get a refund.

In other words, in just one week, Jiaodu earned more than 130 million taels!

"Don't add to the rest, keep it as pocket money." Zheng Dai carefully hid the more than 1.8 million taels in his hand in the corner of the room to prevent his aunt.

Then he thought about it, formed a water body to practice ninjutsu, left the house, got on the bicycle given by Hinata, and ran to Kushina's house.

Riding a bicycle is no longer a rare thing on the streets of Konoha. On average, one of every five households has bought a bicycle.

Each one costs a thousand taels, and it is still expanding its sales throughout the Fire Country, making the Hinata family a lot of money.

Zheng Dai is not envious either. Fifty million taels is enough for them to earn for a year and a half. The benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom. If you get it all at once, it is not a loss.

What's more, as financial resources increase, the Hyuga genocide incident may also jump to a certain point?

"Let's get Kushina to 20% first, and then get some attribute points."

Compared to Kakuzu, who was fighting for money in the air, Kushina's correction was not so smooth. Nearly a month has passed, but it has only raised her from 15% to 19%.

The main reason is that his gambling skills are not progressing smoothly. He has been stuck at 99% of level 1 for many days, and has never been promoted to level 2. Zhengdai has never been able to defeat Kushina, so he can only play some destructive "off-board moves". .

If your gambling skills are not improving, it is definitely not because of your poor card skills. It is probably because of playing cards and sticking stickers, which is not pure gambling, so you cannot improve your gambling skills.

If he couldn't reach level 2 tonight, Zhengdai was going to think of other ways.

Regarding the gambling skill, Zhengdai pays more attention to it, because it is foreseeable that the modified Tsunade will also be able to use it.

To put it bluntly, if you become good at gambling, you will no longer be short of money. There are no casinos in the Fire Country, so you can go to the Thunder Country to withdraw money, which is a contribution to the Fire Country.

We arrived at No. 17 North Street in a familiar way, and when we stopped the car, we were suddenly a little surprised.

Not far ahead, a handsome young man with blond hair was looking at him with a smile, "Just wearing it."

"Minato Jonin, are you back?" Shodai greeted quickly: "When did you come back?"

"I just submitted a request to Lord Hokage and visited Jiraiya-sensei in the hospital."

"Oh." Masadai nodded repeatedly, and then asked: "What happened to the Country of Waves after we left? Has Sakuramoto Midori's casino been successfully completed?"

"The Country of Waves... is okay. There was chaos a few times, but it slowly calmed down. Tatsuna left the Country of Waves and went to find someone to learn how to build bridges. Without him, there shouldn't be any disputes." Minato. He replied: "The casino has also been built, but... just now at the hospital, Tsunade-sama saw me and went to pack up and prepare to leave."

After a pause, Minato smiled bitterly again and said: "I haven't been in the village for more than a month, and I didn't expect that a lot of things happened in the village. How could Teacher Jiraiya molest Tsunade-sama? What on earth is going on about this matter? You You know, are you wearing it?”

"Uh... I'm not sure. This is how the rumor was spread, and neither Jiraiya-sama nor Tsunade-sama himself came forward to deny it. Of course, I don't believe it either." Zhengdai replied hesitantly.

"I asked Jiraiya-sensei, but he didn't say, so there must be a reason for it." Minato nodded, and then said, "And this bicycle you are riding, it has an ingenious design. I heard that you created it?"

"Hey, what a coincidence."

Minato smiled brightly: "I'm also going to buy one and ride it to take Kushina out for a ride. By the way, you're here...looking for Kushina?"

Masaida smiled sheepishly: "Well, I came to play cards with Sister Kushina. But since you are back, Minato Jounin, I won't disturb you two and leave."

Minato: "It's nothing to disturb. But I have to tell you something. You haven't told Kushina yet about Kakuzu's reward for us. It's best not to tell her."

"I know, I know." Dai responded, but he was cursing the bad luck in his heart. He originally wanted to use it as a trump card to correct Kushina to 20%, but now it was ruined.

At this moment, the door of Kushina's house opened with a creak. Kushina poked her head out and looked around, "Ah, Zhengdai! I'm counting the time, you should be here, come in, come in!" "

While Dai blinked innocently, Minato on the other side of the door coughed helplessly: "Kushina."

"Huh? Minato's voice?" Kushina blinked, opened the door wide, turned her head, blinked again, rushed over, jumped up, and hung on Minato like a koala.

"Minato, you're finally back!"

Kushina's rare enthusiasm, UU Reading made Minato stunned for a moment, his face turned a little red, he hesitated and hugged her back, from light to hard.

Zheng Dai clicked his tongue and turned his head away.

It's spring, it's time for me to go.

The sound of a bicycle turning around was heard, and Kushina realized that she was still wearing it. Her face turned red and she got off Minato.

"Minato, why did you come back?" Kushina muttered aggrievedly, "You don't even know how I survived this period of time. They all bullied me."

"Elder Danzo stole Zhengdai's bicycle, causing me to walk from South Lane for more than half an hour before I got home..."

"Also, the clothes sold to me by the clothing store on West Street were missing buttons. When I went to see them, they refused to admit it and said I had broken them..."

"Also, the sandwich biscuits I bought actually had toothpaste mixed in..."

"And there's more..."

Kushina licked her fingers and counted the unhappy days in detail. The more she talked about it, the more she felt aggrieved.

‘Kushina’s correction degree is 20%

Obtain free attribute points*1’

"Okay, I'm back." With a bright smile, Minato hugged Kushina to comfort her.

Kushina's complaining voice gradually became quieter, and she quickly pushed the door open, "Don't make trouble, Zhengdai is still here. Speaking of which, thanks to Zhengdai helping me these days, I definitely wouldn't have been able to get through it otherwise. And I post him a lot every day. Face note, super fun!”

Zheng Dai: "..."

The smile after gaining attribute points gradually disappeared.

"You're welcome, you're welcome. You guys can chat and I won't bother you. Let's go first." He pedaled his bike and swooped out.

You have to find a way to improve your gambling skills!

Can't win against a fox?

I am wearing it, but I don’t believe this evil!

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