Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 123 Temporary teammates

"Are you registering for the Chunin Exam now? And one of my temporary teammates is from the Uchiha clan?"

In the Hokage's office, Zheng Dai made a surprised sound.

Next to him, Asuma was a little envious, but he had long known that due to the accident in the Land of Waves, Teacher Haisei only agreed to participate in the Chuunin Exam, and did not react much.

Red is full of blessings.

Teacher Haixing laughed and patted Zheng Dai on the shoulder: "Didn't you say that you can pass the chuunin exam with two three-year-old children? Are you panicking when I give you a good teammate this time?"

"Well, that can't be the case."

Positive wearing negation. He was just a little confused as to why such a grouping was made. He was clearly Hinata's subordinate ninja and was assigned to an Uchiha... There wouldn't be any tests in this, right?

Who is more important, the village or Hinata?

After thinking for a few more seconds, Zhengdai shook his head as if it was useless. Uchiha were just Uchiha, and he just wanted to get in touch with them.

"Teacher, Hokage-sama, what's their specific situation? Don't we need to meet below? When is the Chuunin exam specifically?"


Haruno Zhao's bow finger hit him on the head.

"I told you, kid, don't be too careless and pay a little attention to the Chuunin exams, okay? The first written test will be on April 20th. There are only nine days left."

Zhengdai was getting a haircut, focusing on the spot where Haruno Omen had just knocked him, feeling disgusted as if he had been dropped by a bird above his head.

The Third Hokage smiled: "The three of you want to meet in advance. I have arranged it, and the two of them will be here soon."

"A while?"

"That's right, don't follow the signs to carry out the D-class commission today. First fill out the Chuunin Examination Application Form here and wait for them to come over."

Shodai responded, while Haruno Zhao left with Asuma and Kurenai, saying: "Shodai, you need to get along well with your temporary teammates."

He said this openly, but secretly gave him a fist, instructing him to use force to subdue the other two teammates, so as to avoid trouble in the chuunin exam.

Zhengdai understands it from his heart.

The Third Hokage shook his head helplessly, took out a piece of cigarette cake and ate it, handed him a form, and said vaguely: "The cigarette cake this time is a bit more delicious than the last time you made it. Fill out the form."

My cooking skills and experience are improving. Masadai took the form respectfully, found a pen on the Hokage's desk, and filled it out.

Name, age, team, commission record, brief description of one of the commissions...

"A brief summary of the commission?" Zheng Dai had the illusion of filling out a social practice form, so he subconsciously raised his head and asked, "Hokage-sama, do you have a template?"

The Third Hokage actually handed over two.

"This belongs to two of your teammates."

Zheng Dai's eyes moved, and he took it and took a closer look.

‘Sou (sou three sounds), 15 years old, graduate of the 29th Ninja School, currently has no team, has performed 168 D-level commissions, 17 C-level commissions, and no B-level or above commissions. ’

"The senior who is six years older than me." Zhengdai muttered and looked at another picture.

‘Uchiha Chenlu, 12 years old, no team, no graduation record from ninja school, no commission experience. ’

"This... girl? Sanwu?" Zhengdai was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was doing.

Many great ninja clans will select some potential children and train them on their own instead of sending them to ninja schools. On the one hand, they believe that targeted guidance within their own family is more suitable for their children, and on the other hand, they also want to hide some of their family heritage from the outside world.

Uchiha Chenlu has obviously been trained within the clan. Having no commission experience does not mean that she has never executed a commission. She must have been led by a family elder and accompanied the team. Perhaps she has a richer resume than the old senior.

"The genius ninja of the Uchiha."

Zheng Dai suddenly remembered the Uchiha girl who had collided with him twice last night. With the double magatama sharingan, she must have chuunin strength, and she is about the same age. It can't be such a coincidence, right?

According to the old senior's declaration form, he changed his name and wrote a garbage-picking commission. Zhengdai completed the declaration form and handed it to the Third Hokage.

Just at this moment, there was a knock on the door behind him.

The Third Hokage: "Come in!"

A girl with beautiful features, slender figure, and long hair with black eyes and a similar height to Masahiro pushed the door open and bowed to greet the Third Hokage.

Zheng Dai twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, then hurriedly restrained his mind so as not to show any abnormality - what a coincidence!

That's the girl I met last night!

The Third Hokage nodded and responded: "Zhengdai, this is one of your teammates, Uchiha Chenlu."

Uchiha Chenlu's eyes moved to Zhengdai, who greeted him with a smile: "Hello, hello, I am Zhengdai."

Uchiha Chenlu nodded slightly and said expressionlessly: "I am Uchiha Chenlu."


How does this girl synchronize her expression with the water avatar?

The water avatar is not a person, and neither is she?

Zheng Dai blinked, his mind turned, and he wanted to bring up another topic, when the knock on the door rang again.

The last teammate has arrived.

The 15-year-old Yabu is much taller than both Zhengdai and Uchiha Chenlu, about 170. His face is very mature, and he already looks like an adult.

Only the rolling eyes showed that he was still a 15-year-old boy.

"This doesn't look like an honest guy." Zhengdai sighed to himself. This teammate probably really needs to go through the necessary 'dealing' with him.

After the three people who temporarily became teammates introduced themselves to each other, the Third Hokage soon said that they could go find a place to get familiar with each other and discuss how to deal with the Chunin Exam.

The three of them subconsciously came to the training ground closest to the Hokage building.

Then they looked at each other speechlessly.

Uchiha Chenlu had a cold expression and was unwilling to speak. Yasu Shi's eyes turned, unwilling to take the initiative.

Zhengdai looked at them and swallowed what he wanted to say. Come on, one-two-three wooden man, I haven’t played this game for a long time since I played with Orochimaru last time.

Uchiha Chenlu has strong concentration, Zhengdai is more tolerant, and the only one who can't bear it first is Yabu.

"I said, the three of us formed a temporary team, UU Reading We must choose a captain, otherwise we will definitely get into trouble if we don't agree on something that needs to be decided during the Chuunin Exam.

You two, one is a current ninja school graduate with perfect scores in all subjects, and the other is a genius ninja of the Uchiha clan, and I am just a genin who failed to pass the chuunin exams six times. In addition to having rich exam experience, I entrusted My experience is far superior to yours, and nothing else is as good as yours.

So for this captain, I think... just choose one from the two of you? Are you fighting? "

Zhengdai raised the corner of his mouth, looked at him, nodded and said, "Okay, just listen to Senior Zuo."

Yau: "..."

"Miss Chenlu, who among us will be the captain?"

Uchiha Chenlu was a little uncomfortable with Zhengdai's familiar address. She paused and then said: "The strong ones will serve as captains."

"Want to compare notes? Forget it, how hurtful would it be to start a fight as soon as we formed a temporary team?" Zhengdai turned his eyes, suddenly lowered his head to search, picked up two thin branches, folded them casually, and held them in his hands. Knocked it down behind you and brought it back.

Only the tips of the two branches were exposed, and the rest of the branches were held by Zheng Dai.

"Let's bet on drawing branches. If you draw the longer one, you will be the captain. Luck is also a part of strength!"

Yau was stunned, so careless?

Uchiha Chenlu was stunned for a moment, her aloofness suddenly disappeared, and her face suddenly showed a strange flush of excitement.

She strode forward, her flushed face almost touching Zheng Dai's face, and her dark and deep eyes locked with Zheng Dai's eyes, her eyes flashing with light, and her breath was like blue.

"That's a good suggestion. It turns out that tree branches can also be used for gambling? Come on, let's have a showdown!"

Wearing: ╭(°A°`)╮

Yabu:? ? ?

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