Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 128 Special Rules

To complete Shodai's idea, there was a lot of preliminary preparation and investigation to be done, so the three of them could not take action immediately. The next day, after Minato took Kushina to worship the Uzumaki Shrine, he and Shodai split up.

Time passed by, and when the preparations were almost complete, the day of the Chunin Exam arrived.

On April 20th, Ninja School was on holiday.

The huge ninja school classroom was packed with Konoha genin, the youngest was eight years old and the oldest was nearly middle-aged. Some were sitting solemnly, mumbling words, or whispering to each other in an effort to relieve tension.

"There are quite a lot of people." Walking into the classroom, Zheng Dai glanced over and couldn't help but sigh.

There were probably nearly a hundred people in the classroom, no less crowded than during the Chunin Joint Examination.

Calculating, it's not surprising. There are more than 20 people who successfully graduated from the same class as Dai, and half of them took the chunin exam. Plus the seniors who failed to become chuunin in the previous batches even became genin for more than ten years. A poor household for more than 20 years.

Judging from the thousands of genin base in Konoha, this number of candidates is relatively normal.

"Senior Zuo, Yuji, do you two know anyone? If not, go to my classmate?"

Zhengdai asked, Yabu and Yue nodded in agreement, so the three of them went straight to the corner of the classroom where Obito was whining and seemed to be fighting Kakashi again.

At this moment, Zheng Dai suddenly noticed a rather unkind look in his peripheral vision, and couldn't help but turn his head and look over. A dozen meters away, a sturdy young man who looked half familiar came into view.

"Huh? Who is this? Oh, it seems to be Ye Cang last time... He failed miserably in the Chuunin exam last time and heard that Kakashi defeated Ye Cang. He came to the ninja school to block Kakashi, but he blocked the wrong person. I then got the unlucky kid who gave me a good lesson.

What's your name, Daisuke? "

Doubt flashed in his eyes, and Zheng Dai turned his head back indifferently. The weakling who was taught a lesson by himself half a year ago was not worthy of attention.

Opposite me, Daisuke, who noticed Dai's disapproving look, was slightly annoyed. He hesitated for a moment, then approached several nearby genin who had graduated from the same year as him and said in a deep voice:

"Stop being wary of each other. There are two amazing guys in this class of ninja school graduates who just graduated. Even the female ninja from Suna Ninja Village is no match for them. If we don't think of a way, our third exam will just be It can be used as a stepping stone..."

On the other side, Masaida walked up to Obito.

"Why are you arguing with Kakashi again?"

Seeing Zheng Dai arriving, Lin, who looked distressed, breathed a sigh of relief and greeted him with a smile.

Kakashi also stopped talking to Obito.

Obito said indifferently: "Kakashi, that bastard asked me not to hold him back in the written test. I don't know who will hold him back."

It still looks like there is no B number.

Zheng Dai secretly laughed, not even bothering to talk about him, and introduced sideways: "These are my two temporary teammates, Uchiha Ametsu and Yabu."


After greeting each other, Zhengdai waved to the other side: "Ibiki, Hideki, Kai, and everyone, long time no see!"

After a long separation of greetings, even Hideki's attitude was fine and he didn't play with Zhengdai's tsundere. However, occasionally staring at Zhengdai's lost expression, one could still tell that he was holding back some energy.

Even in my dreams I want to win against Zheng Dai.

After a while, the examiner came in and arranged seats.

A total of 96 candidates took their seats one after another, distributed test papers, and then showed off their talents.

Although it is not an intelligence gathering test, many candidates still go to great lengths to 'gather intelligence', and some are expelled from the exam if they are caught plagiarizing.

Zhengdai completed the test paper that took him an hour to answer in ten minutes. It was obviously more difficult than the graduation exam, but he answered it with ease.

Thanks to my smart brain, Shuiying’s learning ability is so strong.

Soon the time for the exam came, and everything that should be copied was finished. As he was observing from the corner of his eye, Obito successfully got the answer from Lin. Kai also answered the test paper with the command of a toothpick in Shiranui Genma's mouth. 8. Hinata Hideki still uses his Byakugan as usual...

The test papers were taken away by the examiner, and were quickly marked by the teachers of the ninja school. Excluding the six genin teams that were expelled after being found cheating, the test papers for a total of 78 genin were marked in 20 minutes.

None of the genin left, waiting in the classroom to hear the examiner announce the results of the first written test.

Only two teams failed.

In other words, there are 24 teams and 72 Genin who participated in the second Chuunin Exam!

"The number of people is too large." Senior Senior Tuo, who has rich experience in examinations, murmured worriedly: "We don't know the content of the second examination yet. Captain, we have to be more careful in case we are besieged..."

"Then take them away in one wave." Zheng Dai's words scared Sou half to death.

"Hey, Captain, I promised not to be reckless..."

Yabu kept chattering all the way until he followed the examiner to the northwest forest of Konoha in front of the venue of the second chunin exam, and finally shut up.

Such a coincidence? When Zhengdai raised his eyes, he could see the place where he had played the dice cup ten days ago, and he couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Uchiha Amaze.

Sure enough, Uchiha Uchiha's eyes were slightly wandering and slightly absent-minded. What he recalled in his mind was the disastrous defeat in the gambling match with Fugaku that day.

As expected of the patriarch.

But next time, I will definitely beat him!

"Listen up!" A shout exploded in the ears of all the candidates, and a ninja in his thirties, wearing a jounin vest and a scar on his face, appeared out of nowhere.

"I am the examiner for the second session of your Chunin Examination. Next, I will announce the rules for the second examination. I will only say it once, so listen carefully.

The second exam will test your overall strength, teamwork, and judgment ability!

The time limit is five days, and the test location is the forest behind you, Practice Ground No. 39! "

He pointed to the forest where the edge was cordoned off, and said: "Your opponents are all the teams except your own team, as well as the wild beasts in the forest.

You will be eliminated in the following three situations. All three members of the team were defeated and had their license plates taken away. They were also Konoha companions and deliberately dealt harsh blows to other candidates, and... escaped from the forest!

And the so-called number plate refers to it. "

The scarred Jonin took out two palm-sized iron medals from his arms. In the center of the medals, there was a red '?' written on it. ’, indicating to them.

"Look clearly. If the candidates behind you can't see clearly, turn to the front and look to the side. UU reading This is a special prop specially prepared for this exam."

The candidates were slightly restless and moved forward.

After waiting for a few seconds, the scarred Jonin wrote two number plates with '? ’ The two sides faced each other, then separated again, and showed them again.

One of the number plates has ‘? 'Dissipate and become a pure iron plate, another piece of'? ’ then turns into the number ‘7’, and then quickly changes back to ‘? ’.

This magical scene caused an uproar among the candidates. Obito's eyes widened and he asked, "Hey, how did you do this?"

"It should be a sealing technique, or some special ninjutsu, right?" Zhengdai was not sure.

Fortunately, they didn't need to understand the principle of the number plate. The Scar Jonin quickly continued: "Do you see it clearly? In a while, each team will be distributed one of these number plates. The number in '?' may be is any one from 1 to 5.

You need to capture the number plates of other teams, capture their numbers, and add them to the number of your own number plate, but listen carefully, the bigger the number, the better. The maximum number that can be stored in this kind of number plate is only 13, just in case. If your number plate exceeds 13, it will 'explode' and return to 1.

All the previous battles to capture it were in vain.

In the end, only the eight teams that successfully arrived at the tower in the center of the forest and had the highest number plates were qualified to participate in the third exam! "

"What complicated rules..."

"24 into 8? It's so difficult."

Discussions arose.

Zheng Dai blinked with a strange expression.

How does this... look like 'Poker Blackjack'?

He immediately turned to look at Yu Jie, and sure enough, Yu Jie's eyes flashed with excitement.

Zheng Dai felt that there might be some twists and turns in this exam.

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