Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 136 The naughty boy Iruka

Haruno Zhao finally invited him to lunch.

They didn't invite anything good, but Zheng and Dai three ate very deliciously, as if they were eating big fish and meat.

Haruno Zhao’s distressed expression is so appetizing!

After dinner, Zhengdai went straight home, told Aunt Xiu the good news, washed himself clean, and slept soundly on the bed.

I slept until the sun set in the west. At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Dai woke up in a daze. He was in a daze for a moment, then got up and dressed.

For him, who has almost jounin strength, the chuunin exam is just a formality that he has to go through, and he can do whatever he wants, relax and enjoy it.

Compared with the Chunin Examination, Masadai still has many things to care about. He is also more interested in collecting attribute points and the feeling of constantly becoming stronger.

Five days ago, before entering the forest, what Anko said about Iruka really made Zhengdai concerned. Moreover, in the past five days in the forest, the more he thought about it, the more he cared about it, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

He was going to have dinner with Yabu and Yue in the evening, and was going to Kushina's house even later. He was about to start cleaning up a series of actions taken by Ming Qing. Zhengdai suddenly found that he was very busy. If he didn't check Iruka's situation now, he would just go to Kushina's house. It took a long time before I had the chance.

So he simply packed up, told Aunt Xiu, and hurried to the Ninja School.

On the way, he briefly recalled the appearance of Iruka in the original work, as well as the doubts that came to mind in the past few days.

When Anko heard that Iruka was naughty and mischievous, Zhengdai's first reaction was how could Iruka be naughty when he could be a teacher? This must be corrected.

But after thinking about it carefully, Iruka's setting as a child was that after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, no one paid attention to him due to the sacrifice of his parents, and he was mischievous and mischievous like Naruto to attract other people's attention.

That's why I became a teacher later, so I could understand Naruto's feelings and be regarded as his 'father'.

But there are two doubts here.

The first is that it is far from the time of the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Should Iruka be honest or naughty before his parents died?

Since it is said that he became naughty after the Kyuubi Rebellion, he should be honest now, right?

It's hard to be sure about this, but the second doubt is really a big problem - the time is not right!

It is the 42nd year of Konoha. The Nine-Tails Rebellion is the 48th year of Konoha. Iruka is in the first grade of Ninja School in the 42nd year of Konoha. Isn't it the seventh grade in 48?

What, you’re in the first grade of junior high school?

There is no such thing as repeating a grade in Ninja School. The upper limit is six years, so the problem here is huge!

"But it must not be that Iruka is two years older than the original work. Then I will correct it?"

At the same time, the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha asked respectfully in front of Uchiha Fugaku, and then hesitantly said: "Master Patriarch, can I take someone to the casino tonight?"

"Oh?" Fugaku was a little surprised, "I thought you came to me to challenge me again, or to ask about the situation in the casino. Do you know the ins and outs of bringing people into the casino? Who?"

"Just... wearing it."

"Wearing it?" Fugaku narrowed his eyes, then nodded happily and said: "Okay."

"Ah?" This time it was Yujie's turn to be surprised. He agreed so easily? "Lord Clan Leader, Zhengdai's teacher is Haruno Zhaojounin, and Haruno Zhaojounin and Tsunade-sama are better than masters and disciples... Is it really okay to take him into the casino?"

Fugaku was speechless: "You are the one who wants to take him."

Yujie said: "Oh, I will tell him not to spread rumors. He seems to... like gambling."

"It doesn't matter whether the rumor is spread or not." Fugaku shook his head and said: "Yesterday evening, the person responsible for patrolling the casino discovered Namikaze Minato wandering around the entrance of the casino. No matter who the person was last time, would he tell Tsunade? Sir, our casino can actually be considered exposed."

"Namikaze Minato Jounin? How could it be possible?" Umei said anxiously, "Master Patriarch, since we are sure to be exposed, can't we move the casino?"

"Ame!" Fugaku shouted loudly: "The casino trial is just a trial. It is a means of improvement for us Uchiha people. You can be immersed in it, but you cannot be addicted. You have to control your desires!"

"...Yes, I was wrong, Mr. Patriarch."

Yujie looked downcast and said, "I just didn't expect it to be so fast. I thought it would take longer."

"Just admit your mistake." Fuyue nodded, couldn't help but rub his hands together secretly, and said, "I will also go tonight to play with you and Zhengdai."

At the Ninja School, the gate guard also knew Zheng Dai, a student who graduated with perfect scores in all subjects, and easily let Zheng Dai enter the Ninja School.

Stepping into the teaching building, I walked through my memory and came to the third floor where the first grade students were. As soon as I walked up the stairs, Zhengdai saw a small figure in the corridor.

A little boy with fair features except for the long scar on the bridge of his nose.

"Have you encountered this?" Zheng Dai was startled, then suddenly murmured in confusion: "I remember that the scar on the bridge of his nose was not caused during the Nine-Tails Rebellion?

Does this need to be corrected? Give him a facelift? "

Weird thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhengdai walked over and said, "Little brother, what's wrong, you were made to stand by the teacher?"

Iruka glanced sideways, "Who are you?"

"I'm so-and-so's brother in your class. I'm here to see how well that so-and-so is attending class." Zhengdai opened his mouth and made up.

"Who is that? Who is it?" Iruka's eyes rolled, and he suddenly turned around and shouted: "Grandpa Omu! A bad guy has sneaked into the Ninja School!"

Daiton was stunned, this Iruka... is really a clever little guy, very vigilant.

But...Grandpa Omu?

Teacher Omu hurried out of the classroom and said angrily: "You told me to call me teacher, Iruka! What kind of bad guy? How can there be a bad guy?"

He looked up and was slightly startled. The anger on his face seemed to be blown away by the spring breeze, and a smile appeared on his face. "Zhengdai, why are you here? Oh yes, the second chunin exam is over today, right? How was it?"

"Passed successfully. UU read" Zheng Dai smiled: "Teacher Omu, of course I am here to miss you. By the way, what's going on with this junior?"

"He, he...sigh." Teacher Omu sighed and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go in and arrange for students to study on their own, and I'll come out and talk to you later.

Iruka, why don't you go back to the classroom? "

Iruka leaned against the wall and said: "Grandpa Omu, you are old and fat. I can't learn from you. I will go back when you leave."

A vein flashed across Da Mu's forehead, and he almost suppressed his anger. He reluctantly nodded to Zheng Dai, returned to the classroom, and arranged for the students to go.

Zheng Dai raised his eyebrows.

Iruka turned his eyes: "Zhengdai, Zhengdai? I seem to have heard of this name. Grandpa Omu seemed to talk about you endlessly on the first day of school, saying... you are the worst student he has ever taught. , let us not imitate you.”

"Oh, that's it." Zhengdai reached out and rubbed Iruka's head with a smile.

Iruka wanted to get away, but was pushed forward by Zhengdai, slamming him directly into the wall.

He struggled with his hands and feet, unable to move away at all.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing! Grandpa Omu, please help! He bullied me! I'm going to tell my parents! Help!"

Omu hurried out again with anxiety, and saw Iruka who was unharmed except for two pigtails on his head.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a bit dumbfounded: "Zhengdai, what are you doing?"

Zhengdai explained: "Little boys deserve to be beaten if they are naughty, and cute if they are naughty. I don't want to bully the younger, so I can only make him a girl and make him more cute. Well, it doesn't seem like it."

He glanced up and down, and the screaming Iruka shrank his neck and hurried back to the classroom, not forgetting to shout: "You guy! Wait for me!"

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