Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Remarks on the launch

The book was released on February 22nd, with a free period of more than two months for the public, and a free chapter of 325,000 words. The book is finally on the shelves!

As usual, I would like to thank the editor Xing Ye for his continued support and getting many recommendations for this book, so that this book can be seen by more friends.

I would also like to thank all my friends who have supported this book to this day. Every recommendation ticket, every tip, and every comment you give me is encouragement and support for me.

Most of the rewards from have been thanked in the author's comments. Some of them feel sorry for my friends from QQ Reading and Bookstore. Because of the rewards from, my writer backend often does not receive prompts. Check It's troublesome to get up.

So here, I would like to thank my friends in QQ Reading and Bookstore for their support.

Tonight at 12 o'clock in the morning, the VIP chapter will be opened. Of course, friends who often catch up with book shelves will know that there is a delay in opening the VIP chapter. It usually takes about ten minutes, so I can only post it at about 12:10 in the morning. chapter.

There are not many manuscripts saved, so I will update them at six in the morning.

There will be two chapters guaranteed from now on, but please believe that I will update three chapters most days. Occasionally two chapters, that is because Kawen really can’t write it, so I need to buffer it and rationalize my thoughts. Of course, when the writing is smooth, there will be four updates.

The issue of adding more updates, the third update does not count, the fourth update counts. My coding speed is limited, so I can’t decide on any complicated rules for adding more updates. The leader adds one update, the alliance leader adds three updates, the Silver League, etc. Don’t expect too much, you can sell yourself if you have it.

There are now three alliance leaders. The first update has been added in the new book issue. The six chapters of the other two will be added as soon as possible.

Monthly votes, recommendation votes, everyone can vote if they like it. There is no set number of votes to add for the time being. If you can't add more, it will be disappointing.

The other is the most important subscription issue.

The current collection of this book is 35,000. According to normal circumstances, 3,000 first-order products should be available. However, Restarting the World 27,000 will be available for 1,100 first-orders, so I am not too confident.

This should be written better than a reboot, so the psychological expectation is that the first order is 2,000, and one update will be added for every 500 above 2,000, that is to say, 2,500 will be added to one update, 3,000 will be added to two updates, 3,500 will be added to three updates...

Here I still emphasize the first order.

The first subscription is the subscription on the first day, which is tomorrow, May 1st. This data is very important to the author. It determines the prospects of a book and whether I will starve to death.

Some friends are used to watching pirated copies, or they don’t have the money to watch genuine copies. This is unavoidable.

However, I read 325,000 words for free and supported the six chapters on the first day. For less than one yuan, it’s not too much to grab a red envelope, right?

No matter how bad it is, if you spend 10 cents to support a VIP chapter subscription, we will still be good friends.

Of course, all orders are supported by genuine ones, that is Food and Clothes Parents \\(^o^)/

In addition, the data for the first order only counts the starting point. Friends from bookstores and QQ readers, please come here to support the first order. For future chapters, please follow your usual reading habits. Thank you.

Well, that’s it, please subscribe to the official version and automatically subscribe to the monthly pass. See you at 0:10!

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