Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 156 The truth about the happy trial

Five minutes ago, the street outside the casino.

Uchiha Mikoto pulled Kushina here with an anxious look on her face.

"Mikoto, it's useless for you to call me. Sister Tsunade is going to destroy the casino, and I can't stop her. Besides, didn't I tell you earlier that Uchiha Fugaku should stop? You didn't look like you were in a hurry at all at that time."

Uchiha Mikoto said anxiously: "I didn't know beforehand that Fugaku would personally take the risk to come to the casino and wait for Tsunade-sama to smash it."

"Ah?" Kushina was stunned: "Is there something wrong with your Fugaku's head?"

"Of course not." Uchiha Mikoto sighed helplessly: "This starts with our family's happy trial. Time is urgent, and I may not have time to explain Kushina to you. In short, Tsunade-sama came to destroy the casino and took action. Ichi Taizhong, please save Fugaku and our clan members in time."

"That's no problem. You all helped me before." Kushina agreed, and asked curiously: "What is going on with your happiness trial? Is it complicated? Can't you explain?"

"...No." Uchiha Mikoto paused and said quickly: "Do you know the conditions for opening the Sharingan of our Uchiha clan?

There are three conditions for the Sharingan to open. The first is to have the blood of our family, the second is to have enough chakra to impact the eyes, and the third is to need a certain amount of stimulation.

As for the third item, stimulation, in the past, it often required stimulation involving life and death, the stimulation of being in danger of one's life or even witnessing the death of friends and relatives, in order to successfully open one's eyes. "

Kushina's head was pounding as she listened.

"Is it so scary?"

Mikoto nodded and continued: "In order to no longer need that extreme environment to open our eyes, the former clan leader Uchiha Kagami created the Happy Trial, allowing us to control the method of opening our eyes by ourselves.

It is said to be a happy trial, but in fact, happiness is all about paving the way for the final painful stimulation! "

"Pain... foreshadowing?"

"Well, we will take the initiative to create a happy environment for the clan and then destroy it." Uchiha Mikoto said quickly: "For example, now, when the children of our Uchiha clan reach the age of four, they will be given something they like very much. , it may be toys, decorations, or other things.

Then after he refines a certain amount of chakra, there will be special 'bad boys' who will destroy their most beloved things in front of him! "

"Ah?" Kushina opened her mouth wide, "This... this is too..."

She couldn't help but think of the distressed feeling when the doll that had accompanied her when she was young was lost due to the war, and she cried several times. It’s like this when it’s lost, let alone destroyed in person.

"Those toys and decorations are the joy in the happy trial, and the pain when they are destroyed is the catalyst for opening the eyes." Uchiha Mikoto said softly: "Don't think this is too much. Sharingan's ability to improve strength is very likely to It will save their lives in the future and change their lives.”

Kushina opened her mouth slightly, feeling something was wrong, but she didn't know what to say, so she just asked: "Is the chance of opening the Sharingan like this... high?"

"Not too young, this is what every child of the Uchiha clan has to go through, the first round of happiness trials. They had no idea that this was a trial before, so when the things they love are severely beaten by 'bad boys' When the earth is destroyed, about 30% of children will directly open the single magatama sharingan.

The rest will try a second time, and 60% will open their eyes when the same 'bad boy' destroys his second favorite thing.

Come the third and fourth times, there will be a few more people, and in the end, more than 80% will use the Happy Trial to open the single Magatama Sharingan! "

Kushina blinked, thinking that the children of the Uchiha clan might be bullied three or four times by a bad boy without knowing it, and she suddenly felt a little sympathy for them.

"Is there really no problem if you do this? Oh, by the way, Obito from Minato's class, I remember he didn't open his eyes, right? How many times has he done this?"

"He... failed three times. The first time was when he watched the 'bad boy' break the toy without any reaction. The second time was when he broke the toy with the 'bad boy'. The third time was when he just got the toy. Deliberately broken... Now that Fugaku has given up testing him for the time being, the toys probably won't stimulate him."

"Ku-" Kushina almost laughed.

"As for problems? Not yet. Because after the first round of happy trials, in order to prevent those children from remembering the 'bad boy', we will explain the happy trials to them in detail to eliminate misunderstandings.

However, it is because of this that the pass rate of the second round of happiness trial and the third round of happiness trial has been drastically reduced. Among the current clan members, eight out of ten who have opened the single magatama through the happiness trial have opened the double magatama. Yes, there are probably only three out of ten who can unlock three magatama. The last successful one was Fugaku eight years ago. "

"Wow, you know it's a trial, but you still get stimulated and open your eyes. How on earth was Fugaku bullied at that time?" Kushina sighed.

Mikoto shook her head slightly: "Many times it is the authorities who are obsessed with it, such as the casino trial in front of us.

Gambling is highly addictive. Some of the tribesmen in the casino are undergoing the second round of happiness trials, and some are undergoing the third round of happiness trials. The same thing is that they have been gambling for more than a year.

For more than a year, they had gained a lot of happiness in the casino. When the casino was destroyed and gambling was banned, the excitement, even if it was something that was known to happen, would most likely lead to eye-opening. "

"Furthermore, the ups and downs of winning and losing in gambling are also a constant accumulation of excitement. UU Kanshu For this round of casino trials, Fugaku and the elders have great expectations, thinking that many people will evolve the Sharingan. .”

"Hmm." Kushina nodded with her lips bulging: "So Fugaku came to protect them personally?"

Mikoto shook her head, obviously nervous, but she couldn't help but smile: "Fugaku is actually a big gambler. He came here to see if he can open the legendary... Mangekyou Sharingan!"

"Ah..." Kushina stared slightly, and quickly pulled Mikoto again: "Tsunade-sister is here!"

Uchiha Mikoto's heart skipped a beat and she hurriedly followed Kushina to hide behind the wall. She saw Tsunade dragging a guy covered in bandages into the dead end alley.

"Hey, this bastard Ming Qing?" Kushina muttered unexpectedly: "Did he bring Sister Tsunade here?"

Mikoto frowned slightly, her eyes fixed on Ming Qing, and she quickly said nervously: "Kushina, please."

"I know, I will pay attention." Kushina silently contacted Kyuubi, turned on her perception ability, and carefully sensed the chakra in the direction of the casino.

"There are quite a few ninjas, eh, this?"

She blinked in confusion, was she wearing it?

Did this kid go to the casino?

Still a little gambler?

"Hehe, he is in a terrible situation now."

"Who's in trouble?" A gentle male voice came from behind Kushina and Mikoto.

The two were startled and quickly turned back.

"Jiraiya-sama (teacher)!"


At this time, a loud noise came.

Jiraiya raised his eyebrows and pressed the area on his chest where Tsunade had hit him with fear. He shook his head and said to Mikoto: "It's begun. Uchiha is brave enough to dare to choose Tsunade as your trial subject. Do Get ready, I, a slightly injured person, will probably have to make room for your people."

Uchiha Mikoto looked slightly bitter and looked in the direction of the casino worriedly.

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