Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 168 The Jonin is wearing it

"Masadai, congratulations on passing the Jonin examination and being promoted to Konoha Jonin."

In the Hokage's office, the Third Hokage smiled gently and pointed at the table, "These three ninja uniforms and three techniques are yours."

Just like yesterday, eight months later, the same place, the same people, without the company of Kakashi and Yue, the rewards including vests have tripled, Zhengdai was successfully promoted to Jonin!

It was already the end of March in Konoha 43, and Masadai was only ten and a half years old, and he was promoted to Jonin half a year earlier than he expected at the age of eleven.

Originally about the same height as the Third Hokage, he was already taller than the Third Hokage by centimeters and much more mature and stable. He respectfully accepted the three sets of systems and three techniques and asked politely.

"Hokage-sama, why did the dozen or so techniques we promised become three?"

"Get out!"

"Understood." Zhengdai bowed with a smile and exited the Hokage's office.

The Third Hokage was left alone to sit there and sigh, "It feels like time has not passed long. Why did this child suddenly pass the Jonin exam?"

After being dazed for a moment, he sat up straight again and flipped through the mountains of information on the table. His brows tightened and relaxed. "I'm afraid a war is coming soon."

"I finally succeeded in being promoted to Jonin. In the past eight months, I am almost exhausted from completing missions." After leaving the Hokage Building, Zhengdai murmured happily, "Promote before the third war. It's harder, it's worth it!

Becoming a Jonin will greatly increase your freedom in the three battles, and there will be fewer restrictions on what you want to do. "

Outside the Hokage Building, three people from Masadai's class were waiting for him. Seeing him appear, Kurenai and Asuma immediately said, "Masadai, congratulations on being promoted to Jonin."

Then the two of them each handed over an item as a gift for Masahiro to be promoted to Jonin.

What Hong handed over was a handmade greeting card. It was very beautiful. As a girl, she has started to grow in recent months. She is as tall as Asuma. She has a girlish look and the greeting card she made is also very girly. Dai accepted it with a smile.

Asuma also changed a little, his face became more and more like the Third Hokage, and he could see the trend of changing from a handsome boy to a vicissitudes of life. The thing he handed over also looked very vicissitudes of life - a razor.

Zheng Dai wiped the fine fuzz that had recently grown on his lips and felt that it was time to own a razor. At 10 and a half years old, his development level was almost the same as when he was 15 or 6 years old in his previous life.

With two gifts, three sets of uniforms, and three ninjutsu scrolls, Zheng Zheng's hands were full, but he still looked at Teacher Haixing with a smile and asked, "Where are my gifts?"

Haruno Zhao caught the starfish and said with a smile, "I will teach you a new technique in two days as a gift."

Zheng Dai's eyes lit up. He had long coveted Teacher Haixing's water escape ninjutsu. Will he finally teach it to me?

Is it to save money on gifts?

"Zhengdai, if you are promoted to Jonin, you will be able to accept A-level or even S-level commissions, and the remuneration sharing ratio will also increase." Teacher Haixing added, "Why don't you treat your two genin teammates to a meal to celebrate?"

Asuma and Kurenai looked at each other helplessly.

Yes, people are more likely to die than others. The two of them are still genin. They took the chunin exam for the first time in October last year and failed to pass it.

Fortunately, they had already adapted to Zheng Dai's talent, so they wouldn't be too shocked by it.

"Of course. Come on, Asuma, Hong, I'll treat you to dinner." Zhengdai promised with a smile, "Then teacher, we'll see you later?"

Asuma and Kurenai curled up their lips, turned around and left with Zhengdai, saying goodbye to Haruno Zhao. Haruno Zhao was left dazed on the spot, and they quickly chased after him while laughing and cursing.

"How can we have a dinner party without a teacher? Speaking of which, Dai, you are already a jounin. The teacher will let you taste the taste of fine wine. The taste is really..."

The sound faded away.


Haruno Zhao was full of wine, and the three of them were full of food.

The team disbanded, and Dai was going home with his arms full of things. Aunt Xiu, who was busy drying clothes in the yard, quickly helped him pick them up.

"Have you finished celebrating with your teammates and teachers? Our Zhengdai is really amazing, now he is a jounin."

A few months ago, Zheng Dai was as tall as Aunt Xiu. When Aunt Xiu called him, the word "little" finally disappeared, acknowledging that he had grown up.

"That's right, I'm not great for a day or two." Zhengdai chuckled and said, "Aunt Xiu, you are busy first. I will go back to the house to pack things and see the reward given by Hokage-sama."

"Hey, go ahead."

Returning to the room, closing the door, Zhengdai put the things away, placed the three scrolls on the desk, glanced around, and suddenly felt a bit like playing a game and opening a treasure box.

This time the Third Hokage didn't tell him what techniques were in these three scrolls, and he didn't ask.

Full of anticipation, start the scroll!

‘Water Release-Water Mirror (S-level)’

‘Illusion-Darkness Art (S-level) (Forbidden Art)’

‘Water Escape-Hard Vortex Water Blade (S-level)’

"Oh ho!" Zhengdai couldn't help but let out an excited cry, finally not picking at the old man once.

Of the three S-level techniques, the first two were expected, but it was still a surprise to get them.

The third type of hard vortex water blade condenses water vortex in the hand and changes the form into a water javelin to throw. Once it touches the target, it immediately turns into a huge waterspout, which is both powerful and gorgeous.

Compared to the Water Breaking Wave, its lethality is even greater, and its attack range is wider. It is the most powerful of the known water escape ninjutsu!

Of course, mastering it is also the most difficult, requiring extremely familiar water attribute changes and super strong chakra control. Zhengdai estimates that even for himself now, it may take half a year or more to fully master it.

But if you can add some, that’s not a problem!

"The question is whether to wait for a wave of ninja templates to advance and solidify them into real skills." Zhengdai's excitement gradually faded, and he frowned again and murmured.

Three months ago, his ninja template was upgraded from a special jounin template to a jounin template, solidifying chakra perception into real skills.

If you want to advance further, it may take a long time.

After thinking for a while, he opened the properties bar.

Template Jonin(1/3)(9/7)

(Note indicates that the template limit has been reached)

Basic attributes(3)

Physical strength 1038 (+1038)

Mental strength 87 (+120)

Chakra amount 1086

Main skills(4)

Three Body Technique Level 2(4)

Chakra Refining Method Level 4 (100)

Throwing Level 4(20)

Physical Skills Level 4 (75)

Auxiliary skills(24)

Water Escape-Huge Water Wrist Technique Level 4 (100)

Water Release - Water Body Level 3 (100) (has reached the current limit of ninjutsu, UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett requires self-study of level 4 ninjutsu and two free attribute points to advance)

Ninjutsu self-study guide level 3 (83)

Water Escape - Explosive Water Wave Level 3 (81)

(Others omitted)

Real skills 1

Cooking Skills Level 5(85)

Real skills 2

Water Escape-Water Breaking Wave Level 6 (100)

Real skills 3

Dance of the Three Suns and Moon Level 6 (100) (has reached the current skill limit, requires level 7 physical skills and 5 free attribute points to advance)

Real skills 4

The corpse is sealed to level 6 (100)

Real skills 5

Basic Ninjutsu Level 6 (100+18)

Real skills 6

Palm Immortal Technique Level 6 (100)

Real skills 7

Illusion - Four Seasons Flower Level 6 (100)

Real skills 8

Chakra Perception Level 6 (100)

Free attribute points 39

From Special Jounin to Jounin, the level limit does not change. It is more difficult to have level 5 skills than Shodai expected, so the number of skills he has reached the template limit has met the needs for promotion.

As for the other condition, the three-dimensional attribute has to reach more than 120 points. With the bonus of sealing off the corpses, the mental strength can be easily satisfied. However, the chakra amount and physical strength are both about 10 points apart. It probably still needs more Two or three months.

After hesitating for a long time, Zhengdai gritted his teeth and closed the scroll of the Hard Vortex Water Blade Ninjutsu. Let's wait for a wave of real skills. He has been waiting for more than four months since he got the chakra sense. The Hard Vortex Water Blade is worth the wait!

Making up his mind not to think about it anymore, Zhengdai concentrated on practicing the other two ninjutsu...

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