Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 177 Pig teammates

The Kaguya clansmen who have awakened the corpse veins and those who have not awakened are completely different species.

The Kaguya clan members without corpse veins are just hand-to-hand lunatics who focus all their attributes on physical skills compared to the same level of ninjas. One is softer and the other is harder than the Hyuga clan, so they are evenly matched.

But once the corpse veins are awakened, at the same level, especially at the jounin level, the Kaguya tribe will be very crushing!

It can be seen that the awakening level of Kaguya's Corpse Vein seems to be low, or there are many hidden dangers. If it were not for the deterioration of the situation, Kaguya's ninjas would lose half of them in just half a minute, and he might not even intend to use the Corpse Vein. .

Using it at this time, it only took out a rib, but it suppressed Hizashi in an instant!

The bone blade slashed horizontally and vertically, and Hizashi didn't dare to touch it with his hands. Unlike when the opponent used the knife, he could slap the side of the knife with chakra attached to his palm. The tiny barbs on the side of the bone blade looked like The chill is overwhelming and unstoppable.

‘Illusion-Four Seasons Flower! ’

Seeing that the situation here took a turn for the worse, Shodai had no choice but to give up on killing the other Kaguya Jonin, and rushed over to bloom again, this time only one flower bloomed.

The previous two shots of water breaking waves and one shot of four flowers have consumed a lot of Chakra. For the sake of the subsequent battle, he needs to save a little. What's more important is that Hizashi is not the subordinate jounin. You can definitely seize the opportunity and cooperate with him without needing his full strength.

And it blooms in a very targeted manner!

Summer flowers are red and make people crazy!

In the strange fragrance, Kaguya's leader's expression instantly became more crazy, his attacks became more ferocious, and he completely gave up his defense!

A vein popped out on Hizashi's forehead. He was keenly aware of the opportunity. All the chakra in his body moved and gathered in the palm of his right hand. After dodging another bone knife slash, it was heavily imprinted on the chest of leader Kaguya!

‘Bagua-break the mountain! ’


The sound of bones breaking sounded. The Bagua Mountain Breaking Strike is the toughest move in Baguazhang. As its name suggests, it can break through rocks and deeply sink the left side of Kaguya's leader's chest with one blow!

Leader Kaguya's body froze, bright red blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and his head drooped as if without strength. Hizashi's expression relaxed, and he raised his left hand, hoping to give him a final blow.

Zheng Dai's expression also relaxed slightly. His heart should be squeezed at that location. The ninjas of the Kaguya clan are really easy to target... huh? !

At this moment, he suddenly saw leader Kaguya grinning from ear to ear in a sinister smile, and his right hand holding the bone blade shook, and he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

pg! !

A sound of weapons colliding was heard, and a look of pain flashed across Hizashi's face. A line of blood spurted out from his right thigh when the bone blade stabbed from below!

Then he endured the pain and struck out, condensing chakra in his left hand again, and knocked Kaguya's leader away with a bang, and sat down on the ground slumped.

"Thanks to you, Zheng Dai." He gritted his teeth and was still frightened. If Zheng Dai hadn't used a knife to block the bone blade a little at the critical moment...

‘What the hell, this Kaguya bastard almost stabbed Neji to death, so let me use his head to correct it? ! ’ Zheng Daiyi was still frightened, cursed secretly in his heart, squatted down and used the palm immortal technique to treat Rizai.

"Hizashi-sama!" Some members of the Hinata tribe discovered the situation here and wanted to get rid of Kaguya Jōnin's struggle and come to protect Hizashi, but they were unable to do so.

Except for the leader Kaguya, the four Kaguya jonins were also fighting like crazy, with obvious fighting postures. Almost all of them were fighting one-on-one. If anyone dared to leave the battle, the lives of his companions would be in danger.

No, Kaguya ninja is not fighting for his life, but enjoying the battle, with excitement on his face.

Masadai has finally seen the madness of the Kaguya clan, which is known as the fighting clan.

A few dozen meters away, two Hyuga branch jonins who were being pestered by Kaguya jounin, the older of them, a middle-aged ninja who was about forty years old, suddenly said, "Go help Hizashi-sama, I can do it here!"

He had the consciousness to sacrifice here, but before the young man beside him could reply, Hizashi shouted, "Don't worry about me here, concentrate on dealing with your opponents!"

The wound on the outside of his thigh was not shallow, about one centimeter, but the bleeding stopped within five seconds of Masdai using the palm ninjutsu. He was confident in Masdai's medical ninjutsu and knew that Masdai had never boasted about it.

Seeing Kaguya's leader walking back after being blown away, his chest that had been dented by him slowly recovered. He put his hands on the ground and stood up unsteadily.

"Did you protect your heart with bone hyperplasia in your body in advance? I didn't expect that there are still people in the Kaguya clan who can fight with their brains. Don't hold on, even if you protect yourself in advance, you won't be able to survive my mountain-breaking attack without a single hit. No damage.”

Leader Kaguya didn't reply, but blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He raised his hand to wipe it gently, stuck out his tongue and licked it. His expression became even crazier, and he glared at Zhengdai's face fiercely.

Three tribesmen died in the battle, and two were killed by Shodai, who exchanged wounds for lives, and because he exchanged wounds for wounds, leader Kaguya felt murderous intent in his heart!

Without saying a word, he waited for the bones in his body to grow to restore the dent in his chest. It was obviously an action that would bring severe pain, but he showed no sign of pain, and his breathtaking aura spread out.

Zhengdai, who was half-crouching to treat Hizashi, had a solemn look on his face. He stopped the treatment, stood up, and whispered, "Hizashi-sama, there is not enough time. You cannot move violently, or you will suffer from bleeding."

Then he pointed the knife at Kaguya's leader.

Only a fool would wait for his chest to recover.

The Dance of the Three Suns and Moons!

Three figures holding swords appeared beside Kaguya's leader, UU Reading all slashing at him.

Leader Kaguya still stood still, but several bone spurs suddenly grew on his body, holding three knives in place. When the three knives and the three figures disappeared into the mist, a strange color appeared in their eyes.

Silver light flashes behind him!


The long knife brought a trace of blood, but it got stuck under the skin of Kaguya's leader and failed to cut into his body to cause enough damage.

Leader Kaguya grew skeletal armor on his back in time to block Masadai's justice backstab!

He turned around, the dent in his chest had recovered, and said with a ferocious smile, "I got you, little mouse!"

The bone blade slashed, and Zhengdai tried to draw his knife to respond to the attack, but found that the knife was caught by the ring-shaped bones grown by Kaguya's leader and could not be withdrawn.

The bone blade was approaching, Zheng Dai's eyes narrowed, and he struck horizontally with his left wrist that was not holding the knife, using the technique of a powerful water wrist!


The wrist covered in rich blue light collided with the bone blade. The powerful water wrist that had always been unfavorable and could cut off kunai actually froze with the bone blade!

‘Bones harder than steel, are they still bones? ’ Zhengdai’s eyes met the eyes of leader Kaguya. Fortunately, this guy’s level of awakening didn’t seem to be very high. He only knew the basics and didn’t know how to dance.

Far worse than Kimimaro!

Enraged by Zhengdai's slightly contemptuous look, Kaguya's leader's bone blade was strengthened again, and the blue light on Zhengdai's wrist gradually became weaker.

"Go to hell, little mouse!"

Damn you, I...

‘Bagua Kongzhang! ’

At this time, a shock wave-like attack suddenly hit Kaguya's leader, knocking him away. He turned around in the air for three and a half times before finally falling to the ground smoothly. He looked ferociously at Hizashi with his palms raised.

Zheng Dai retracted his right hand that he had just raised in confusion, and grasped it briefly... Is my knife gone?

Pig teammates!

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