Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 211 Departure

Tsunade's proposal to equip each medical team with a medical ninja ultimately came to nothing, and in fact it was impossible to pass.

The standard team is three people, and occasionally there are four people in the team. Adding a medical ninja will increase the battery life a lot, but it will also cut off one-third and one-fourth of the team's combat power.

It was just a naive idea in Tsunade's youth. Even Jiraiya, her loyal crush, didn't support it, and even Masadai suspected that Kato Dan's support was just for 'licking'.

She didn't even mention it after she became Hokage.

Not every medical ninja is Tsunade.

"It's not me either." Zheng Dai was thinking as he faced the seven subordinates in front of him.

One medical jounin who mastered palm senjutsu, six medical chunin who mastered healing arts, plus Masadai himself, were all the medical logistics for this small ninja battle involving nearly a thousand ninjas.

Shodai's reaction when he saw them when he first saw them was that they were so weak. The medical jounin might not be able to defeat Kakashi. He could kill these seven people in one minute. Then he knocked on his head and secretly sighed that the template had been promoted. It’s time to lose weight, otherwise my brain will be filled with muscles.

"Hello, I'm your captain, Zheng Dai. You should have heard of me, but it's all about my personal strength." Zheng Dai introduced himself, stretched out his hand, and used the palm magic.

"In terms of medical ninjutsu, I'm most proficient in palm ninjutsu, detoxification and the extraction of minor illnesses."

Such self-introduction obviously made the seven people a little confused. When they came back to their senses and saw the rich green light on the hand they were wearing, they were even more confused.

After more than ten seconds, the forty-year-old medical jounin stretched out his hand with a wry smile, condensing the palm senjutsu that was far thinner than the green light on his hand, "To be honest, I thought the Hokage asked you to be the captain. Think about it in terms of strength and safety.”

It looks pretty good at level four. Zheng Dai judged secretly, smiled, and glanced at the other six people, who helplessly stretched out their hands.

Palm Immortal Technique and Healing Technique are not stronger the stronger they are. The more chakra they output, the green light will also become thicker. It mainly depends on the concentration of chakra and the vitality in the green light.

Under Zheng Dai's observation, he roughly determined the level of these six people. The healing technique was equivalent to less than the first-level palm immortal technique, and the level 0 was between 60% and 99%.

It can only treat skin injuries, such as shallow knife wounds and kunai scratches. With techniques such as bandaging, penetrating injuries can also be treated simply.

After getting to know the level of his subordinates, Zhengdai wrote down their names one by one. Not far away, Kakashi came over and said: "Zhengdai, I have brought all the necessary medical equipment. Come and check." Bar."

"Ryuun Jōnin, go ahead." Medical equipment was a blind spot in Zheng Dai's knowledge.

After the medical jounin finished checking the medical equipment, the news that the troops were preparing to set off was also transmitted.

Konoha dispatched more than 300 ninjas this time, all of which were middle jounin. The number was about seven to one, including more than ten Hyuga ninjas.

However, these people had already set off in advance, and more than two hundred people had broken into pieces and headed to the northern border of the Country of Fire. Some were responsible for reconnaissance, and some were responsible for clearing the location of the camp.

The troops and horses are not moving, and the food and grass go first, which is obviously not applicable in the ninja world. There were more than thirty logistics transport ninjas and medical ninjas left, and fifty or sixty combat troops before they marched in large units.

Carrying a large amount of supplies and equipment, their travel speed will be slower, and the original half-day journey will take about a whole day to complete.

Zhengdai looked back and found Uncle Takumi and Aunt Xiu among the crowd of Konoha villagers in the distance. He gave a thumbs up imitating Kai's stupid look and quickly ran to the front of the team: "Jiraiya-sama, the medical ninja assembly has been completed. , the equipment is fully prepared!”

At the same time, a thirty-year-old Jonin representing the logistics and transportation force made a similar report.

Jiraiya nodded slightly, and his voice echoed among nearly a hundred ninjas: "Let's go!"

The temporary residence of Yunyin Village.

"It's almost time for the ninja troops of Konoha Village to set off." Braza whispered to himself, feeling a little worried. He didn't know if his father understood his intentions and contacted Kirigakure.

If you don't understand it, you can only take advantage of Konoha and attack Kirigakure this time. And if he understands it, Konoha...can't stay for long.

Looking at Yumu who was kneeling not far away, Braza's eyes flashed with anger again, and he said in a deep voice: "Yumu, be obedient and go change into normal clothes."

"But... I can't contact the master, so I'll be a cat ninja first, and when I can contact him, I can go back to being a maid, okay?" Yukito begged.

"...This dress was given to you by Zhengdai?"

"Well, it's Brother Zhengdai."

"He said he was going on a long-term mission today?" Braza asked again.

"Yeah." Yumu nodded slightly.

Braza clenched his fists with his big hands under the table. Father, your IQ must be higher for once. Kill that bastard psycho!

No, I can't completely rely on my father's IQ. I have to go there myself.

He couldn't sit still. At this moment, an ANBU flashed outside the hospital.

"Jounin Brazza, Lord Hokage knows that you are anxious to return to the village, but please be patient and wait for one to two days. We will send you out of the village."

"Huh?" Braza hummed: "What does the Third Hokage mean by restricting our movements for two more days?"

"Hokage-sama said you would understand."

The ANBU disappeared in a flash, while Brazza frowned and thought. It seems that Konoha doesn't fully trust us yet. This is normal. Now we can only look to our father... But in this way, I'm afraid I won't be able to smash that psychopath with my own hands. of my head...

In the marching Konoha procession.

Because he had to take care of a large army, Masaidai could not use even one-third of his speed. Jiraiya was even more relaxed and comfortable, running, but suddenly he sighed softly: "War, Masaidai, why do you think so?" Is there a war?”

Masadai was startled for a moment: "Resources, jealousy, hatred, greed, etc. Our Fire Country occupies the richest position in the entire ninja world, and of course it will attract covetousness. Lord Jiraiya, you will not be half-hearted because of this. Isn’t it because we feel uncomfortable for initiating a war?”

Jiraiya smiled as warmly as jade: "Of course not, I am not only a writer, but also the majestic Toad Sage Jiraiya. How can I not understand something that a child like you can understand?

Yunyin Village was obviously hostile, and if we didn't take the initiative to beat them, soon after, the ninjas in our village suffered heavy casualties.

I... just hope that one day, people can understand each other and there will be no more wars. "

Zheng Dai smiled: "There will be."

"Huh?" Jiraiya glanced at Zhengdai in surprise, nodded and raised his voice: "There will be!"

Soon he changed the topic again, UU Reading www. said with a bit of teasing: "I heard from Tsunade that you and the two-tailed jinchuriki have been getting along very well these days? And you even let that girl wear a strange cat costume?"

Masaida blinked: "Well, why, Jiraiya-sama wants to ask me where I ordered the clothes, and want to give one to Tsunade-sama?

Those kind of clothes are very flattering, Tsunade-sama will look very good in them.

However, the cat's style is not suitable for Tsunade-sama. What do you think of the rabbit? "

Jiraiya was stunned, and the image of Tsunade dressed like a big rabbit flashed in his mind. The rabbit... I really wanted to see it.

After a pause for two seconds, he smiled and cursed: "You brat, do you want me to be hospitalized again?"

"I don't dare in reality. How about you secretly write or draw it to enjoy yourself?" Zheng Dai raised his eyebrows.

"Write it out, draw it out..."

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