Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 214 The Beginning

"Captain, hurry! First-level injury!"

"Another level one? Ryuunjounin, my injury here has been reduced to level three. I leave the rest to you, help carry it away!"

Shodai shouted loudly, and stopped releasing the palm senjutsu on his hand. Kakashi and another one of the logistics ninjas quickly carried away the ninja in front of him who had suffered kunai penetration damage to his lungs.

Zheng Dai remained in a half-kneeling position and waited for a few seconds before another seriously injured ninja was sent to the simple hospital bed in front of him.

With just one glance, Zheng Dai's expression suddenly changed, and he raised his hand to quickly release the Palm Immortal Technique.

The ninja in front of him was about thirty years old. His upper body clothes had been taken off, as if someone had pulled a cup from the front, and there were more than ten round purple marks densely distributed. The skin and flesh at these purple marks were deeply sunk, and the internal bones were obviously broken.

The broken bones pierced into the internal organs, and the internal organs were damaged in many places. It was a fatal injury. At this time, the ninja was breathing more and less. He was trying his best, but his condition was getting worse and worse.

"The injury is too serious, I'm afraid..."

Zheng Dai sighed lightly, using the Immortal Palm Technique, +4!

Palm Immortal Technique Level 7 (100%) (has reached the current template limit)

The green light on his hand became more intense. The ninja on the hospital bed in front of him shook his body and coughed out a mouthful of blood. His eyes widened and his face was full of pain.

His body twitched twice and he closed his eyes.

Zheng Dai also closed his eyes: "Carry it away!"

"Damn it!!" Beside the tent, a ninja punched the tent, causing the tent to shake. He limped away with tears streaming down his face.

The two logistics ninjas carried away the ninja who was unable to be saved even though Zheng Dai had recharged his palm power.

Soon, another wounded person was replaced in front of Zhengdai. Zhengdai adjusted his condition and continued treatment.

It was already the evening of the second day after arriving at the northern border of the Land of Fire. Konoha and Kumogakure were conducting small-scale battles on three battlefields "according to the script". They agreed that there would be as few casualties as possible, but there was a steady stream of wounded. Was sent back.

In order to facilitate the distinction, injuries are divided into five levels, from level 5 minor injuries to level 1 fatal injuries. Level 1 and 2 injuries will be sent to Shodai here, and level 3 injuries will be sent to the medical jounin stream. Cloud, level four and five are given to other medical ninjas.

But the Palm Immortal Technique is not a resurrection technique, and first-level fatal injuries can be mild or severe. Zhengdai has received three first-level injuries and cured two of them. But for the one whose upper body was riddled with holes just now, it was really difficult for him. There is nothing that can be done, and maxing out the Palm Immortal Skills is just fulfilling its due purpose.

One after another, I continued to work until it was completely dark. I also used Samehada to replenish chakra twice on the way, and the treatment finally came to an end.

All Konoha ninjas returned to camp.

Just as Dai went to wash his hands and face, he randomly found some food and bit it into his stomach. After a long while, he finally regained his composure and breathed out heavily.

"It's not easy to be a medical ninja, right?"

Jiraiya came from the side and sighed: "This is war, or a small-scale war where each other's forces are supported. Thanks to you, six of the eight fatally wounded patients who were brought back were rescued."

Zheng Dai continued to bite the dried meat of unknown origin, and asked vaguely: "How many people died in the battle in total?"

"Including the seven people you failed to save, Yunyin Village's losses are more than double ours."

Zheng Dai nodded, as long as he didn't suffer any loss. As for the promised acting and fake fighting? It would be naive to take it seriously and question the Hidden Cloud Village. They will only shirk their ability to hold back or lie to the Hidden Cloud Village in order to be more truthful.

"Go to bed early tonight. Tomorrow morning will be the main event. Not only will you be responsible for treatment, but you will also be responsible for the safety of the camp."

"No problem, leave it to me, Lord Jiraiya." Zhengdai responded: "There will be no loss in the camp!"

"Your main responsibility is still treatment. Don't focus on one thing and lose enough energy on the other." Jiraiya nodded, explained again, and quickly returned to the camp. There were a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

Just as I was filling my stomach, I returned to the camp.

Kakashi was also very tired today, and neither of them was in the mood to chat. Shodai just teased, "I'm willing to let my brother hug me to sleep today," and then they both fell asleep, and it was already dawn when they opened their eyes again.

Army attack!

Zhengdai leaned on Samehada and watched as the ninja legion, numbering more than two hundred, led by Jiraiya, Haisei-sensei and Minato, stepped onto the battlefield and disappeared from the end of the field of vision.

In the camp, there were only about thirty logistics ninjas and a dozen seriously injured people left.

"The battle site is twenty kilometers away from here, which is beyond the range of my perception. But if it will lure the enemy deeper, I might not have the opportunity to perceive the grand scene of six or seven hundred ninjas fighting." Zhengdai took a few deep breaths of the morning coolness. The fresh air penetrated into the medical tent to consolidate treatment for the seriously injured.

At the same time, a corner of Konoha Village.

Braza watched with some impatience as Haruno Meabuki slowly operated on the barrier in front of him, wishing he could smash the barrier with a fist and rush out of Konoha.

"You, the leader of the Konoha barrier class, are so slow to open a gate on the barrier of your own village?" Braza said dissatisfied: "I don't want to stay in Konoha any longer!"

"Don't worry, the more corner the barrier is, the more stable it is. If you break it hastily, it will affect the operation of the entire formation. If I weren't worried that the people in Kirigakure Village would find out that you left Konoha, I wouldn't want to go to this trouble!" Chui Yi replied with dissatisfaction.

Brazza became speechless, and his heart became more and more anxious. The bastards of Konoha are willing to let me leave. I'm afraid the war has already begun. If I don't hurry up, I won't be able to catch up with anything...

However, things did not go as he wished. It was not until more than half an hour later that Haruno Meabuki finally opened a hole in the barrier that could accommodate the passage of two people.

"Walk slowly, Braza Jounin."

Brazza was not slow at all, he waved his arms without saying a word, and led the three Yumu people to rush out and run towards the north. After about five kilometers, UU Reading, he completely threw Konoha out of sight. , and suddenly stopped.

"This won't work." He was secretly annoyed that the bastards of Konoha had to wait so long to open a barrier. With three children, it would probably take seven or eight hours to get to the battlefield. At that time, whether he was fighting with Konoha Kirigakure, still fighting Konoha with Kirigakure, the war is probably over.

"Lord Braza?" Yumu asked lightly.

Looking at Yumu Ren, Braza is worried that he will take the first step. The seal on Yumu Ren has not been released yet, so he cannot use the power of the two tails...

"We can only leave the Country of Fire, find a place to place the Yumu people, and then rush to the battlefield. It will take about two hours. If dad is smart for once, he might be able to catch up with Konoha's defeat and smash that crazy man's head with his own hands. Broken!" Thoughts flashed through his mind, Braza suddenly picked up Yukito and said to the other two genin: "You return to the village on your own, as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he flickered and disappeared, leaving only the two young men looking at each other blankly, with black question mark faces.

At this time, Konoha's ninja troops and Kumogakure's ninja troops have arrived at the location agreed upon in the script, and the two ends of the canyon are confronting each other!

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