Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 226: Tracing and Grouping

The triumphal welcome ceremony was quite grand.

Because it was late at night, countless paper lanterns were hung at the entrance of Konoha Village. Under the interplay of light and shadow, the joy on the faces of the villagers was reflected more realistically.

Of course, in addition to joy, there is also sadness. After all, more than forty ninjas lost their lives in this war. Amid a mixture of cheers and tears, the Third Hokage loudly proclaimed the Will of Fire.

As he was putting his left ear in and out, his eyes searched for Uncle Craftsman and Aunt Xiu, and they smiled and waved. Uncle Craftsman and Aunt Xiu were so happy that their faces turned red.

Kushina rushed over with Shirayuki in her arms, grabbing Minato's arm and looking worriedly, which made Minato's expression pale in pain. Fortunately, Tsunade soon came over and saved Minato.

"How did it hurt?"

"It's a dangerous ninjutsu." Shodai came over and explained first: "The technique of Minato Jounin can even injure the Third Raikage, but it is very unstable and will affect the user himself."

Tsunade nodded thoughtfully: "It looks like it was injured by myself. It's a bit tricky. It needs surgery. I'm wearing it. Come and help me."

"Tsunade-sama, are you the chief surgeon?"

"What, you want to come?"

"No, no, no, you come, you come, I haven't had any surgery." Zhengdai shook his head repeatedly, his eyes flashing.

Finally, it was confirmed that the Tsunade in front of her did not have hemophobia. In fact, this could be seen from the last time she demolished the casino and made many Uchiha people vomit blood... Could this be a point that needs to be corrected? Deadly.

Kushina listened to the two people talking to each other as if they were very relaxed, and slowly relaxed, and curiously asked Minato about the story on the battlefield.

In fact, both Masahiro and Tsunade knew that Minato's injury was very difficult to heal. Tsunade even estimated that if Masahiro hadn't been there and someone else had assisted her, she wouldn't have had the confidence to completely heal Minato's arm. Leaving trouble in the future.

"Minato, don't use that technique indiscriminately."

"I know, Tsunade-sama."

A few minutes later, Jiraiya and Haruno Zhao went with the Third Hokage to report the details of the war. Zhengdai took a group of wounded people to Konoha Hospital with Tsunade, while the others dispersed on the spot and went back to their homes.

The next day, Zhengdai slept on the bed at home until almost nine o'clock before getting up.

Last night, I was busy arranging the wounded and operating on Minato. I was busy for half a night, but I got some results. I activated the auxiliary skills, and the surgery level 0 was 62%. For this skill, Zheng Dai feels that he needs to level it up by one liter. It doesn’t need to be too high. If it is combined with the Palm Immortal Technique, it will be enough.

"By the way, I have to go to the Hyuga clan."

After getting up, washing up, and having breakfast, life returned to the way it was before. Aunt Xiu complained, "I just came back and I can't let you have a rest. I'm so anxious to find something for you." She sent Zheng Dai out of the house dissatisfied.

In the Hyuga tribe, Masadai met the two brothers Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi.

"Master Patriarch, Master Hizashi."

"Sit down." Hyuga Hizashi stretched out his hand to signal with a gentle attitude and said: "I heard from the tribesmen who came back from the battlefield that if we can defeat the Third Raikage this time, you should be the first to attack. If you hadn't broken his defense, I'm afraid we would have There will be more casualties."

Zhengdai sat down and listened to the praise with a shy smile.

"Your growth rate has exceeded our expectations time and time again. I didn't expect you to be able to break through the defense of the monster of the Third Raikage. It's really amazing, amazing..." Hinata Hizashi obviously doesn't praise people often, and he just keeps doing it over and over again. sentence.

Zhengdai handed it over the steps in time and said: "Thank you for your compliment. You and Mr. Hizashi called me here this time. Is there something you need me to do?"

Rizu paused, nodded and said solemnly: "The matter of father's murder is not over yet!"


"Previously, the fact that the village needed this was a conspiracy of Kumo Hidden Village. For the sake of the overall situation, I, Hinata, did not raise any objection. But now that the war against Kumo Hidden Village has ended, this matter must be investigated in detail! Father's death cannot be taken lightly. Revealed!"

Zheng Dai: "Then...what do you need me to do?"

"It's not necessary at the moment." Hizu shook his head: "We will investigate the matter, but if it is found that this matter is related to some troublesome people, I hope you can stand up and support us Hinata to investigate to the end!"

They suspected Danzo! Zheng Dai almost laughed out loud, thinking he was going to take advantage of Danzo this time.

He said decisively: "Master Patriarch, you have spoken harshly. This is what I should do!"

Rizu nodded with satisfaction: "There is nothing else to do. You must be very tired after four days of running around. It's hard work for you to make this trip. Go home and rest."

"It's not hard, it's not hard. If you need anything, you can call me. I'll leave first. My two teammates are about to finish the second round of the Chunin Exams."

"Oh? Go ahead."

Resigning from the Hyuga clan, Masadai hurried to the northwest forest of Konoha, the venue for the second Chunin exam.

The end of the exam was very close. Unlike when they were sent into the exam room, where dozens of leading jounin were waiting, this time there were only a dozen or so left.

In the five-day exam, many teams have been eliminated.

Masaida paid special attention last night. Asuma, Kurenai, Obito, Lin, and Kaiban were not eliminated. At this time, outside the venue, Kakashi Dai came to pick up Obito and Rin from the Minato gate of the hospital, while Anko came to greet Kurenai and Asuma. Haruno Omen hadn't arrived yet.

Seeing Zhengdai from a distance, Hongdou quickly ran over and beat Zhengdai on the shoulder: "Zhengdai, you are so uninteresting. You are so secretive about such a big thing as joining the war!"

"Isn't this because I'm worried about you?"

"Who would worry about you? I'm just... afraid that I won't be able to eat the food cooked by a chef like you."

Ha, arrogant. Zheng Dai smiled and looked at the Kirigakure Murakami Ninbi in the distance.

Bi's expression was as before, and the look in Masaida's eyes was full of fighting intent. It seemed that the people in Kirigakure Village had not yet received the news that the beheading sword had been taken away. Maybe the Third Hokage wanted to delay it?

He didn't know that the Third Hokage was talking to the Genshi in the office at this time.

Because of this war, the Third Hokage had too many things to deal with, and he was unable to come in person to congratulate the winning candidates of the second exam this time.

He told Anko a story about how he showed great power in the exam. At the end of the second exam, Haruno's omen arrived.

Immediately, the winning candidates, led by Scar Jonin, left the examination room.

"Sister Hong, congratulations on advancing!" Hong Dou shouted loudly, and Zhengdai and Haruno Zhao waved to them.

Asuma and Kurenai nodded happily. On the side, Obito looked over and murmured dissatisfiedly: "I passed the second test, why is it that only this bastard Kakashi came to greet me? Where did Minato-sensei go?" ?”

"Maybe there is a mission." Lin said softly.

These candidates still don’t know how big things are happening outside during the five days of the exam.

There are many candidates for promotion this time, there are ten teams with 30 people, and of course the three people from Kirigakure are among them. Zhengdai paid special attention and found that Kaguya just glanced at him without provoking him too much. He was satisfied that this guy finally had a long memory.

Then comes the draw for the third round.

There was still no random black electronic screen, and the scarred Jonin held the lottery box for the candidates to draw.

When the lottery was half over, Zhengdai and Haruno Zhao couldn't help but look at each other and smile in tacit understanding.

This is a random shady lottery box!

The genin of Konoha all faced off against guys who were easy to deal with. For example, the genin of Yunin Village whom Kai faced off against was the weakest among the 30 genin present in Masadai's opinion.

The one Obito faced was probably the second weakest.

"Is there something wrong with that lottery box?"

As Dai glanced around, UU Reading did not see the secret of the lottery box, but found that the scarred Jonin's face suddenly became hesitant and unnatural.

"Nohara Lin, C1!"

Zhengdai blinked, Huh?

He remembered that C2 seemed to be...

"Lin's opponent..." Next to him, Kakashi suddenly frowned: "It's the guy from Kirigakure Village."

Shodai looked at Kaguya Liu again, and saw a sinister smile on his face.

Yes, C2 is Kaguya style!

When the Konoha ninjas were divided into easier-to-deal with guys, Lin happened to face the toughest guy. Although Kaguya-ryu is not as strong as Zabuza and Ganliu, he is definitely stronger than Lin, and his character... Masadai has a hard time believing this is a coincidence.

"What the hell, are you causing trouble?"

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