Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 233 Donkey Meat Sauce

(Please do not read this chapter while eating, otherwise it may cause slight discomfort)

Before Kaguya Ryu woke up after being beaten into a cripple, Masadai packed up his things and left the hospital.

Next, he is going to do something big.

Help Miao Mushan change the recipe!

"Teacher, you really don't want to eat it? Don't you have confidence in my cooking skills yet? Believe me, it's delicious."

"No, no, no, teacher, I don't have that blessing." Haruno Zhao shook his head repeatedly: "Let me ask your wife, she should be more courageous."

Zheng Dai glanced at her with disdain, you look like you are not ashamed but proud.

"Forget it if you don't eat it. You and Minato Jonin will definitely regret it." Masadai asked Minato before and got a negative reply, "Then I will give it to Jiraiya-sama alone to taste."

"Well, that's good, that's good."

Haruno Zhao responded with a big smile, and walked with Zhengdai to a quiet and remote corner of Konoha, the land of the Aburame clan.

"Zhiwei! Zhiwei! Are you at home?"

"Please let me catch insects?" Two minutes later, Aburame Zhi, who was wearing white clothes and green sunglasses, pushed up her sunglasses slightly and asked in confusion.

"Yes, Shiwei Jōnin." Masadai said politely: "After catching the bugs, you still need to do some simple processing of the bugs. If I go to the Hokage to issue a commission for this kind of thing, I will probably only be rated as Class D, I'm worried that the bugs caught by the genin team won't meet my requirements.

So please take action. How much do you need to be paid? Is it okay to come with a C-level commission? "

"Tell me your request first."

Zhengdai thought for a while and said: "I want 100 crickets first, and you have to help me remove their wings and internal organs. Later, I may also need grasshoppers, young bees, even centipedes, caterpillars, etc. For long-term cooperation, you Look at...the compensation aspect?"

"Crickets, grasshoppers, young bees... they're all very simple." Aburameshi murmured slightly: "But what do you want these insects for? Crickets are fine if you remove their wings, but they will be dead if you remove their internal organs. Bring them here Even practicing medical ninjutsu can't do it..."

"He wants to eat it." Haruno Zhao interjected from the side: "You can't believe it? Ha, it's so disgusting!"

"Eat?" Aburame Zhi was slightly startled: "These bugs...can they be eaten?"

"They are all delicious." Zhengdai smiled: "Do you want to try it, Zhiwei Jōnin? I am a good cook."

Aburame Zhi paused slightly: "Okay."

Haruno Zhao rolled his eyes.

I'm so stupid. I thought eating bugs would disgust the Aburame clan. They've already put bugs into their bodies, so they're still afraid of eating them?

I’m afraid I’m eager to give it a try!

"One hundred crickets, right? I will deliver them to you before evening this evening. As a reward... you don't need them now, if they are really delicious."

Zheng Dai immediately beamed: "Thank you, Shiwei Jōnin. Well... I'm going to take the liberty to share some with you after cooking. 100 is not enough. Can 150 be okay?"

"200." Aburame Shiwei said lightly.

There are many edible bugs and they taste delicious. As long as you overcome your psychological fear, you can taste delicacies that ordinary people cannot taste. Zheng Dai has tried many scary-looking foods in Guizhou in his life.

The memory is still fresh.

Fried grasshoppers, fried cicadas, roasted cocoon pupae, sweet and sour larvae, etc. are among the insect delicacies that are relatively easy to accept. Boiled caterpillars, charcoal-grilled centipede skewers, and even boiled dung beetles are types that are difficult for ordinary people to eat.

Zhengdai didn't choose any of these, so as a stepping stone to revise Myobokuyama's recipe, he chose the one that ranked in the middle in terms of acceptance, crickets mixed with sauce!

The wings and internal organs of the crickets are removed, chopped into sauce, and a special sauce is mixed with a special technique to finally make a purple meat sauce.

Delicious and a great addition to meals.

Almost on par with Lao Gan Ma.

Putting 200 crickets together can make people with trypophobia jump with fear. Zheng Dai is actually a little nervous, so he put them on the cutting board and chopped them into sauce with a knife.

The immediate cooking is not troublesome and is much simpler than making smoked cakes. It is finished in ten minutes. The purple meat sauce fills a thermos box and there is an extra bowl.

This bowl was Aburame Zhiwei's reward. After giving it to him to taste, Aburame Zhiwei praised it repeatedly and expressed that he was looking forward to the next delicious food. He took the bowl and went back to find other people in the clan to try it.

Zheng Dai is carrying the thermos box and heading to Jiraiya's house!

After more than a year, Shodai came to Jiraiya's house for the second time... No, it was the third time, including the time when Mizutaki sent a letter.

Knocking on his door, Jiraiya was startled at first when he saw Masadai, and then said gently: "Have you been discharged from the hospital?"

There was a smile hidden in his words. He saw Masadai's performance throughout the battlefield, but he didn't believe that Masadai could be sneak-attacked by the Kirigakure genin. The Third Raikage who was attacked by Masadai should have been killed.

Zhengdai chuckled: "Jiraiya-sama, I'm here to apologize to you."

"Huh? Apologize?"

"We agreed to help you prepare a feast of insects for the two Toad Immortals in Miaomu Mountain, but suddenly we ran into some trouble. We were delayed for four days and kept them waiting." Zhengdai explained.

A banquet of insects... Jiraiya's eyes twitched, and his eyes moved down to the thermos box he was wearing.

"What kind of insect is... here?"

"No, no, no, it's not a bug. I just got out of the hospital today and haven't had time to catch it yet. This is my special donkey meat sauce. I sent it to you and the two toad immortals to try it and see my craftsmanship.

We still have three days to prepare for the full insect feast. "

"Huh..." Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief, took the thermos on his hand, opened it, took a look, and smelled it again. The aroma was fragrant, "Donkey meat sauce?"

"Well, it's for cooking. If you're too lazy to cook someday, just use it to mix with rice."

Jiraiya looked at Zhengdai, poked the purple meat paste with his right index finger, licked it with his tongue, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "It tastes good, it tastes like donkey meat."

"As long as you like it, don't forget to share it with the two Toad Immortals. I'll leave first to prepare the insect feast." Zhengdai said with a smile.

"Hey..." Jiraiya stretched out his hand to stop him, but saw Zhengdai disappear in a hurry.

After a pause, he reluctantly closed the door, went to the kitchen to find a spoon, dug a spoonful of 'donkey meat sauce' into his mouth, and nodded while chewing.

"It is indeed different from the donkey meat made by others. This kid's cooking skills are well-deserved."

After two more bites, he bit his finger.

‘Psychic art! ’

After a burst of smoke, the old toad lady Shima Sennin wearing a small apron appeared on the table. She looked around, weighed the frying spoon in her hand, and said dissatisfied: "Little Jiraiya, the children are still waiting for me to cook. Why are you channeling me at this time?”

"Try this, the donkey meat sauce made by the little guy. If you are satisfied, take some back for everyone to try." Jiraiya said with a smile.

"Oh?" Shima Sennin turned around, looked at the insulated food box, and dug out some purple meat sauce with a frying spoon.

"Donkey sauce?"

"Yes, it's delicious."

Shima Sennin looked strange for a moment, took a mouthful of meat sauce, and muttered: "It obviously tastes like crickets. UU Reading What donkey meat sauce is, it's cricket sauce, but it's really delicious."

Jiraiya blinked and his expression froze.

"Cricket? Are you...sure?"

"Of course, I have eaten crickets for hundreds of years, so it is impossible to make a mistake." Shima Sennin said with certainty, and dug out another frying spoon and ate it. "But this is the first time I have tasted such delicious crickets. It is indeed It’s time to give the kid a taste of it.”

Jiraiya's face quickly turned green, he stood blankly for a long time, and he laughed and cursed silently: "You bastard!"

When he first arrived at Miaomu Mountain that year, Miaomu Mountain had not changed its diet yet and ate a lot of worms, so it was okay to accept it.

And when people are cheated, they always want to find someone to share the trouble with. As the saying goes, they are looking for someone to support them. Jilai is not immune to this, and suddenly some thoughts came to his mind.

Evil thoughts.

"It's time for Minato, Sensei, Orochimaru, and Tsunade to all taste...this donkey meat sauce!"

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