Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 246 Underground Discovery

"Authentic?" Haruno Zhao knocked on the spot pointed by Zhengdai with a face full of surprise, "It's true!"

Standing up, he looked at Zheng Dai: "How did you find out that there is a chakra reaction in it?"

"No." Zhengdai replied: "There is a faint smell coming from inside. It's Gongyin, a poisonous weed."

"Stinky smell." Haruno Zhao twitched his nose. After a moment, he shook his head and said he didn't smell anything. "Do you have a dog's nose, or has the smell gone?"

"No, didn't I just learn how to prepare and identify poisons from Tsunade-sama? This kind of poisonous weed is the smelliest I have ever come into contact with, so my memory is still fresh and I am particularly sensitive." Zhengdai explained, and then said: "Let's live here This place is used to entertain guests, so it doesn’t make sense to create an tunnel.”

"Ah." Haruno Zhao nodded: "Hokage-sama asked you to come at the right time. Before we took the initiative to cause trouble, trouble came to us."

"Let's just say Luo Sha is a petty person. What should we do now, go and find out?" Zheng Dai said.

"Let's explore." Haruno Zhao narrowed his eyes, "How are you doing with your detoxification skills?"

"It's not bad. It doesn't matter what kind of poison you can cure yourself. If you are poisoned...well, it should be okay." Zhengdai said uncertainly.

"...You go forward."

"Hey." Zhengdai smiled, moved the bed aside, groped for a moment on the ground, found a place where he could put his hand in, and applied force.

A large square brick was removed, revealing a narrow downward passage.

Zhengdai looked at Chunye's omen and jumped down.

The tunnel is extremely narrow at first, and only then can it reach people.

I walked hundreds of steps and still didn't feel happy.

"It's been such a long practice, and there's not enough oxygen." Zhengdai whispered: "It's over, teacher, don't push me."

"The end?" The tunnel was pitch dark. Haruno Zhao could only vaguely see Zhengdai's figure, and could not see it at all. Hearing this, he cursed: "Build a narrow tunnel with nothing to play with us?... …Not good! Luo Sha’s ability is to control sand, we are underground... get out quickly!”

"Calm down, teacher, how could I not be prepared and aware of this." Zheng Dai said: "No one wants to harm us. No, the means to harm us are still behind, and the smell of public silver is in it."

Haruno Zhao's expression softened slightly: "Well, I seem to have smelled something weird this time."

Zheng Dai nodded, groping with his hands on the dead end road ahead, and quickly touched a bump. He pushed hard, and with a bang, the stone wall in front of him fell to the ground.

Dazzling light came.

My eyes suddenly opened up.

Zheng Dai was blinded by the light and blinked a few times. When he saw the scene behind the stone wall clearly, he frowned.

Haruno Zhao was much taller than Zhengdai. He looked past him and saw the scene behind the stone wall clearly, and his expression became serious.

"Is that true? The main effect of poisonous weeds like Gongyin is to eliminate corpse odor. As long as they are kept together for a few days, the corpse odor and Gongyin odor will disappear. Therefore...the death time of these corpses here will not be More than two months.”

Zheng Dai stepped in and glanced around.

This is a cylindrical underground space with a diameter of about twenty meters. There are many tables, broken wood, ninja tools and other miscellaneous things placed around it. It looks like a utility room.

The most eye-catching thing is the five disemboweled corpses! The five corpses are all male, of different ages. What they have in common is that some parts of the corpses have been replaced with puppet parts!

"Is this...making puppets out of living people?"

Haruno Zhao said solemnly: "What an incredible discovery. Who made it?"

Zhengdai raised one hand and formed a Yin Seal, slightly opening up his perception. He quickly retracted it alertly and pointed at the ceiling of the shed, "This is an underground secret room somewhere. There are two chakra masters approaching me not far above. The guards should all be jounin.

No, it's more of a blockade than a guard. "

"Block...the Red Sand Scorpion?"

Zheng Dai nodded slightly and looked at the place where they broke through the wall. "Teacher, don't you think the road we came through is too crude and casual compared to here?"

Haruno Zhao thought for a moment: "Luo Sha! He specially opened a passage to let us see these!"

"Ah, it should be."

"I understand. The Red Sand Scorpion went astray and used living people to make puppets. Either he was discovered by the Third Kazekage, or he wanted to make the Third Kazekage into a puppet, so he took the initiative to assassinate him.

And this secret room has not been discovered yet, or in other words, it was only discovered by Luo Sha.

He didn't want to expose it, fearing that it would offend Chiyo, so he planned to use our hands to expose all this and make us hate Chiyo! This bastard..." Haruno Zhao thought and analyzed.

There is reason and evidence. If Zheng Dai didn't know better, he would probably think so.

It's no problem for Scorpion to create human puppets, and it's no problem to assassinate the Third Kazekage, but if he is caught, there must be a big problem.

There must be something that needs to be corrected!

The correction point may be the 'defection incident', or it may be him personally. If it is an incident, it is fine, but if it is Scorpio himself, it will be very difficult.

"The human puppets here... are a bit crude."

Zheng Dai was thoughtful. Normally speaking, when Scorpion assassinated the Third Kazekage, the skill of making human puppets should have been quite pure. It is unlikely that such five simple human puppets would be left in the laboratory.

It's almost like evidence that was left on purpose.

But Haruno Zhao didn't know these things. At this time, Haruno Zhao was a little entangled, thinking about whether he should follow Luo Sha's wishes, open the upward passage, and attract the guards above to check?

He was not afraid of offending Chiyo, and the Red Sand Scorpion's creation of human puppets would be a big scandal for the Sand Ninja Village, which concealed the true cause of the Third Kazekage's death, and would be beneficial to Konoha.

But this will have little impact on the fourth Kazekage Rasa who will succeed him, and it will even undo Chiyo's checks and balances on him to some extent.

"This bastard...has become smarter."

At this time, Zhengdai turned around and said, "Teacher, let's take these five human puppets away."

"Take it away?" Haruno Zhao was startled.

"Well, UU read take them away, remove all traces of our entry, and go back as if nothing happened!" Zhengdai suggested.

"Since we want to pretend that nothing happened, taking them away would be a bit unnecessary... No, it's not." Haruno Zhao said, looking at the passage they entered with a sudden look, "Whether we expose it or not, as long as Chiyo sees it If these human puppets follow the passage to find us, they will definitely worry and suspect that we have discovered the human puppets."

Zhengdai nodded: "So we have to help Qianyo clean up this place. Luosha has a good IQ, but it's a pity that he's a little short of it. He just gave us an excuse to cause trouble."

Haruno Zhao frowned slightly, his eyes quickly brightened, and he looked at Zhengdai, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"No, he probably didn't expect you to be able to discover the secret passage. After all, the secret passage is so long that ordinary people can't smell the smell of public silver."

Zhengdai smiled: "It's his misfortune!"

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