"Stop them! Stop them!"

Chiyo shouted loudly, but the scope of action of the Darkness Act is centered on the caster. The blessings can break the Darkness Act, but others cannot.

Wherever Zhengdai passes, there is darkness for a hundred meters in radius. Although the darkness is occasionally interrupted due to the mobilization of chakra and running wild, the lights flicker on and off like a scene in a ghost movie, which makes people even more frightened. Few people dare to confront him head-on. Most of them are releasing ninjutsu from a distance or throwing kunai.

The wearer broke easily, and with a wave of Samehada on his hand, he easily took away several Suna Ninja Village ninjas!

Amidst the screams, blue light and golden light broke through the defense lines and successfully rushed out of the Sand Ninja Village. For a moment, the sky was high enough for birds to fly, and the sea was wide enough for fish to jump!

Chiyo and Ebizo led a group of Sand Ninja Village elites and chased them for ten kilometers unwillingly. When they saw Masadai and Minato disappear at the end of the field of vision, they stopped weakly and remained speechless.

Minato's arrival meant Haruno Ou's escape, and Shodai also managed to escape. Thinking about the losses in the village, almost one out of three elites were lost, Huangsha was poisoned, Dingshi died, Luosha didn't know whether to live or die, and the elite jounin was probably Seven or eight people died, and Longshadu was beaten to nowhere during the battle...

Chiyo's body couldn't help but sway.

"Damn! Scorpion, why on earth?"

Chiyo was extremely tired, and when she thought about Scorpion, she felt even worse. The venom was on her head, and her legs were weak. If Ebizo hadn't helped her in time, she would have fallen to the ground.

Her face turned purple, and she knew she had to detoxify herself quickly, as the yellow sand wouldn't last long.

"……Let's go back."

"They're not chasing anymore, Minato Jonin, why don't we go back and fight again?" Masadai suggested in the distance as he gradually slowed down.

"Huh?" Minato was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, are you injured?" At this moment, Zhengdai saw a shallow scratch on Minato's right forearm, and quickly used his palm magic to treat him.

"This was an injury sustained when we were dealing with the pursuers behind Zhao. He was not poisoned and is no longer a problem." Minato explained: "Speaking of which, why did you run back to the Suna Ninja Village? I didn't see you outside the Suna Ninja. I thought something happened to you..."

"I'm not going to die that easily." Zheng Dai smiled, "If you don't break out and run back to the Sand Ninja Village to kidnap the blessings, you will be in danger. You said... your injury was left to deal with the pursuers behind the teacher. of?"

"Yes." Minato nodded: "Elder Zhao and Men Yan have been taken to the village to detoxify, so there is no need to worry about them. Oh, and there is another one who, according to Zhao, is the guard captain of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind?"

"I'm not worried about Teacher Zhao, I'm saying that if you deal with a dozen or so people, you will be injured. But just now in Suna Ninja Village, everyone was killed. Killing Jonin is like chopping melons and vegetables. It shows that the two of us are invincible together. Do you want to do it again?" Going back? You should have the Flying Thunder God Kunai left over there, right?

Sand Ninja Village went too far, they must be taught a lesson! Let's take the name of a dark night golden glitter killer combination! "

"...Go back?" Minato automatically ignored the messy combination, hesitated for a moment, looked at the shirtless Masaida, and said, "I still have enough chakra, but are you in good condition?"

"Hey, I'm fine!"

Three minutes later, when Chiyo led the team back to the entrance of the village, they saw that the outer wall of the village a few hundred meters away suddenly shattered, and blue and golden light held a huge black pot, running straight into the distance.

If there hadn't been that scapegoat, it would have been the same situation as before when Minato and Zhengdai broke out.

Why do it again? Hallucination?

Chiyo was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw Ebizo nodding with an ugly face. He couldn't help but rolled his eyes, said "Damn it", and lay down heavily!

After carrying the pot and running for more than ten miles, when they saw that no one was chasing them in Suna Ninja Village, Shodai and Minato stopped out of breath and put down the pot to rest.

Minato's face was full of helplessness, he had promised to go back to attack and take revenge, but how could he be tricked into stealing a pot by Zheng Dai with just one word?

The old monk's eyes before leaving always felt a bit resentful, which was really weird.

Seeing Masadai looking at him again, Minato quickly shook his head: "No, I've been there once. They will definitely be on guard and may set a trap for my kunai. And I think Elder Chiyo of Sand Ninja Village and the others seem to be too. I have gone back, my physical strength is almost at its limit, and it will be dangerous to go back."

"Ah." Zheng Dai nodded reluctantly and said, "It's really screwed. You won't chase us this time? You don't even want to take the blame."

As he said that, he showed joy again and raised his hand to bang bang bang the pot, "This is a good thing. Suna Ninja Village gave us a big black pot that poisoned the daimyo. It is reasonable to pay for a big black pot.

It's just not easy to carry. It weighs a thousand pounds and can't fit into the seal scroll. "

At this moment, several vibrations and roars suddenly came from the distance. Zhengdai immediately raised his eyes and saw a huge toad jumping towards him.

On the toad, Jiraiya sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and Fukasaku Shima Sage on his shoulders was also in place, obviously preparing for sage mode.

He and Minato set out for the rescue at the same time, but the teacher was left behind by Minato for more than ten minutes. When they arrived, both Masadai and Minato were killing two in and two out of the Suna Ninja Village.

"Jiraiya-sensei!" Minato greeted.

Jiraiya opened his eyes, and the sage-like lines appeared on his face. He jumped off Gamabunta and landed in front of them.

"Where's the enemy? Did you get rid of him? The sage mode was in vain again." Jiraiya didn't know why he was using it. He looked at Zhengdai and said, "You didn't even get hurt? You broke through the siege very early. What is this pot? "

"Omasa Dai-chan, you're fine," Fukasaku and Shima Sennin said at the same time.

"Jiraiya-sama, you are here at the right time. This pot is too heavy. Please let Boss Bunta carry it. You have too many questions. I will explain to you slowly and talk as we go." Zhengdai replied. UU Reading www. uuknshu.net

The next morning, Suna Ninja Village.

Accompanied by the sound of banging and banging on the rebuilt house, in the Suna Ninja Hospital, Chiyo frowned tightly and said: "My life has been saved, but the toxin has invaded the body for too long and it is difficult to completely remove it. The strength will probably decline permanently, and it may even be impossible to survive again." Be a ninja.”

Ebizo sighed: "Just save your life."

Chiyo shook his head. If she hadn't been so angry at the pot theft that she fainted for several hours, making her condition worse. It took a lot of effort to cleanse the poison, but Huangsha wouldn't be like this.

"How is Luo Sha?"

"The injury is serious. It will take about three to five months of rest." Ebizo shook his head.

Chiyo's face turned ugly again. He shook his body weakly and sat back on the bed. He said: "I also need to rest for a few days. I will have to work hard for you next. The Daimyo of the Land of Wind was poisoned by the Konoha Ninja, and the Sand Ninja Village More than half were destroyed, countless ninjas were killed and injured, the sealed artifact was taken away by Konoha... and the life or death of the puppet master genius Red Sand Scorpion is unknown!

Using these as reasons, let the nobles and officials of the Kingdom of Wind allocate thirty...five billion war funds to us to start a war with Konoha! "

Ebizo smiled bitterly. Chiyo's handling of Scorpio was not what he expected, but five billion funds was an astronomical figure, so it couldn't be that easy.

Chiyo knew what he was thinking and said: "The current daimyo died in his prime and there is no successor. Let's think of a solution from here!"

Ebizo frowned: "Supporting the new daimyo? Sister, doing this goes against the duty of the Ninja Village. I'm afraid it will attract jealousy and cause endless troubles!"

"Future troubles? We can't hold on anymore. Who can control the troubles in the future?"

Ebizo remained silent and nodded slightly.

"I understand. Sister, please rest. Leave the rest to me!"

At the same time, Zhengdai and the others, who had been traveling all night, finally returned to the entrance of Konoha Village!

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