Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 271 Lan Dun and the Sealing Technique

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Template: Elite Jonin(1/2)(15/9)

Basic attributes(3)

Physical strength: 147.9 (+14.79)

Mental strength: 131.6 (+180)

Chakra amount: 150

Main skills(4)

Three Body Technique Level 3 (18%)

Chakra Refining Method Level 5 (0%)

Physical skills level 5 (69%)

Throwing Level 5 (4%)

Auxiliary skills(35)

*Blessings Level 5 (100%)

*Dark Movement Level 5 (100%)

*Secret Technique-Hydration Level 5 (100%)

Sealing Technique Basics Level 0 (37%)

(Others omitted)

Self-created skills (2)

Ichinon: Thunder attribute ninjutsu, development level 27%, development difficulty S, training difficulty S

Chainsaw style: Thunder attribute ninjutsu, development level 82%, development difficulty S, training difficulty S

Real skills:

1-8 abbreviation

9: *Water Escape-Hard Vortex Water Blade Level 7 (100%)

10: Thunder Chakra Mode Level 7 (4%)

11: Thunder Escape-Chainsaw Level 6 (44%)

12: Water Escape-Water Gun Level 6 (21%)

13: *Lan Dun-Lin Frustration Lock Element Level 7 (100%)

Free attribute points: 55

Browsing through the gorgeous property panel, Zheng Dai felt comfortable. This was all accumulated bit by bit through his three years of hard work.

This time, as Zhengdai expected, the template was promoted to an elite jounin, but the upper limit of the skill level was not increased. The biggest gain was a real skill slot.

The Lan Dun that I had acquired for nearly half a year was finally solidified into a real skill by Zheng Dai, and he immediately spent 24 attribute points to reach the full level!

On the one hand, the reason is that he is "a little" willful. After half a year of accumulation, he gained from Mt. Myoki, Kushina, Kakuzu, Red Sand Scorpion, etc. At the highest point, Zhengdai's attribute points even exceeded 100, and he had nowhere to use them.

After adding a lot of points in the three areas of Fu Jing, Dark Walk, and Lan Dun, there are still 55 points left.

Another more critical reason is that Lan Dun is really difficult to learn, second only to the Secret Technique of Water Transformation.

Originally, Lan Dun's practice required at least innate chakra with the dual attributes of thunder and water. The talent requirements for both attributes were very high. The water attribute was barely qualified, but the thunder attribute was far behind.

Relying on the seventh-level chakra control and the seventh-level Thunder Escape Chakra mode to improve the Thunder Escape talent, it took two days for Zheng Dai to finally increase the Lan Escape entry level to 1% and immediately increase it to the full level.

Zhengdai has been really nervous these past two days. He doesn't dare to do any unnecessary things. He doesn't even go when Aunt Xiu asks for help, for fear of consolidating his real skills into sweeping the floor and watering flowers... Although if those skills can appear early, It's time to show up.

"Does it take both physical strength and mental strength to reach over two hundred to be promoted again? Has the chakra level been dropped?" After closing his eyes for a moment, Zhengdai learned the conditions for the next promotion template.

The mental strength has reached, and the gap in physical strength is not too far away. Zheng Dai estimates that with his growth rate, he will be able to exceed 200 physical strength in another seven or eight months.

Before his 12th birthday.

"12th birthday." Zhengdai murmured softly. He did not forget that the protective barrier placed on the moon outside the dream using special skills would also expire at that time. He decided to use forced awakening at that time to come out of the dream to take a look. of.

"The current forced awakening...has the cost per minute been reduced to 25 points? I have 55 attribute points, which is enough to go out for two minutes!"

I thought silently for a long time that I need to be stable and develop well. If I go out now, I will be killed. I need to at least upgrade the template again and learn the magic. It is best to have level 8 real skills before going out to see it.

Zheng Dai calmed down, went to the bathroom to wash his face, and raised his hands to form a seal: 'The art of water body separation! ’

"I know, learn the basics of sealing."

The moisture content is very conscious and I am very satisfied with it when I wear it.

"Go and try Lan Dun."

Just like Zhengdai was unable to solidify the entire medical ninjutsu into a real skill, and could only solidify the Palm Immortal Technique, he solidified Lan Dun, and he only solidified the Lan Dun - Ritsu Suo Kasu Technique.

Yunyin's Dasayi is actually the only one who knows Lan Dun.

But the most important thing is that Zhengdai learned how to fuse water attribute chakra and thunder attribute chakra into 'Lan Dun Chakra'.

And after adding the seventh-level Ninjutsu Suo Gou element, the fusion is extremely pure, and it is not too difficult to deduce other Arashi Release Ninjutsu in reverse.

He came to the woods near his home, Zhengdai's exclusive practice venue, and after a while of brewing, he clasped his hands and fingers together to form the Si Seal.

‘Lan Dun-Li Fu Suo Yan Su! ’ A dazzling circle of light emanated from the gesture of the person wearing the seal, and nine laser beams shot out from the circle of light!

Just as Dai was moved by his thoughts, his chakra was moving, and those lasers drew arcs in the air, circling around the trees in the grove.

After dexterously moving around in circles, Zhengdai realized its sensitivity and the chakra consumption when maintaining the release. His expression became solemn, and the laser's rate of fire suddenly increased!

As the afterimages passed through the air, Zhengdai made a quick calculation and found that when he used Lan Dun at full power, his running speed was almost the same as when he used the sixth-level Thunder Dun Chakra mode!

Exceeding the teleportation speed of most shadow ninjas!

This also means that when faced with his seventh-level Lan Dun, most shadow ninjas can only choose to accept the attack, but cannot escape. The ultimate attack distance of the Ritsusuo Kaosu is theoretically unlimited. If you have enough chakra, you can shoot it to the moon!

I only need 50,000 chakra points.

"Try the power again."

The most accurate test subject for Lan Dun's power was actually himself, but at this time Zhengdai also discovered a shortcoming of using Lan Dun, which was that he could not use the Thunder Chakra mode at the same time.

If you try this on yourself, Baby Sameji will be unhappy, and he doesn't want to torture himself.

Can only bombard the ground.

There were exactly nine laser beams, and Zheng Dai wanted them to imprint a piece of nine cakes on the ground.

It didn't work out.

The ground suddenly cracked and sank! As if being hit by Tsunade's strange punch, a bowl-shaped hole several meters deep was blasted out!

"Not a piercing attack, but a bombardment?"

Zhengdai was surprised for a moment, and then suddenly realized that he had been misled by the so-called 'laser attack'. In the original work, Darui failed to penetrate the two brothers when he shot the golden and silver horns.

"In this way, the single point of damage is far inferior to the water breaking wave, UU Kanshu But it is better in dexterity and tracking, and can attack multiple enemies at the same time."

After some more experiments, Zheng Dai had a plan in mind on how to use it in actual combat.

Then he began to think about the development of other Lan Dun, focusing on the Lan Dun - Guangya, a technique that favored penetration and cutting.

It took half a month to finally make it appear in the self-created skill column.

Lan Dun - Guang Ya: Lan Dun Ninjutsu, development level 2%, development difficulty S+, practice difficulty S+

The next step is to slowly ponder and accumulate it. It will be enough to fully develop it before the next promotion template and learning the magic.

At this time, the water avatar had also learned the basics of sealing by 50% of level 1, and the progress slowed down. He felt that he basically met the requirements for learning simple sealing techniques, so Zhengdai began to learn the most basic sealing techniques.

Three-way seal.

It belongs to the same series as the Four Symbols Seal, Five Elements Seal, and Bagua Seal, and is the most mainstream sealing technique.

The second is the sealing seal, such as the fire sealing seal and the evil sealing seal, which are more difficult to learn than the three-party seals. Zheng Dai plans to learn about them later.

As for the others, heavy seals on limbs, finger-engraved seals, etc. are more difficult to master and require accumulation bit by bit. Sealing techniques are all-encompassing, and even if Zheng Dai can add some, he won't be able to master them all without three to five years of exploration, so there's no rush.

Time flies and it’s half a month again.

Zhengdai placed a chicken on the boiling water pot, raised his hand to form a seal, 'Sealing Technique - Three-Party Seal! ’

Press the chicken with your hand, and the chicken disappears instantly and enters the sealed space of the water boiler!

Three-party seal level 0 (65%)

"The first use of the seal was successful! The next step was to use the three-party seal in reverse and perform the three-party decryption... Hey, that's not right." Zheng Dai was suddenly stunned.

After sealing the water boiler, the level will be +3!

I can't seem to figure it out?

My chicken is gone!


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