Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 277 The Rain Ninja Village under Martial Law

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The ninjas marched out in groups.

The common people are panicked.

Yunyin Village is known as the "Martial Fighting Village". Not only Lei Ying is reckless, but the whole village is reckless, and even the entire Kingdom of Thunder has a certain aura of recklessness.

Directly declare full-scale war!

No reason, no excuses!

He didn't even mention the previous conflict, and acted like "I see you're unhappy, so I'm going to hit you"!

Moreover, the declaration of war was made with great fanfare, as if someone was shouting it all over the street with a loudspeaker. All day and night, the entire ninja world knew about it.

The Fire Nation is even more famous.

This inevitably caused some panic.

A large-scale ninja war is different from the previous small wars. It is impossible for both sides to open up their posture. It depends on two to three hundred ninjas fighting. According to intelligence, Cloud Hidden Village directly dispatched more than a thousand ninjas, but the largest team did not exceed a hundred people. No matter how reckless he was, he knew that there was no chance of winning in a head-on conflict with Konoha, so he divided them into parts and stretched the battle line extremely long.

On the northern border of the Fire Country, which stretches for more than 300 kilometers, Konoha may not be able to build a complete blockade network even if it comes out. Some ninjas have to be sent to protect important personnel to prevent Kumogakure from sneaking in and assassinating, causing chaos in the Fire Country.

Some of them were stationed in wealthier villages and towns to prevent the ninjas from Kumogakure Village from plundering... The Komakiyama Village where Zhengdai once lived was like this.

The other part will attack head-on, and the last part will go deep into the Kingdom of Thunder to destroy and contain them.

These four parts are not worn properly.

"Keep it safe, you'll have to pay for it if you lose it!" Zheng Dai watched with some reluctance as the four seal class ninjas carried away the boiling water pot. There were more than a dozen chickens and rabbits in there...

Looking at the empty yard again, he felt quite uncomfortable. He called out the water in the house and cleaned up the traces caused by the boiling water pot.

He was not included in the battle sequence with the Hidden Cloud Village, even though he had a record of breaking the defense of the Third Raikage.

The explanation given by the Third Hokage was to keep him on guard against Suna Ninja Village. Masaidai was not afraid of poisons and Senbon, so he was extremely restrained from Suna Ninja Village. Sunagakure ninjas would also have their morale greatly reduced when they saw Masaidai.

I was dissatisfied when I was wearing it. Is there anything I can't do now that I don't restrain myself from? Is there anyone whose morale is not greatly reduced after seeing me?

"The Sand Ninja Village will probably be here soon."

"Hiruzen, why don't you let Shodai join the battle?"

In the Hokage's office, Danzo said with a gloomy old face: "His perception, his speed, and his record of running thousands of miles for three days and three nights to kill 11 Kaguya elites all prove that he is extremely suitable for this kind of extremely long front." war of intrusion.

He alone can liberate at least a hundred-man brigade and establish an advantage in an instant! "

The Third Hokage looked at him deeply, shook his head and said: "The Third Raikage, Brazza, and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki have all left Kumogakure Village, but our reconnaissance ninja has not yet discovered the location of the three of them.

They secretly learned the Thunder Release Chakra mode and injured the third Raikage. Danzo, don't you know how much they want to kill Shodai?

Given the character of the Third Raikage, they actually hid their whereabouts. As long as Masadai appears on the battlefield, he will definitely be struck by their thunder! "

"You're just worried about his safety, and you're ignoring the large-scale losses?" Danzo snorted, "Hiruzen, you are too pampered."

The Third Hokage shook his head and said nothing. Why don't you let him join the battle? Don't you know? I'm afraid you'll do something irrational and it won't end well.

Danzo narrowed his one eye slightly and recalled old things:

"The ninja talent is too high, which makes you worry a lot. If I had known this, it would be better to leave him to my training and train him into an excellent spy. The problems in Yu Ninja Village would have been solved long ago."

The Third Hokage thought for a moment after hearing this. Two days ago, the two intelligence teams of Nebu and Anbu who sneaked into the Amegakure village were suddenly eliminated. Hanzo didn't know what his intentions were. The entire Amegakure village was suddenly under martial law. Konoha knew nothing about the inside of Amegakure at this time, as if they were blind. Indeed. Let him worry.

There are only half a dozen ninjas who can sneak into the martial arts village. For ordinary ninjas, it would be like risking death. The important geographical location of the rain ninja village makes it impossible for the Third Hokage to ignore it.

The hint in Danzo's words is obvious. No one is more suitable to go to the Rain Ninja Village than Masaidai, who is proficient in water escape and perception. More importantly, Masaidai is not afraid of poison and is extremely fast. Even if he encounters Hanzo head-on, he should be able to go smoothly. get away.

But after thinking for a long time, he still shook his head.

"Let Orochimaru go."

"...Orochimaru? I understand."

Danzo responded, turned and left, his expression changing from gloomy to bright... Hiruzen, you are on guard against me, I have no selfish intentions here in the Rain Ninja Village.

A few days later.

‘Red bean correction degree 91%’

Hongdou's face was filled with tears, and she couldn't help wiping them away. Her mouth was wide open, and her breath was filled with thick heat.

"Zhengdai, you guy, do you want to kill me?! Hiss——"

"Just tell me whether you feel good or not."

Anko gasped: "...It feels good."

"That's alright, let's continue tomorrow."

"Continue?" Hong Bean's face was slightly bitter. It was so delicious that I couldn't help but eat it when I saw it. But it was also really uncomfortable to feel uncomfortable after eating it. I had been eating spicy food for seven or eight days in a row, and I was a little constipated...

"I'll change it to something sweet tomorrow."

"No, I don't want to eat it if I like it."

"...Zhengdai, you have changed." Hongdou snorted, "A few days ago, you made whatever I wanted to eat, and you just ordered whatever I wanted. UU Reading "

"Isn't this because I'm afraid that you will gain weight and look bad?"

Anko blinked and murmured: "Oh."

Seeing that Zheng Dai was about to leave, she quickly added: "Hey, Zheng Dai... Well, my cousin and second uncle have gone to guard the border. Haven't you always said that you are very powerful? Why are you with Yunyin Village? The war is not your fault?"

"Me, I'm so awesome, I have to appear in the finale." Zhengdai explained with a smile.

"Tch, the teachers have all left the village." Anko curled her lips and turned her eyes: "Hey, Zhengdai, if you go to the battlefield, can you bring a genin team there? Just do the logistics."

"Your team?"


"Don't even think about it. It's not yet time for you newly graduated genin to join the war."

Two months ago, Anko finally graduated and formed a ninja team with Hyuga Tokuma and another unknown boy.

"Tokuma and the others really want to go." Anko said coquettishly: "The teacher is not here either, and he has to do D-level tasks all day long, so he might as well stay in the ninja school. Besides, my cousin has gone, and I can beat him in the competition. Just go to the logistics unit to see..."

It’s true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. I haven’t heard of Orochimaru participating in the war. Where was he?

Zhengdai was confused and was about to say something strong to dispel Anko's stupid idea. Suddenly his expression moved slightly and he stood respectfully sideways and said: "Lord Orochimaru, you came back just in time. Your apprentice actually wants to go to the battlefield. Please tell me quickly. Her."


The hoarse voice and pale face appeared at the same time. Anko's little face paused, and she secretly glanced at Zhengdai. She faced Orochimaru with a flattering expression, and suddenly she was shocked: "Teacher, are you injured?!"

"It's out of the way."

Zheng Dai was also shocked when he realized that Orochimaru's right arm was actually wrapped in a layer of bandage.

"Zhengdai-kun, you are here just right, the teacher is looking for you." Orochimaru said.


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