Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 279: Sneaking into the Group of Three

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Dark clouds shrouded the place and drizzle continued.

Zheng Dai looked back at the mountain peak, shook his head and continued walking down the mountain.

"This mountain is the boundary. Is it now the boundary of the Kingdom of Rain?"

On the other side of the mountain, it was clearly not raining.

"Then the next to sneak in."

The seventh level of chakra control allows Zhengdai to highly control his own chakra fluctuations. The seventh level of chakra perception allowed Zhengdai to easily avoid the patrolling ninja. Simply infiltrating, there may not be anyone in the entire ninja world who can do better than him.

But he is Cha Yuan now.

A samurai who possesses a jounin chakra and is stronger than an ordinary jounin. If you are not a ninja, your infiltration skills should be a little rough. If you leave no trace at all and suddenly appear in the Rain Ninja Village, there will be problems no matter how you think about it.

Weighing the katana at his waist, Zheng Dai silently lamented that it had been a long time since he had used a normal sword.

He tightened his robe tightly, lowered his head and walked faster. At the same time, his senses were turned on. He didn't need to form a seal to sense chakra fluctuations in a radius of about two kilometers.

When he saw the outline of a small town on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Rain from a distance, Zhengdai looked around, then suddenly lowered his head and rushed towards the town!

Near the road he must pass, there happened to be a three-person patrol team from Yu Ninja Village. The three people were wearing heavy iron armor, and their sight was obscured by the rainy weather. However, when the distance was within 100 meters, they still discovered it. Wearing it.



"Enemy attack——"

The three of them only had time to yell one after another when they saw Zheng Dai suddenly speeding up and rushing to the middle of the three of them. Without unsheathing his katana, he slashed three times in one second, hitting their helmets hard!

There was a buzzing sound in their heads, and the three of them stood up.

Zheng Dai took a deep breath, calmed down the fluctuating chakra, and kept the transformation technique incomprehensible. He rushed into the town with a sprint, and quickly changed into the most common raincoat in the Land of Rain in the town.

"Sneaking in successfully. Next, it will be a little troublesome to sneak into the Rain Ninja Village."

The Kingdom of Rain is not big or small.

At least it is a country, more than ten times the size of Konoha, and there are several small towns and villages. If you blend in here, if 'Cha Yuan' doesn't want to be found, it is unlikely to be found.

But Yu Ninja Village is not a large village like Konoha with a population of hundreds of thousands, but a small village with a population of less than 10,000. With Orochimaru's strength, any careless move will be noticed, and there is no way to avoid it.

"But it is not necessarily necessary to sneak into the Rain Ninja Village. The previous battle between Hanzo and Orochimaru seemed to be quite powerful. If Hanzo finds it troublesome, he will probably transfer Uchida Yuki to other places.

Of course, it is also possible that I am confident in my strength and still keep Yuki Uchida by my side, which would be more troublesome for me.

Let’s consider the good side first. Go around the Country of Rain and move quickly. The three guys who were knocked unconscious will be discovered in a short time, and maybe... there will be a chance to meet those three people. "

In a mountain forest and cave in a corner of the Rain Country.

The blue-haired girl Xiao Nan squatted in front of two boxes. She took out a small one-tael silver note from one box, twisted it with her fingertips, and folded it in a certain way, as if she wanted to leave her own breath. , stamped it, and carefully put it into another box after a long while.

One after another, with a serious look on her face, she transferred all the banknotes from one box to another, and then took a long breath.

"Ten thousand taels, complete."

With a murmur, she moved her eyes and turned around with a smile: "Yahiko."

"Is the arrangement completed? Xiaonan." The orange-haired Yahiko quickly walked into the cave.

"Yeah. Where is it? Who was fighting with the leader of Hanzo two days ago? Is the war going to spread to our Rain Country so soon?"

"It's Jiraiya-sensei's companion, Orochimaru." Yahiko replied.

Xiaonan was slightly startled: "Is that the uncle who looks fierce but is actually a very nice person who persuaded Jiraiya-sensei to accept us as his disciples?"

"Yes." Yahiko nodded lightly: "Don't worry, he is fine, he escaped."

"That's good...why did he come?"

Yahiko frowned slightly: "I don't know, but I also found something wrong. The small town near the slums has secretly deployed a small number of ninja guards in the past two days. It seems that some important person lives in it... …I don’t know if that’s the goal of Uncle Orochimaru.

In short, Konoha and Kumogakure are almost at full-scale war. The flames of war will burn to our Rain Ninja Village at some point, and the preparations for the establishment of the 'Akatsuki Organization' will be accelerated. "

"Hmm." Xiaonan responded, thought for a moment, and then hesitated: "Yahiko, why don't we join leader Hanzo to protect the Rain Ninja Village, but instead establish the Akatsuki organization on our own?"

"No, Xiaonan. I've told you many times that although leader Hanzo is worthy of admiration, he treats civilians with the same indifference as other ninjas. When the war breaks out, I'm afraid countless children will become... uh, UU reading www.uukanshu.netSorry.”

Become an orphan like us? There was a hint of sadness on Konan's face, but she quickly showed a smile and comforted her: "It's okay, there's Yahiko and Nagato, I don't care anymore."

"Nagato..." Yahiko looked around: "Going to buy food?"


Yahiko hesitated for a moment and said: "Xonan, in the past two days... it's best not to go to the slums to distribute food. It's not clear who is guarding the town next door. It's not good to attract attention at this time..."

"Ah?" Xiaonan opened her mouth slightly, moved her nose, looked at the entrance of the cave, and said: "But Nagato has already bought so many buns, we can't waste them, and I also have to give him food for the shoemaker uncle. …”

Yahiko looked back and saw the red-haired boy Nagato appearing at the entrance of the cave with a huge bag on his shoulders. The smell of meat buns quickly filled the entire cave, and he couldn't help but show a bit of confusion on his face.

"Okay, let's go for the last time today. But Xiaonan, uncle shoemaker..."

"Okay, stop nagging, Yahiko." Xiaonan interrupted with a helpless smile: "Every time the shoemaker uncle comes back after leaving, he always gives me a lot of money. The source of the money is probably abnormal, I know."

As she said that, she happily stored the box full of money in front of her into a scroll with a special seal, "Don't worry, I will be careful."

Seeing how he was bribed with money, how can I feel relieved... Yahiko complained secretly, shook his head and went to help Nagato carry the bag.

"Let's go and bring food to everyone."

In the slums, Jiaodu sits in the shoemaker's shack with his head hanging down, his eyes flickering in and out.

"It's time for the blue-haired girl to arrive."

"But what's going on in the town next door? Has it discovered me? No, no, if it discovers me, that brat Hanzo will come in person."

"Why is that? It always feels like...the peaceful retirement life is going to be broken again."

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