Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 286 Clearance

"Kanzo is dead?!"

In the tall tower in the center of the Rain Ninja Village, Hanzo straightened up as he was sitting on his back after hearing the report from his subordinates.

The subordinate in front of him was frightened by his gaze, and said tremblingly: "Yes, Sir Chief. Lord Kanzo's body has been transported back, and Lord Kanda and Lord Heiji went to hunt them down. But when we arrived, they were already there. After escaping a long distance, I'm afraid... I won't be able to catch up."

Hanzo squeezed the armrests with his hands, then slowly relaxed them, his expression becoming uncertain.

Uchida Yuki was involved in the dispute between Sunagakure Village and Konohagakure Village. Following his innermost thoughts, he didn't want to offend both parties, and he didn't want to have a reputation of being paid and not doing anything, so he moved Uchida Yuki to a slum area. Let him live or die.

Even if Yuki Uchida and the people around him saw what he meant, the most they could do was leave 'voluntarily'. Until now, he still didn't understand why those people chose to kill his subordinates and break out violently.

The involvement of the difficult Taki Ninja Village rebel Ninja Kakuzu made the matter even more confusing. He did not want to get into trouble for this, so he did not personally participate in the search and let them go in disguise.

But now...his deputy Kanzo is dead!

He got up and went downstairs. When he saw Kanzo's body on the first floor of the central tower, Hanzo frowned and looked at it.

"Katana, it's the samurai who sneaked in." After speaking in a low voice, Hanzo turned around and ordered: "Check! A samurai with such strength is definitely not an unknown person! In addition, inform Sunagakure that Yuki Uchida has left. The Land of Rain is heading to Iwagakure!"

At the same time, Konoha Village, roots.

Danzo held the crutch tightly in his hand, squinting his one eye and murmuring: "It's almost time, that damn brat should leave the Country of Rain."

He waved his arms, signaling for his subordinates to take action.

He did not act when Zhengdai left the village, otherwise Zhengdai's mission would definitely have setbacks or even fail. Instead, he chose this time.

It will not affect Masaidai's mission and is beneficial to Konoha, but it can also punish Masaidai, avenge the frame-up, and eradicate the unrest in Konoha!

"Hanzo, as a demigod in the ninja world, can you bear the humiliation of being tricked by a kid?"

"Ha, everything...for Konoha!"

The Kingdom of Rain is a country shaped like ‘and’.

The upper part leads to the country of earth, the lower left part leads to the country of ventilation, and the lower right part connects to the country of fire.

There are two small countries in the blank spaces on both sides of the word 'Qie'. They are the Kingdom of Birds, which borders the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Grass, which borders the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Fire.

In order to prepare for the siege of Sunagakure Village, Yahiko did not choose the upper end of the word 'and', which is the direct road from the Kingdom of Rain to the Kingdom of Earth. Instead, he led the team to take a short detour and plunged into the Kingdom of Grass.

It was just dark when we broke through the siege, but it was just dawn when we entered the Kingdom of Grass.

After a night of escaping, Zongji's legs were in disarray. Although Tian Yougui was transferred to Tanaka in the second half, he still felt like he was dying.

"Dump it. There's a small town ahead. Let's take a rest and have something to eat..."

"Probably I won't chase you anymore." Yahiko looked back and muttered: "There is a Kusanagi Village in the Country of Grass, and the ninjas of the Rain Ninja Village dare not enter the Country of Grass at this time to cause misunderstandings. We are safe for the time being.

Find a remote hotel to rest for half a day and recharge our batteries. Next, we have to break through the possible blockade of Sunagakure Village. When we enter the Land of Earth, most of our mission will be completed! "

The analysis was decent... Masahiro murmured to himself and said: "Ninja Yahiko, I would like to ask, do you three often walk in the ninja world?"

Yahiko was startled, hesitated for a moment, and then said with embarrassment: "No, to be honest, this is the first time we have left the Rain Ninja Village, but I have paid special attention to books introducing information about various places, so I know a little about the Country of Grass. .”

First time out of Rain Ninja Village? Tanaka was deeply shocked, so these three people were natives of the Land of Rain? Then why... was this hiring too hasty?

Fortunately, Uchida Yuki fell asleep on Tanaka's back due to panic and exhaustion. Otherwise, he would have felt that the one billion tael reward was set too high, or he would have taken the opportunity to make some unreasonable demands...

Masadai had expected it, but he felt a little strange that Yahiko could calmly analyze the situation without leaving the Rain Ninja Village, and even share his views on the situation in the Ninja World.

Where did you learn it? Born?

The group of people entered the small town of Grass Country and booked three rooms in a remote hotel. Two rooms are for Zhengdai and four people to rest, and one room is for Yahiko and three people to rest.

This kind of escape at less than one-third of the speed was like jogging to Zhengdai. He didn't feel tired at all, and he had something to do. After asking Tanaka to take care of the sleeping Yuki Uchida, he left the room.

I happened to meet Yahiko and Konan.

"Uncle Samurai, you don't need to rest?"

"Well, I'm not tired, and so are you?"

Yahiko nodded: "Let's go explore the surrounding situation. Don't worry, our companion, Nagato, is responsible for the safety here."

Alas, poor Nagato.

"Then I won't disturb you." Zhengdai waved his hand and left quickly, "I will be back before noon and bring back our lunch."

Don't disturb us... Xiaonan blushed slightly and glanced at Yahiko secretly.

Yahiko looked at Zheng Dai's back with some strangeness and murmured: "There seems to be something wrong. This samurai... doesn't seem to be worried about the situation at all. Is he confident in his strength or something..."

Edge of town.

A young man wearing a bamboo hat walked quickly into the dead end, found a thin middle-aged man, and whispered: "The target has appeared, and is now staying at the Shile Hotel. There are three more people than the intelligence said. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net two boys and one girl, suspected to be ninjas.”

"I know." The middle-aged man nodded, turned around and was about to leap from the wall behind him to leave the town, but his eyes flickered and his whole body froze instantly.

On the wall behind them, a young man was squatting and watching them with a smile. It was Zheng Dai!

"Sunagakure Village is really working hard. There are all your people in a place like this."

"K-Konoha is wearing it?!"

Whispering in panic, the two turned around and ran away. They escaped all the way out of the dead end and returned to the crowded streets of the town. Before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, their eyes blurred and they were back in front of the wall.


"Those who can't leave, tell me, how many of you are around the Country of Grass, and who is the leader?"

The two looked at each other, suddenly pulled out the kunai, and moved it towards their bodies, using pain to undo the genjutsu that Zheng Dai had done without any hesitation!

However, after two puffs, the pain on my body was real, but my consciousness was not in a trance at all, nor did I feel like the picture was broken! Not even a drop of blood came out of the wounds on their bodies!

At this time, the two men's bodies suddenly lost control. In their horrified eyes, they raised their kunai and stabbed each other straight, and then stabbed, and stabbed again!

Keep stabbing the opponent into a mosaic!

The severe pain made their faces distort!

Despair gradually spreads!

"Let you hurt yourself enough." Zheng Dai was still squatting on the wall, waving his right hand, throwing a small petal away, thinking in his mind: "Visual illusion combined with four seasons flowers can create an effect similar to Tsukuyomi. , and then I waited for these two people to collapse and tell me everything I wanted to know.

Alas, not having the ability to read minds is really troublesome. Why did I forget to learn this? I have learned so much knowledge. "

Finally able to leave the team and act alone for a while, Zhengdai planned to exercise.

One morning was enough for him to clear out all the Sandgakure secret sentries around the Land of Grass!

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