Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 290 The big one saves the small one

Shodai appeared again not far outside the Iwa Ninja Village.

In its original appearance.

Half squatting, he used the paper and pen brought from the Iwa Ninja Village to write a letter belonging to the Third Hokage, then stood up and walked towards the Iwa Ninja Village.

"I can't wait for Ohnoki to send people to the Kingdom of Wind to find out the truth. It will take at least ten days. There are too many variables. Uchida Yuki may die suddenly at any time."

Muttering in his heart, Zheng Dai turned his eyes, his body suddenly flashed, he reached out and grabbed a five-tael silver note in his hand, and put it into his pocket.

"As a common man, I am picking up money today. I am so happy. Hey, is there another one?"

Iwa Ninja Village, inside Yahiko Prison.

Seeing the banknote in his hand suddenly trembling, Yahiko's heart moved slightly and he whispered: "Konan, a Konoha ninja has appeared? Who is it? Uncle shoemaker?"

"...No, I didn't see the face, I was discovered." A voice came from the banknote.

"I found you!" Yahiko was surprised and nodded thoughtfully: "It seems that the Konoha ninjas were really clearing the way for us along the way, so it went so smoothly. It's not surprising to find you. He must have been observing in secret. our fight.

We didn't find him... After he found you, did he have anything to communicate with us? Is there anything we need to cooperate with? "

"No..." The voice coming from the banknote suddenly felt aggrieved: "He put all my banknotes in his pocket, saying that ordinary people are happy to pick up money."


The entrance to Iwa Ninja Village.

"I am Konoha Muramasadai, and I have brought a letter from the Third Hokage, asking to see the Third Tsuchikage."

The two ninjas guarding the gate of Iwa Ninja Village looked at each other, Konoha is wearing? It's the one in the legend...

The age and appearance are indeed right, but there are no Samehada muscles... After being stunned for two seconds, one of them hurriedly said: "I'll report it to Lord Tsuchikage!"

Soon, Zhengdai met an old acquaintance, the dead man jounin from the east of Iwa Ninja Village.

"It's really you, Konoha Masadai."

"Is there anyone else who would pretend to be me?" Zhengdai said with a smile: "East Dead Man Jonin, didn't you say before that Master Tsuchikage really wanted to see me in person? It's my honor, so I'm here."

"Ah, yes. Come with me."

Following the East Dead Man, Masadai entered the Iwa Ninja Village for the second time. Having been arrested before, Dai was concentrating on guessing the situation and was not in the mood to pay attention to the customs and customs of Iwa Ninja Village. Now he was relaxed and looking around, as if he was curious for the first time.

As its name suggests, Iwa Ninja Village is surrounded by mountains that are extremely dangerous, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

"But suitable for flooding..."

"What did you say? Just put on your ninja."

"Uh, nothing."

The buildings in Iwa Ninja Village are different from those in Sand Ninja Village. Although they are both made of rocks, they are not all earthy yellow, and the colors are richer.

Much more beautiful than Sand Ninja Village.

"It's a pity that it's still far behind Konoha. If I have a chance, I'll go to Cloud Hidden Village and Kirigakure Village again." Zhengdai thought silently in his mind without saying it out loud.

All the way to the Tsuchikage Building, after hearing the East Dead Man's report, Zhengdai successfully met Ohnoki.

This time we met, Onoki was not as expressionless as before, but with a kind and kind smile on his face, making him more approachable than the Third Hokage.

"Konoha Shodai, I finally see you."

"Your Excellency, the Third Tsuchikage." Zhengdai bowed to show respect: "Thank you for your generous gift."

"It's just chakra, it's nothing."

Sure enough, there is a mine. He was wearing a respectful smile.

Onoki added: "I remember that your weapon is the Kirigakure Ninja Sword Samehada, why didn't you bring it with you?"

It's my Ninja Sameji. Zhengdai added silently, saying: "You know, I injured the Third Raikage before, which led to Kumogakure's failure in that conflict. He hated me to the core. The characteristics of the Samehada muscle are too obvious. If I carry him, he will do this for me. It adds a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Besides, I'm just here to deliver a message to you, and it doesn't matter whether I bring a weapon or not. "

These words made Onoki feel comfortable, and his smile became even warmer: "A letter from Sarutobi Hiruzen?"

Zhengdai took out the letter from his arms and handed it to Ohnoki with both hands: "Here it is."

Onoki read the letter carefully. The letter explained all the intrigues surrounding the death of the former daimyo and the current daimyo's position in the Land of Wind, and attached a sentence at the end.

'I stand on my honor to vouch for the truth. ’

Seeing this sentence, Ohnoki sat upright, the smile on his face faded, and read it again.

After a long while, he shook his head and said: "You and Sunagakure have different opinions, and Chiyo also used her reputation to guarantee it, making it difficult for me to judge. Now... the son of the former daimyo of the Wind Kingdom has been captured by me. Wait until my people Once you determine the authenticity, you will be able to decide.”

"Tsuchikage-sama, don't you even believe the Hokage-sama's reputation guarantee?"

Onoki shook his head: "Uchida Yuki and his guard captain named Cha Yuan, under our cross-examination, they all said... that you, Konoha, deliberately guided them to Iwa Ninja Village."

As he spoke, his tone became slightly more serious.

"And you are not surprised that they were captured. This hardly makes me believe you Konoha!"

A good man, but not stupid... Masadai shook his head slightly: "Lord Tsuchikage, you misunderstood, or Captain Chagen misunderstood. We treated him, told him to bring Yuki Uchida to Iwagakure, and even sent me to protect him in secret They simply hope that you will uphold justice and have no malicious intent."

"I believe you don't, and I believe Sunagakure doesn't. But the contradictions in your statements make it difficult for me to doubt both of you unnecessarily."

"Lord Tsuchikage." Masadai said sincerely: "Our previous trip to Suna Ninja Village was in great danger. Teacher Haruno Zhao was poisoned and fled thousands of miles, almost dying. Elder Mito Kadenen lost his strength due to the failure to clean up the toxins in his body in time. Seven out of ten.

I even stayed behind. If Minato Jounin hadn't arrived in time, I would have left my life in Sunagakure Village. If it was really us who poisoned the Daimyo, how could we be in such a predicament? "

Seeing Onoki's expression of thoughtfulness, he continued: "To be disrespectful, the name of the Kingdom of Wind is not worth the risk of poisoning! Together with Teacher Haruno Zhao, we can even assassinate Chiyo, why should we poison an ordinary person?

Even though he is a famous person, he is still an ordinary person! "

Onoki was silent.

Zhengdai took advantage of the situation and asserted: "I dare to use my reputation to guarantee that Suna Ninja Village is causing trouble in this matter! I can leave a guarantee with you, in any way, even a written guarantee. If it is false, you can let I am ruined!"

Ohnoki moved slightly and smiled like a good old man: "It's not that, it's not that, let me investigate."

"...Well, it seems you still don't believe it."

Shodai sighed: "Then you can deal with Uchida Yuki and the others as you wish. I am waiting for the news that Uchida Yuki died suddenly in the prison of Iwa Ninja Village. By then, you may also be confused by a letter from Suna Ninja Village. , I decided that it was me, Konoha, who was setting this up."

He shook his head in disinterest: "We are still fighting Yunyin, I will stay soon."

Onoki hesitated to speak: "Are you leaving now?"

"Well, excuse me."

Why don't you leave? If Onoki is persuaded by him and chooses to let him go, and the big one succeeds in saving the small one, the water incarnation cannot be hidden from Onoki. He must go back and log in to the account again.

If Onoki doesn't let go...

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