Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 294 Have you ever been hit by light?

In the evening of the next day, near the oasis lake of Wind Country Sha, Masadai, Xiaonan, and two members of Iwagakure's sealing class stood silently waiting.

A moment later, in the Wind Country village next to the oasis, Sumashi and two other Iwagakure jounin stepped out and ran towards this side.

The surrounding area was empty, and there was no place to hide. After confirming that there were no ambushed ninjas in the village, Sumashi felt a lot more at ease. This proved that what Yuki Uchida said was true. Sunagakure Village and the Country of Wind had no idea about this place. There is a hidden treasure.

Then the next step is to find an opportunity to deal with the warrior Cha Yuan and this blue-haired girl!

His eyes passed over Zheng Dai. He concealed his inner emotions and said in a deep voice: "Warrior Chayuan, the location of the treasure is only in the middle of the lake. I'm afraid we need to go into the water and search hard."

"You go ahead." Zhengdai replied: "As a warrior, I don't know how to walk on water."

Xumozhi shook his head and said: "When opening the treasure, it's best to work together. Some knuckle-sized gems are worth tens of millions. If the final treasure is much different from 15 billion, there may be disputes.

Anyway, the treasure is at the bottom of the lake, so we all need to get into the water. It's a bit inconvenient for girls. Warrior Chayuan, I hope you can work hard. "

Huh? So sincere?

Zhengdai's eyes moved slightly. Have all the ninjas of Iwagakure Village been led by Ohnoki to become honest people?

If you are like this, what I will do next will make me feel a little guilty.

After glancing at Xiaonan, he nodded to Sumozhi and said, "Okay, then I'll swim over first."

On one side of the body, he stepped forward quickly without chakra attached to his feet. Zheng Daiquan relied on his physical fitness to run on the water. He also managed to float on the water for a short time. After nearly a hundred meters, he fell into the water.

Sumashi's expression was slightly condensed. He was indeed a very strong samurai, but in the water, he was fighting a ninja who could walk on water with chakra...

Looking back at Xiaonan, he ordered the two seal class ninjas to wait with her on the shore, and took the two jounin to run towards the center of the lake.

When they arrived, Zheng Dai, who had taken the first step, just swam up and floated on the water. He stuck his head out and said to the three of them: "Let's search together?"

Sumozhi looked at the two people around him, and they all went into the water, diving into the water with Zhengdai, and unknowingly, they surrounded Zhengdai in the middle!

Zhengdai was groping at the bottom of the water unconsciously, and the three of them suddenly attacked at the same time!

Three kunai pierced Zhengdai!

With a sinister smile on his lips, Sumozhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was much easier than expected. After all, he was just a samurai! The vigilance and premonition of danger are far different from those of a ninja!

However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed that 'Cha Yuan', who had been pierced by three kunai, looked up at him, his face expressionless and inhumanly indifferent.

The next second, ‘Cha Yuan’ turned into water and disappeared!

Really not human! Water body? !

How is it possible that Cha Yuan is a ninja? !

Sumozhi was shocked, exchanged glances with the two people beside him, and broke out of the water as quickly as possible!

Looking around, towards the shore, two seal class ninja stabbed Konan with kunai, one on the left and the other on the right! However, the place where Xiaonan was punctured didn't bleed, it just turned into some familiar paper... banknotes?

"What on going on?" Xumozhi's heart sank. He failed in both places? Cha Yuan is a ninja, can this girl use a banknote to stand in for him?

Xiaonan looked down at the scratched banknotes, feeling a little heartbroken. They suddenly turned into hundreds of banknotes and flew around, and then condensed into a banknote angel in mid-air, looking down at the two stunned seal class jounin.

Soon he looked towards the center of the lake with some worry.

"Yahiko is right, these Iwagakure ninjas really can't be trusted. Where is the samurai uncle...will something happen? Eh?"

At this moment, she suddenly looked to the left and right, and saw a person walking towards the lake on both sides with an expressionless face.

One is a gloomy young man with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

One is a handsome young man with dark skin.

"Rasa from the Sunagakure Village? Masaidai from the Hidden Leaf Village? You guys?! What the hell is going on?!" Sumashi's hand holding the kunai tightened, feeling that everything that happened before him was outrageous and ridiculous.

How come these two people appear at the same time?

A Jonin next to him also whispered: "Aren't they hostile? Are Sunagakure and Konoha joining forces? The real purpose is us?"

"The treasure here is a trap?!"

"Don't get me wrong." 'Luo Sha' sighed.

Then with a bang, he released the transformation spell and returned to his normal state. The other side of Zhengdai turned into water splashes and merged into the lake.

"Transformation, clone? You?!" Sumozhi's pupils shrank, as if he understood something.

"Yes, it's all me, including Cha Yuan." Zhengdai said: "Mr. Tsuchikage is a nice person. He gave me gifts twice. I am very grateful, so I didn't want to kill you. It's a pity that you don't cherish it."

His original plan was to transform into Rasa and attack the ninjas of Iwagakure Village, but in the end he only let Sumashi go and provoke a dispute. As for how to imitate Luo Sha? It's very simple, just add a large waterfall and a visual illusion to make them mistake it for a gold placer waterfall.

After learning the Blessing Sutra, Shodai's genjutsu ability once again surpassed his ninjutsu ability, and even elite jounin could be temporarily confused.

However, thinking about Onoki's two gifts, Masaida really couldn't bear to kill the ninjas of Iwagakure Village just to frame him, so UU Reading changed his plan a little.

Changed to 'Rasa' and seriously injured them, Masadai saved them again, and later used his excellent acting skills to tell Ohnoki that the treasure had been snatched away by Rasa. Although it would increase the risk,... Ohnoki in this world can believe it!

Disputes will arise from now on, Sunagakure Village will be held back by Iwagakure in starting a war, and they don't have the guts to go to war with Konoha even though they have to go to war with Iwagakure. Everyone is happy!

However, plans never change quickly.

People have no intention of harming tigers, but tigers are harmful to people's hearts.

Zhengdai really didn't expect that Sumozhi and the others would suddenly attack him and Xiaonan.

And he will be a killer if he takes action!

No, it should be said that the thoughts that flashed through his mind were ignored by him. After all, it was real that Onoki needed to be corrected, and it was impossible to do one thing in front of someone and do the other behind his back. However, he overlooked one thing.

"The old man is so honest that he can't even control his subordinates. If you act privately, you will risk your life." He sighed silently and smiled at Xiaonan who was standing in the air.

Xiaonan blinked repeatedly and murmured: "This voice, the people are happy, my banknotes?"

Xuma Zhi looked ugly and shouted:

"Disguised as Rasa, is Konoha trying to provoke a dispute between us and Sunagakure Village?! When was that Chayuan warrior replaced by you?!"

"From the very beginning." Zhengdai responded casually. He glanced around and found that Sumozhi's center of gravity had shifted slightly, "Oh, you want to run?"

"Have you... ever been hit by light?"

After saying this, Zheng Dai suddenly froze, and the afterglow of the setting sun mockingly hit his face.

"No, you can't say that. Tsk, how can this guy pretend... Damn it, forget it."

He sighed lightly and formed the seal directly.

‘Lan Dun-Li Fu Suo Yan Su! ’

The dazzling halo of light spread from his hand gestures, reflecting Sumozhi's twisted face.

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