Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 296 Violent Assassination

Gold, silver, pearls, and gems of various colors shine together in the dark night, mapping Xiaonan's eyes into a beautiful shape!

No longer wary of Zheng Dai, and even stepped forward to push Zheng Dai aside, Xiaonan touched the treasures in the five large boxes in turn, grabbed a handful, put them down, grabbed a handful, put them down again, and lay on them...

Zheng Dai silently opened the smallest box, took out a stack of banknotes, all of which were in the maximum amount of five million taels, and counted them.

"One hundred pieces, five billion, so the treasure in these five boxes is worth about ten billion?" Zhengdai took a deep breath. Seeing so much money at once, even he was a little uneasy.

Converted in RMB, the 15 billion taels here are 10 billion yuan!

I have never seen so much money in my life!

Using water escape, he separated the water in the middle of the thick black oasis lake. Zheng Dai went down again to check carefully to make sure nothing was missing, and jumped ashore.

There was no unexpected appearance in this real treasure hiding place. In other words, the Uchida family carefully inspected this place when they first hid the treasure. They knew that this place was at the edge of the Kingdom of Wind and was inaccessible to people.

Five minutes after arriving, they checked the surrounding environment, and another five minutes, they successfully obtained the treasure!

Xiaonan, who was leaning on the gem, gradually regained his composure, quickly closed the five boxes, looked around cautiously, looked at Zhengdai and said, "You put away the banknotes, I saw it."

"It's indispensable for you." Zhengdai said with a smile, "Wait until I seal these treasures into the scroll first, and then we can find a place to live."

"Let me keep our one billion taels for safekeeping first."

Seeing Xiaonan's insistence, Zhengdai turned around and said, "Then let's talk about the commission first."

"Commission? Teach you origami..."

"It's not origami, it's another commission. You entrust it to me." Masadai coughed lightly, "Don't forget that your two companions are still in Iwagakure Village."

"Yahiko and Nagato..."

"All the ninjas of Iwagakure Village are dead. Do we dare to go back normally? How did your two companions escape? Do you need my help?"

Xiaonan was stunned for a moment.

"Think about it and entrust me to send them out of Yanyin Village. The entrustment fee is...not much, one billion taels."

Xiaonan's eyes gradually widened, "How could you do this? You can't do this!"

Zhengdai smiled, used the seal scroll to pack up the five large boxes of treasures, put them away, turned around and walked towards the Kingdom of Birds.

"Think about it. If you think you can pick them out by yourself, I will give you your banknote. Or you can think of a way to teach me origami. It's not much. Teach me 10,000 origami methods. That's it. It’s another one billion taels.”

Konan bit her lip lightly, and the joy of getting the treasure disappeared. Mixed with worries about Yahiko Nagato and anger towards Masadai, she strode to follow.

"Origami, origami, ten thousand kinds..."

That night, Zhengdai fell into silence as he looked at a dozen paper airplanes of different shapes in front of him.

"Come on, 1.3 million!"


‘Xiaonan correction degree 1,

Gain free attribute point 1’

The idea is correct! Zheng Dai cheered up, put aside the speechlessness in his heart, took out a five million banknote and handed it to her, "Prepaid, come on."

That night, the two of them spent the whole night playing in the hotel room.

The next evening, on the top of the mountain near Iwagakure Village.

Looking at Yanyin Village for a moment, Zhengdai asked expressionlessly, "Have you decided, one billion taels?"

"Let me ask Yahiko." Xiaonan said with a slightly tired look on her face, full of reluctance.

She only earned more than two million yuan after playing airplanes in Zhengdai's room for one night. She felt that she could no longer make other kinds of paper airplanes, and it would definitely become harder and harder to make this kind of money.

How can you be willing to hand over one billion taels?

A bank note flew into the Iwagakure Village from a hidden corner, hiding among the buildings towards where Yahiko Nagato was.

Suddenly, an ordinary-looking Sunagakure civilian passed by and happened to see the five taels of silver notes on the ground. He happily picked them up and put them in his pocket.

Xiaonan pursed her lips, cut off the connection between the banknote and her, and fired another one.

After flying about the same distance, another handsome civilian from Sunagakure Village passed by and happened to see the five-tael silver note on the ground...

Xiao Nan was startled, he was obviously very careful.

Concentrating her concentration, she launched three banknotes at once, but they were quickly picked up by three plain-looking civilians from Sunagakure Village.

Five pictures, seven pictures...

Half an hour later, Xiao Nan was about to cry.

"Is it okay?"

"No, wait a minute..."

"It's getting dark. The treasure hunting team should return at this time. If we don't take action, I'm afraid it will become more and more troublesome." Zheng Dai said expressionlessly.

Xiaonan gritted her teeth, "Then...I'm sorry to bother you!"

"Haha, forget it, I don't want that billion taels from you. Hide it and don't show your face no matter what happens, otherwise it will bring great danger to your companions." Zheng Dai suddenly smiled and disappeared into water.

Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, water body? !

My money... no wonder... this bad guy!

No more one billion taels? real or fake?

"You don't want a billion taels?" In Yanyin Village, an ordinary-looking civilian frowned deeply. "You are so pity for a water body, but that's a billion taels! Do you know how troublesome the next action will be? Today I'm afraid I have to fight with Ohnoki, and collecting a billion taels won't be much at all!

Alas, UU reads www. Forget it, the water body has promised to go out... Damn it, the water body mistakenly missed me! "

Complaining in his heart, Zhengdai raised his hand to rub his face, suppressed his smile, and walked quickly to the residence arranged for Uchida Yuki in Iwagakure Village.

There were repeated accidents in this mission. After careful consideration, Zhengdai decided to take a risk.

Anyway, 15 billion taels have been obtained. Even if the action fails, it won't be much worse. At least it can make myself... clear-minded!

With superb chakra control, he suppressed his own chakra reaction to almost nothing. He walked smoothly to the residence of Uchida Yuki without contacting Nagato and Yahiko. He turned his eyes and ducked to a tree, easily killing him. An Iwagakure Anbu was knocked unconscious and placed smoothly.

The transformation spell is lifted and the original appearance is revealed!

By knocking out this ANBU, a blind spot for surveillance was created. With a flash of lightning, Masaidai rushed into Uchida Yuki's room from the window.

Uchida Yuki had just finished dinner and was sleeping when the sound of Masadai's unobstructed footsteps came and woke him up.

He opened his eyes vaguely and saw a strange young man standing in front of the bed. He suddenly showed panic. Before he could ask "Who are you?", he heard Zheng Dai say

"You are as stupid as a pig. Not only did you kidnap a girl to be a maid, but you also disgustedly called me daddy. I've been putting up with you for a long time!"

He leaned forward, waved his right hand, and slapped him with all his strength, directly on his face!


The bed collapsed, and Uchida Yuki had no time to scream. A horrified expression was fixed on his face. His neck was twisted at more than 90 degrees, and he died immediately!

The violent sound caused Tanaka, who was guarding the door, to break in and "Your Highness!"

Dai turned around, smiled at him with shrunken pupils, jumped out of the window again, and ran away from Yanyin Village without covering his body.

"Someone assassinated His Highness!!"

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