Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 298 Forced to stay

At the entrance of Iwagakure Village, Zheng Dai looked at each other in astonishment, looking at each other in silence with Ohnoki and others.

Tanaka arrived and asked, "Lord Tsuchikage, why don't you capture him?"

Ohnoki didn't mind his attitude and turned around to confirm for the nth time: "Is it him you saw?"

"It's him!" Tanaka replied with certainty, holding the katana in his hand and staring at Masaida: "You...are the Sunagakure ninja? Damn it, it's not enough to prevent His Highness from successfully succeeding to the throne, must he take his life?!"

Zhengdai frowned and didn't reply.

Onoki said: "He is not a ninja of Sunagakure Village, he is Masadai of Konoha Village."

Tanaka was stunned, Konoha? How could that be possible... He clenched his katana tightly, gritted his teeth and pulled it out of its sheath: "Letting Your Highness come to Iwagakure Village was always a conspiracy?!"

Just as Dai closed his eyes and opened them again, he suddenly raised his hand, turned his right hand into a gun, and fired a spray bullet!

‘Water Release-Water Gun Cannon! ’

The attack without warning caused Onoki's expression to change slightly. After instantly judging the impact point of the bullet, he did not act. Among the others, only Huang Tu subconsciously dodged.

Tanaka and a group of Iwagakure ninjas only saw a blur in front of their eyes and heard a crisp sound.

Tanaka's wrist shook violently, and his katana was broken by the bullet and flew away!

Holding the half-cut knife, he resisted the pain in his wrist and pointed at Masadai. Others also stared at Masaida with vigilance, waiting for Onoki's order.

Masadai said to Ohnoki: "Do you understand what I mean? If it were really me, I would be able to kill this samurai with just such a random water bomb, and it would be impossible to leave any witnesses.

Lord Tsuchikage, based on what you said, I think someone is setting me up! I had been resting on that mountain peak before, and I came here after hearing the noise from your side.

Transformation is the foundation of ninja! "

Ohnoki thought for a moment, then turned to look at Tanaka. Seeing that he was also a little surprised and uncertain after hearing this, he asked in a deep voice: "Then how do you explain that you left Iwagakure three days ago and have been staying outside our Iwagakure Village? ?Didn’t you say that the war between Konoha and Kumogakure needs you?”

Zheng Dai opened his lips lightly, then closed them hesitantly, as if unable to answer, and frowned in silence.

"Can't explain?" Ohnoki sighed softly: "Then we can only offend you. Before we investigate everything clearly, you need to be under our custody."

"...Look after me?"

Onoki nodded: "If it weren't for you, I would definitely give you justice. Please don't resist and watch over a ninja like you. I have to have someone put the necessary restrictions on your chakra."

Masaida's face suddenly became unhappy: "Lord Tsuchikage, don't you think this request is a bit excessive? Restrict my chakra to watch over me? Is this a prison sentence? Do you really believe that I assassinated Yuki Uchida? Then I Taking the initiative to send myself in front of you? This is an obvious frame-up!"

"But you can't seem to explain why you stayed outside my Iwagakure Village for a long time."

"I..." Zhengdai breathed out lightly and said: "Lord Tsuchikage, I will give you an explanation for my long-term stay later. Now you need to make a calm judgment. I will leave first. The bastard who framed me. , I will also get to the bottom of it!"

After saying that, he quickly dodged away. Seeing this, Tanaka shouted urgently: "Lord Tsuchikage!"

Ohnoki closed his eyes and ordered: "Loess!"

Loess understood clearly and rushed out. At the same time, he quickly formed seals with his hands: 'Escape - the art of mountain and earth! ’

He slapped his palms on the ground, and in just a moment, two huge hemispheric rocks appeared beside Zheng Dai, slicing towards him!

"A jutsu that once suppressed the Ten-Tails?"

Zhengdai glanced at him, turned around, and there was a huge electric light around his body. He stretched out his arms to hold the hemispherical rock that was closing in the middle. The muscles on his face tensed, and he asked: "Your Excellency Tsuchikage?!"

Onoki sighed: "Keep him first."

Hearing this, a group of Iwagakure ninjas beside him also rushed forward, trying to surround Zhengdai.

"Hey." Zhengdai hummed, his arms trembling slightly, and the distance between the two hemispheres squeezed him closer and closer, "This earth escape is really strong."

Looking at Huang Tu, his eyes flashed slightly. Huang Tu was shocked to find that Zheng Dai, who was trapped by him, had turned into Onoki. He quickly realized that it was an illusion, but after a moment of relaxation, Zheng Dai successfully escaped from the siege of the hemisphere and transformed into Lightning flashed in front of him!

'Combined Ninjutsu - High Water Thunder Arm! ’

‘Earth Release-Fist Rock! ’

Huang Tu reacted quickly, and the huge rock fist was formed in an instant, colliding with Zheng Dai's wrist that was wrapped with lightning and water light at the same time.

Although I don’t know how Onoki did it, Huangtu is indeed a strong man with a height of over 190cm. Even if his physical strength is not as good as Braza, it is not far behind.

However, his rock fist was far different from the powerful water thunder wrist that Dai was fused with thunder and water. The huge rock fist was cut open in just an instant. In order to prevent Dai from injuring his own fist in the rock, Loess could only take advantage of the situation and stay away. Slide away.

Zheng Dai took advantage of one strike, and kept moving his hands, forming a seal in a second: 'Illusion - Four Seasons Flower! ’

Four petals bloomed out of thin air, and the intoxicating fragrance overflowed. Tanaka, who rushed over, was unable to resist it. The resilience of the samurai could not help him survive the huge gap in mental strength for a second, and he fell to the ground in a coma in an instant.

The other Iwa Ninja and Murakami Ninbu Anbu were also shaken and unsteady, either struggling to hold on or sitting down slumped, losing all their fighting power almost instantly!

Huang Tu was in relatively good condition. He endured some weakness and looked at Zheng Dai who was running away again. He took a deep breath and slapped the ground with both hands again!

'Earth Release - Open Earth...' Just as the ground shook, he saw Zheng Dai suddenly looking back, his hands turned into guns, and he fired two splash bullets at him one after another!

A well-crafted katana can be easily broken, but he didn't want to feel the power of this bullet with his flesh and blood body, even if he added a layer of earth escape armor to his body, he quickly dodged sideways.

Interrupting the A-level earth escape from breaking the earth and digging up the earth caused a trace of chaos in the chakra in his body. He could not help but be affected by the Four Seasons Flower for two seconds. After he recovered, he found that Zhengdai had run a long distance away.

'If he had just continued to attack me, I'm afraid I would have been injured. Konoha Shodai, indeed, lived up to his reputation. The action of assassinating Uchida Yuki was so crude, I'm afraid it really wasn't him. ’

The thought flashed through his mind, and Loess stopped chasing. He stood up and looked around, judging in his heart: "Although he is very strong, my father can definitely keep him, but keeping him will only offend Konoha and let the person who framed the blame achieve his goal. Escape direction Southwest... is Sunagakure?"


At this time, a loud noise came. In the distance, Onoki was half-floating in front of Zhengdai. UU Reading A huge fist made of rock connected with Zhengdai's wrist!

It is also a rock fist and a powerful water thunder wrist, but the density of Onoki's rock fist is far beyond that of loess!

He was wearing a powerful water-thunder wrist that could cut iron and cut silver, but he could only cut into Onoki's rock fist inch by inch. The ground under his feet cracked in large areas due to the transfer of force!

‘Earth Release - The Art of Weighted Rock! ’ Chakra was mobilized into the rock fist, and Onoki used his signature ninjutsu to strengthen it, and the intensity instantly increased several times.


The speed of cracking on the ground increased instantly. Zheng Dai's legs were slightly bent, and the electric light around his body became stronger again.

Thunder escape chakra mode, level 7!

The power of the Hao Water Thunder Arm is also increased, and the cutting speed is faster. Compared with the efficiency, it can hurt Onoki before Iwaken can overwhelm him!

However, at this time Onoki frowned and mobilized more chakra, 'Super Heavy Rock Jutsu! ’

The weight of the rock fist surged again, and Zheng Dai, who was barely holding on, collapsed instantly, and his body fell heavily backward. The moment it touched the ground, all the electric light on his body suddenly dissipated.


With a sound like a large basin of water falling from the third floor, Zhengdai turned into water splashes, bouncing and jumping on the ground, dissipating the terrifying force, and then regrouped three meters in front of Ohnoki.

"Super Heavy Rock Technique is an eighth or even ninth level technique, as is Dust Release. Ohnoki should be the only two techniques that can crush me.

But the scary thing is that he has six or even seven levels of ordinary earth escape like Yanquan. Who knows how many earth escapes he has at this level. Sure enough, it's not time to challenge him yet. Only by increasing the basic attributes and raising the upper limit of real skills to level eight can we hope to win.

Well, there is only hope. "

The judgment of strength flashed through his mind. Zhengdai abandoned his distracting thoughts, stared at Onoki, and put on a defensive posture: "Your Excellency Tsuchikage, you actually took action yourself, do you really want to force me to stay?"

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