Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 303: Instant Kill 1 Heart

Xiaonan asked, but after receiving no reply for a long time, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Looking at Kakuzu, she said oh, released the transformation, and said: "It's us, Uncle Shoemaker. Aren't you waiting for us here? We already know your identity, a non-staff member of Konoha ANBU, thank you for this Two years of taking care of us.”

Kakuzu's cheeks bulged slightly, the blue-haired girl... what was she talking about?

Yahiko frowned, recalling Masadai's sudden change of direction just now, his heart skipped a beat. He couldn't have been hiding from the shoemaker. He was also a Konoha ninja, why...

At this time, footsteps suddenly came.

The four people turned their heads when they heard the sound, and saw a tall figure wearing a robe and clothes somewhat similar to the horns, striding towards them.

At the same time, the man took out a notebook from his arms, opened it, looked at Kakuzu, and said in a low voice:

"Taki Ninja Village S-class rebel Ninja Kakuzu, now 72 years old, successfully escaped after assassinating the first Hokage of Konoha Village 40 years ago. His strength has declined due to old age and frailty. He has a bounty of 50 million.

Oh, I'll take your head. "

Um? Kakuzu's eyes flashed, filled with murderous intent. There were countless such reckless guys when he was first put on a bounty, but they were rarely encountered recently.

Glancing at the surprised faces of Konan and the other three, Kakuzu's eyes became even more murderous. Damn it, it's this time to let the blue-haired girl know my identity...huh? Isn't it too much of a coincidence?

"Rebel Ninja of Taki Ninja Village? 72 years old? Is there a mistake? Uncle Shoemaker is not that old, and he is an ANBU of Konoha." Konan whispered: "That Kakuzu, is he similar to Uncle Shoemaker?"

Yahiko pulled Konan and signaled her to be silent. His eyes wandered on the face of the man in the robe who came forward, and he glanced around from time to time.

Various judgments flashed through his mind.

Soon, Yahiko gritted his teeth in annoyance.

This bastard! There is no truth from the beginning!

Damn ANBU non-staff!

I really believed it, after all, the shoemaker was really like a helper when he stopped the leader Hanzo!

It turned out to be just a diversion of trouble?

You have to be careful with this guy. Is it because you can't hide it anymore, so you take the initiative to expose it to prevent us from revealing too much information to the shoemaker?

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Yahiko's expression and knew that he had figured everything out. I hit his IQ again, but still didn't explode the attribute points.

Doesn’t this idea work?

Kakuzu was slightly confused, why does the blue-haired girl always say that I am an ANBU of Konoha? Where is the samurai who was traveling with them in the intelligence report?

Let’s deal with this reckless guy first.

With a flick of his right hand, his wrist detached.

Tentacle punch!

Earth Release - The earth spear hardens the arm, and the black tentacles in the body are connected to the wrist to extend the punch. Its strength is no less than the strange power punch of Teacher Haixing at level 5.

The speed was also very fast, and a distance of more than ten meters was wiped out in an instant. However, Zhengdai turned sideways dexterously and easily cut off the tentacle with a kunai!

The severed hand fell to the ground, and the broken tentacles expanded and enveloped Xiang Zhengdai.

He was tapping his toes on the ground and jumped away.

The tentacles closed again and connected the severed hand on the ground back to Kakuzu's body.

"Not weak." He murmured these two words, and Jiaodu looked at his opponent squarely for a while. Before he could take action, he saw Zhengdai looking at Xiaonan and the others with some fear, then taking a deep look at himself and running away.

‘Is this because I am worried that they will help me? Does the last look mean that I should keep my head first? Arrogant guy! ’ Kakuzu narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at Xiaonan and the other three, and then said, “Blue-haired girl, wait for me here. I’ll be back soon.”

"Hey..." Xiaonan stretched out her hand to stop her, but put it down in confusion. She felt something was wrong in a daze, and turned to look at Yahiko for confirmation.

Yahiko sighed: "The bounty ninja just now was transformed by Konoha Shodai."

"Him? That shoemaker really..."

"Ah, Taki Ninja Village rebels, Kakuzu!"

In the distance, on a tree, a white monster slowly blended into the tree.

After running for ten kilometers, he sensed that Xiaonan and the others did not pursue him. Zhengdai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It would be better if they didn't come.

The wind roared behind him, and a more powerful tentacle punch struck, Zhengdai jumped forward.

The tentacle punched the ground hard, causing smoke and dust to scatter. Behind the smoke, Zhengdai had stopped and turned around to look at Kakuzu.

Kakuzu retracted his fist and stopped, cautiously looking around to see if there was any ambush.

At this time, Zhengdai suddenly rushed away!

court death! Kakuzu secretly hummed, his arms vibrated together, and both wrists stretched out, drawing an arc in the air, pinching Zhengdai's neck, and sealing Zhengdai's retreat!

Thunder escape chakra mode, level 7!

The electric light flashed, and Zheng Dai's speed instantly increased three times. He broke through the space between his two wrists and punched directly into Kakua's chest!

The sudden explosion gave Kakuzu just time to react subconsciously based on his rich combat experience. He opened his mouth, and his tentacles spurted out, densely piercing Masadai's face and eyes!

At the same time, the two tentacles punched hard to recover the defense.

‘Thunder Escape-Chainsaw Flow! ’

The electric arc around the body changes from cyclically stimulating its own cells to changing into a sawtooth shape, UU Reading shows off the extremely cutting sawtooth current!


All the tentacles sprayed from Kakuzu's mouth were cut off, and Zheng Dai's right fist hit him in the chest!


Kakudu shot out backwards, and Zhengdai also couldn't maintain the transformation technique due to the full burst of power in these two seconds, and suddenly changed back to his original appearance.

"It's you?! Kid!" Kakuzu, who was shot backwards, only had time to let out an angry roar before Zhengdai closed the distance to zero again!

The chainsaw flow dissipated, the Thunder Chakra mode was restarted, and Zheng hit hard with his horizontal wrist.

'Combined Ninjutsu - High Water Thunder Arm! ’

boom! !

Using earth escape to harden his body, Jiaodu, who had no more defensive means, could only respond to Zheng Dai's attack. The earth escape armor was penetrated almost instantly, and the subsequent heavy blow caused a cracking sound to be heard from his body, and he hit the ground. Fly away with a flutter!


Zheng Daizhong exhaled, released the Thunder Chakra mode, and walked towards Kakuzu, while combing and restoring his own chakra.

Samehada is not around, and Zheng Dai only has one card of chakra, which is not enough for him with a bunch of killing moves. Fortunately, the thunder release chakra mode can also reveal a lot of chakra, which is enough to maintain normal combat. .

However, fighting against Kakuzu, who has to kill five times, is different from ordinary battles, so you must use it sparingly.

A sneak attack broke out in an instant, and Shodai used up one-fifth of his chakra to successfully break Kakuzu's heart. Victory has been established. As long as he doesn't waste any time, he will win, so don't worry!

"It seems that there is a chance to kill him? But correct it, there is Xiaonan..." The thought flashed, and Zhengdai shook his head: "Cripple him first, don't be careless."

On the opposite side, Kakuzu slowly stood up, looked at Zhengdai with a sullen face, and waved his hand to take off his robe.

Among the four masks on his back, the one belonging to Fire Escape has been broken!

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