Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 322 Night Attack

Tailed Beast Power Level 5 100

He spat out the eight-tailed tentacles in his mouth, and Zhengdai burped, feeling a little bloated.

Under the dung bucket offensive, Kirabi and the Eight-Tails provided enough chakra flesh and blood, raising the power of the tailed beast that Zheng Dai had reached the limit of the template.

The bonus is not small, it is comparable to the bonus of the Tailed Beast Coat that Kushina gave him. Wrapped in scarlet chakra, Zheng Dai's basic attributes have increased dramatically!

Physical strength: 169.7+16.97+100

Mental strength: 155.2+180+20

Chakra amount: 173+100

These improvements are similar to the level 6 thunder escape chakra mode, and the attack will also be corroded by the tailed beast chakra. More importantly, it can be mixed with the Thunder Chakra mode!

Although the tailed beast chakra is relatively unique and will conflict with the chakra of every different species, with Zhengdai's super chakra control ability, it is no problem to force the fusion for five or six seconds.

"There is one more trump card." Zheng Dai weighed the eight-tailed tentacle in his hand and threw it aside with a bit of disgust: "The price is not small, I don't think I want to eat takoyaki again in this life."

He suddenly felt a little sad about the subsequent upgrade of this skill. When the upper limit of the skill was raised, he would have to eat a lot of tailed beast flesh and blood...

As for becoming a Jinchuuriki, he didn't think much about it, after all, it was a bit invasive.

When he thought about the discussions on the Internet about Kushina Kyuubi, Minato and so on, he felt weird.

So which tailed beast is more delicious?

Yukito frowned lightly, sitting blankly in Commander Kumogakure's tent, watching the dispute between the Third Raikage, Brazza and others.

Sometimes when Zhengdai is mentioned, her eyes will become more alert, and the subsequent words such as 'death' and 'kill' will make her nose wrinkled and a little sad.

‘Master, master, Brother Qilabi was captured by Brother Zhengdai. Brother Qilabi is a companion, and brother Zhengdai is the same kind. Who should we help? ’

Erwei didn't reply coldly, but in fact he cursed in his heart: Go to hell with your kind!

The connection with Yuki has only been cut off for a week. A good maid must claim to be of the same kind as the noble one.

Wearing weird clothes and dressing up as a cat, it was so stunned that it couldn't refute. It longed to tear Zhengdai into pieces.

But Eight-Tails was caught...forget it, the little maid finally made a friend and spared him once.

Bang! !

At this time, a loud noise suddenly came, and Yumu Ren was startled, but he regained his composure as usual.

This was the fifth table that had been smashed in the afternoon. It was not worth paying attention to. She even knew what the third Raikage would say next.

"I can't bear this tone!"

With a low murmur, Yumu Ren suddenly noticed that the entire camp had become quiet. When she raised her head, she saw five or six pairs of eyes facing her.

The Third Raikage's eyes were as wide as light bulbs.

His face instantly turned red, and Yuukito stood up timidly: "I'm sorry, Raikage-sama."

"Yeah." The Third Raikage didn't do anything. How could he take his anger out on a 10-year-old girl?

He raised his head and scanned with tiger eyes: "In short, admit defeat directly and ask Konoha to redeem Kirabi with conditions, I will never agree!

It’s not that we don’t have the strength to fight. It’s a shame for Yunyin Village to admit defeat twice! "

Brazza clenched his fists tightly and said: "Father, I don't want to admit defeat to Konoha just like this, but we really can't bear Konoha anymore. Sunagakure hasn't taken action yet, something must be wrong."

"Although I don't want to admit it, we in the Hidden Cloud Village alone are indeed no match for Konoha." Dasai, whose upper body was covered with bandages, also advised him.

The Third Raikage breathed out heavily, finally let out an angry groan, opened the tent curtain and left, looking for a place to get some air and a rock to vent his anger.

As soon as he left the camp, he saw dozens of jounin standing neatly outside...all jonin who had just been mobilized from various fronts.


"Lord Raikage, we can't admit defeat! Let's go get Kirabi back! Rescue the Song God!"

The Third Raikage narrowed his eyes slightly and scanned everyone's face, feeling slightly relieved.

The ninjas of Kumogakure are never afraid of fighting!

But at this moment, he rarely calmed down, and said in a deep voice: "Braza, Xin, Bluey, Sandey..." He announced a dozen names in a row, all of them were the elites of Yunyin Village. Tolerate.

"When it gets dark, I will take you to recapture Kirabi! This is the last operation. If it fails, we will admit defeat to Konoha! You will probably lose your lives because of this recapture battle with a low success rate. Dare you go?!"


"Take me with you, Raikage-sama!"

Responding to the chorus, Braza walked out of the tent, a little hesitant, but when Zheng Dai's smiling face flashed across his eyes, he clenched his fists again.

Might as well try again.

Otherwise, he would not be willing to give in!

However, since you want to try, you must formulate a feasible strategy. You cannot fight head-on, which will only increase casualties. Braza thought for a while, then looked back at Yumu Ren in the tent.

I have to wrong you again.

The night is getting darker.

The Konoha camp was still busy. UU Reading

Many ninjas rushed back from various garrison points and were in urgent need of shelter and food. The logistical ninjas were too busy and had to make up for it with uninjured battle sequences.

"Idiot." In Haruno Zhao's tent, Meabuki cursed with a mixture of concern and helplessness, making Haruno Zhao who was lying on the bed sneer.

On the other side, Masaida controlled the same shark and bit Haruno Ou's leg, absorbing his chakra.

It doesn't stop until most of the light is absorbed.

"Okay, the tailed beast has absorbed all its chakra."

Zhengdai teased: "Teacher, you are such an adult, don't you know you can't eat randomly?"

Haruno Zhao rolled his eyes. I saw you were eating so happily, so I took a bite.

It tastes terrible, not to mention it is more intoxicating than the strongest wine. It almost killed me, the teacher.

‘Why am I not related to the Second Hokage? ’ Sighing secretly in his heart, Haruno Zhao closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, but after a while he really started snoring.

Zhengdai and Meabuki looked at each other and walked out of the tent quietly. Meabuki said helplessly: "He is always so worried. How long will it take for him to recover?"

"I ate less and was absorbed by the same shark muscle. If I wake up after a nap, there should be no problem."

"That's good." Meabuki nodded. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a ninja running towards the main tent in a hurry. He frowned lightly and walked quickly... just as Dai followed.

"Jiraiya-sama, the third team did not contact the headquarters at the specified time!"

"The third team?" Jiraiya walked to the sand table and checked for a moment, then said: "The patrol range is 13 kilometers away in the northwest. I remember the leader is a jounin of the Hyuga clan."

The situation would have been obvious if he hadn't accidentally missed the time and prevented the jounin from summoning him.

It was definitely not an accidental encounter with the Kumogakure reconnaissance team, but a deliberate elimination by the powerful Kumogakure.

Zhengdai thought for a moment and said, "Jiraiya-sama, I'll go over there and have a look."

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