Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 338: Coup in Kirigakure Village

Delicious food disappears like smoke.

Only the empty castle hall remained.

Zhengdai looked left and right, constructing a picture of loading readings in his mind... The system of Immortal White Snake is a bit stuck.

A minute later, a figure finally took shape in front of Zheng Dai.

Zheng Dai moved his eyes over and felt that the figure was familiar at first sight. When the face was completely clear, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

"Why are these little bean sprouts like Hongdou..."

"Zhengdai, go away!" At this time, the phantom Hongdou opened his eyes and shouted softly.

"I... didn't go there." He was having a headache. This is the No. 404 bus. White Snake Immortal, what are you doing?

"Zhengdai, have you always treated me as a living toy?" Hongdou asked again.

"...I didn't, don't talk nonsense." Zheng Dai was helpless, the direction of this plot...

"Will manipulating my taste bring you satisfaction? If you want me to eat sweet, I will eat sweet. If you want me to eat spicy, I will eat spicy. Have you ever considered my feelings?!"


Zheng Dai was stunned for a moment, and quickly exhaled. It turned out to be such a test.

"Zhengdai, answer me! Do you regard me as a friend, a companion, or just a toy to satisfy your evil taste?!"

"This is really... soul-searching."

Those who travel through the anime world may encounter a problem: surrounded by anime characters, should they be regarded as NPCs or real people?

Zheng Dai is especially good in this regard. After all, this is not only an anime world, but also a dream.

"This question already has an answer."

Masaida shook his head. If he only regarded them as NPCs, Jiraiya would have become a pervert and Asuma would have become a smoker.

He needs attribute points and needs to become stronger, but he has always adhered to a certain bottom line that is not obvious.

"Of course I consider you a friend."

"...Really? That's good."

Hong Bean smiled lightly, misty and scattered.

Just as Zheng Dai was undergoing the test.

The Kingdom of Water, the Hidden Mist Village.

A coup is underway.

The village, which used to be quiet and depressing, was filled with shouts of killing and the roar of ninjutsu.

Standing in the middle of a certain house, Master Yuan pressed his hands on the dove staff. His old and shriveled skin was covered with veins, and his face was full of anger.

After a while, a person flashed over.

He is Quan Bingwei, the bodyguard of Yuanshi.

"Elder, please leave first. Kaguya's madmen are almost here."

Master Yuan closed his eyes and asked in a deep voice: "Master Mizukage hasn't shown up yet? Where are the two shadow guards?"

"No, maybe I was delayed by something..."

Quan Bingwei said, but he actually didn't believe it. The coup broke out yesterday, and it has been a day and a night since then. The third Mizukage has not shown up yet, most likely due to an accident.

Of course Genshi knew better. He just didn't understand that even though the third Mizukage was over seventy years old and his strength had declined, he was still a strong man who once dominated the ninja world. How could he be like this...

"Elder, let's evacuate!" Quan Bingwei repeated in a deep voice.

Master Yuan sighed and nodded, his turbid eyes suddenly turned and fixed on the gate of the house.

With a loud bang, the door shattered!

The broken wood turned into a sharp hidden weapon and attacked Master Yuan. Quanbei hurriedly scurried, swung his kunai continuously, blocked them one by one, and looked at the door warily.

Standing at the door was a young man holding a bone blade. He had a look of madness on his face and laughed loudly: "Old man, you haven't left yet. Are you waiting for me to kill you?!"

"Kaguya Village Cultivator!" Master Yuan's expression condensed slightly.

There are three people in the contemporary Kaguya clan who have awakened their corpse veins. The weakest one was killed by Shodai during the battle to retake Hyuga Munao's body.

The strongest one, Kaguya's former clan leader, was killed by Shodai when all his subordinates were killed and he was besieged in Konoha and died.

Shuu Kaguya is the last one. He is a strong man who is only slightly inferior to Kaguya's former clan leader. He is also the initiator of this coup in Kirigakure Village!

"Kaguya Murakushu, where is Mizukage-sama?"

"You'll see him soon, old guy." Kaguya Murakami smiled bloodthirstyly.

Really... Genshi's face became even more ugly, and he shouted: "What on earth do you want to do?! It is the turbulent period of the ninja world. Three of the ninja swordsmen are dead and one is disabled. The successor has not yet grown up. We Kirigakure originally Even though you are relatively weak, you still kill each other and even kill Mizukage-sama?!"

"We are not the ones killing each other. What old man Mizukage has done to our blood family in the past year, old man, don't say you don't know!" Kaguya Murakami shouted: "We have been killed many times. Ye was bullied but did not dare to fight back, and only dared to fight in the village. Shouldn't he die?!"

"Go with peace of mind, old man! I will become the Fourth Mizukage, and Kirigakure will become the strongest ninja village under my rule!"

"You..." The master was so angry that he was dizzy, holding his forehead and taking a step back. He only regretted that Master Mizukage took action against the blood step family too late, and did not kill this cholera in advance and kill Kaguya's madman in the cradle!

Quan Bingwei held the kunai horizontally and said warily: "Elder, please leave quickly, I will stop him!"


The sound of Master Yuan's dove staff falling to the ground was heard. UU Reading

He angrily pushed Quan Bingwei away, faced the Kaguya village cultivator, and shouted: "I have been the Great Elder of Kirigakure for more than 20 years, and I have not touched anyone for more than 20 years. The juniors nowadays seem to have forgotten me. The position of Kirigakure Great Elder is not based on qualifications, but... absolute strength!

The position of the Great Elder Kirigakure has never changed for more than twenty years, because no one is stronger than me! "

Ten minutes later, Kaguya Muranshu was soaked in water, his chest sank slightly, several broken ribs were slowly recovering, and his breathing was as heavy as a bellows.

But he was laughing, looking at the Yuan Master hanging on his bone blade in front of him, laughing wildly.

"Old man, you are old! If you were ten years younger, no, five years younger, maybe I would really be killed by you.

But now, your time is over!

People of the Kaguya clan! Allies! Kill all the rebels! Especially those bastards who are obviously members of the same blood family, but don't know how to advance or retreat together, and follow the third generation Mizukage to control us! "

Master Yuan held the bone blade in both hands and struggled to pull it out, but his eyes gradually dimmed.

He lowered his head.

A corner of Kirigakure Village.

Amidst the miserable howling, a member of the Kaguya tribe melted into blood in the thin mist.

At the front, a girl with green eyes and brown curly hair panted lightly, looked around cautiously, retreated, and stopped again when passing by a certain house.

"I thought you were going to get something, Father. Is genealogy that important?"

"You don't understand, Huanyue. I never thought that in the contest between the Third Mizukage-sama and Kaguya, Mizukage-sama would eventually lose. We made the wrong bet, and now this family tree is our only way to fight back!"

"Just a genealogy..."

"Don't ask any questions yet, protect your mother, we...flee to the Country of Fire!"

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