Konoha 41st year, September 1st, early.

"Sigh, I haven't practiced the water body enough yet, the amount of chakra is not enough, and the battery life is too poor. Otherwise, I can let the water body go to school for me."

I fixed my hair in front of the mirror, put on the big schoolbag on my back, said goodbye to Aunt Xiu, and went to school.

Shui Xiang studied late last night, and the fatigue passed on to Zheng Dai, making him get up a little late this morning. It took a lot of time to prepare three lunches and a lot of time to comb his hair. When he arrived at class, Most of the classmates have arrived.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Zhengdai raised his hand and waved: "Hello, classmates!"

Then he ignored Kakashi's deep gaze, Hinata Hideki's sharp gaze, Kurenai's expectant gaze, Asuma's melancholy gaze, and Obito's hazy gaze.

He went straight back to his seat.

"I've gone from being the most transparent person in the class to being the one who gets the most attention. It makes me blush." ​​He chuckled to himself, stuffing his backpack full of textbooks into his desk, and sat down to wait.

Ten minutes later, Teacher Omu, who looked like he had gained two pounds, walked into the classroom.

"Good morning, classmates! Are you all here?"

"Good morning, teacher!"

When the classroom fell silent, Da Mu glanced around the podium and said with satisfaction: "The students are all in good spirits. It seems that the vacation was not wasted."

He shook a stack of papers in his hand and said, "Old rule, fill in the electives first."

After handing out the completed forms, Ohmu continued: "Students, choose carefully. You are all third-year students. You are familiar with the graduation rules of Ninja School, so the teacher will not elaborate on them.

In addition, I would like to emphasize that the final exam of this semester will be on December 23rd and 24th, and the scores will be announced on the 28th and 29th. Students who have earned enough credits can apply for graduation after the scores are announced.

By the way, the teacher wants to ask one more question, does anyone want to apply for graduation now? "

Hearing this, the students' eyes turned to the students at the front of the class. In the past, Zheng Dai, who looked at others, became the one being looked at this time.

And the most people look at him.

Omu glanced at it and suddenly coughed: "No, right? Very good. Only after you become a ninja will you know that the life of studying in a ninja school is the happiest. When filling out the form, pay attention to the distribution of credits. In addition... the most It’s better not to be biased!”

Zhengdai picked up the pen speechlessly, drew a big '√' on the study of previous Hokage's works, set up the form and gave it to Da Mu to take a look.

Da Mu nodded with satisfaction, then reacted and glared at Zheng Dai with some embarrassment.

"Hurry up and fill out the form!"

There was nothing to fill in, so Zhengdai chose ‘√’ for all subjects, including whether he intended to graduate this school year at the bottom.

Damu wasn't too surprised when he collected the form: "Okay, everyone has filled it out, let's start class."

The long and boring introductory course on Ninjaism characteristic of the Fire Nation began. Zhengdai chose to study on his own, activated his good student privileges, and Damu ignored him.

The morning passed quickly. The bell rang and lunch time came. Zheng Dai took out two lunch boxes from his backpack and was about to get up when a figure blocked his face.

"Don't leave after school. Wait for me at the practice ground."

The same people, the same words, seem to reappear yesterday. The only difference is that Hinata Hideki's attitude towards Zhengdai has become much more important, and Zhengdai who was asked to fight is no longer so shocked.

"Okay." Zhengdai had already expected a fight, and he immediately agreed.

Hinata Hideki nodded and added: "Don't lie to Obito again!"

"Lie to me? Where are you going?" Obito's voice suddenly sounded behind Hinata Hideki, making him tremble in shock. Then he tried to remain serious, turned around, glanced at Obito lightly, and left.

"It's inexplicable." Obito mumbled and looked at Masadai. Just as he was about to speak, he noticed the lunch box in Masaida's hand and said in surprise: "Hey, you brought two portions of rice, and the other one is for me?"

Beautiful, I just like your confidence that I don’t know where it comes from. Just as Zhengdai was about to speak, Hongdou's clear and loud voice rang out from the door of the classroom: "Zhengdai! Have you brought your food?"

Obito turned around in shock, and the classmates who stayed in the classroom for lunch also looked over in surprise.

Zhengdai waved his hand and put on the lunch box.

Hongdou smiled happily, ran directly into the third grade classroom, and grabbed the lunch box.

The third-year students were quite familiar with Hongdou, who often came to see Hongdou, but... what was going on between her and Zhengdai? Then, in the even more surprised eyes of the classmates, Hong walked over with some embarrassment, "Did you bring my share?"

"Here." Zhengdai handed over the other one.

The classmates were confused and looked at Asuma.

Asuma was very indifferent. This happened a lot during the holidays. He was already used to it and understood Hong.

Even if he didn't want to save face, he would have asked Zhengdai to bring him a meal. It's just that Hong's reaction occasionally makes him wonder whether he is better off being a ninja or learning to be a chef...

After dividing the two portions of rice in his hands, Zhengdai looked at Obito and said with a smile: "No more. If you don't go to eat, what are you doing here with me?"

Obito had nothing to say.

Zhengdai, you have changed.

At this time, Hongdou had opened the food box and took out something like a snow rice pancake. He asked Zhengdai doubtfully, "What is this? Are you talking about changing the taste? It doesn't look spicy."

Zheng Dai straightened his bangs and said: "Spicy food usually has to be eaten while it's hot. Without this condition, I can only bring you snacks of other flavors at noon. This is called coarse-grain yam. Do you want to try it?"

"That's it." Hongdou didn't believe it, took a small bite, and then said "um", her little face became more intoxicated, "It tastes good!"

Hong also took a small bite and nodded repeatedly.

Obito swallowed, and some students expressed doubts, is it that delicious?

I was looking around, UU reading www.uukanshu.net. With a thought, I took out my lunch box, broke a piece of whole-grain Chinese yam into small pieces, and distributed them to the classmates one by one: "Everyone try mine. craft."

Even Kakashi got a piece.

He looked at it for a moment, but did not throw it away. He pulled down the mask and ate it three times at a speed beyond ordinary people, and then he was stunned.

It tastes so damn sweet!

Not only him, except for a few who thought it was not to their taste, everyone else looked at Zheng Dai as if they had known each other for the first time after eating, and even wanted to steal his lunch.

Obito took action directly.

Zheng Dai easily suppressed it with one hand.

Students calm down.

"The quantity is limited. Everyone, please eat your own lunch and stop staring at me. Hey, who is that, Die Mian, you are still eyeing Hongdou, are you cool?"

I am confused, do I have it?

Hearing this, Hongdou protected the lunch box in her hand like a hen, and turned to stare at him.

Zhengdai took the lunch box, pulled Hongdou to the side, and said with a smile: "Come on, come and eat here, we are not the same as them."

"Hmm." Anko responded vaguely.

Kakashi looked at the two people who suddenly moved to eat in front of his table, ╭(°A°`)╮

This guy is still so annoyed when he is wearing it. He just eats when he eats, and shows his nose and eyes to who can see?

And Anko, too, has a rich expression... Never mind, she is showing her true feelings, I don't blame her.

Kakashi lowered his head to face his lunch.


Forget it, let’s go out to eat.

Next to her, Lin glared at Zhengdai angrily and chased him out. Obito glared at Masadai angrily and drooled, and chased after him.

Zheng Dai straightened his bangs and sighed in his heart: "My real skill is cooking. It's really good."

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